
Villain's Retry

I am Kaim von Keraval. I am the pillar that will hold the empire. I am the sword of the empire I won't let anything happen to the empire and the emperor. This time I will not show any weakness. *** This is a story about a guy who possessed (?) the body of a villain in a novel. The original owner of the body (Maybe) is a villain who will enforce the tyrant Emperor's will. Although, He is good from baby to his teen years something happened with the original owner and the Mc of the novel at the Academy years that makes him evil. *** Hello², The author here.My first time writing. I want you to trash-talk me to stop. I want you to destroy me. I am not a masochist. Not. Maybe a Lil bit? Just a bit like a pinch of salt or maybe like a sugar cube.

RaisDeFalse · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 11 Auction

A week passed and my days followed a similar pattern to the one described before. I would wake up early, have breakfast with my family, and then go to the training grounds for a session on swordsmanship and military strategy. They would then spend several hours in the library or study hall, studying subjects such as history, politics, magic, and diplomacy.

In the afternoons, I would have meetings with one of my father's advisors to learn the matters of the kingdom, such as trade, alliances, and other important issues. I also had some free time to pursue my interests, spend time with friends, stay in the garden with them, or practice music.

In the evenings, I would have dinner with my family, discussing the events of the day and any other important matters. After dinner, I would spend some time with his grandparents, or other family members or friends mainly Celine or Abigail, discussing the events of the day, playing games such as chess or reading a book.

But today, my Grandfather and grandmother surprised me and my adopted sister, who was also my close friend, with an invitation to an auction house. My grandmother was quite a collector so she regularly get an invitation. My grandparents told us that they had been invited to an auction that would be taking place soon and they would like to take us to experience it.

As they arrived at the auction house, Kaim and his sister were amazed by the grandeur of the building and the variety of items on display. They saw everything from ancient artefacts to rare books, from precious gems to exotic animals.

Lord Kayden and Lady Mira guided them through the different rooms, explaining the history and value of the items on display. They told them about the different cultures and civilizations that had created these items and the techniques used to make them. I was fascinated by ancient artefacts, while his sister was more interested in rare books and manuscripts.

As I walked through the auction house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe at the variety of artefacts on display. I saw ancient swords, ornate armour, and intricate jewelry that had been crafted by master artisans.

I walked up to a display case that held a ring that caught my eye. It was made of gold and had a large red gemstone set in the centre. The ring was adorned with intricate designs that seemed to be etched into the gold itself. I was captivated by the craftsmanship and the way the gemstone seemed to glow with an inner light.

As I looked closer, I noticed that the ring had an inscription on the inside, it said "With this ring, I give you my love, my heart, and my protection, always." I was touched by the sentiment and couldn't help but feel a connection to the ring. I asked my grandfather about the ring and was told that it was said to have been worn by a powerful sorcerer, who had used it to control the elements. I was fascinated by the idea of owning an artefact that had such a powerful history and legacy. I made a mental note to try to bid on it when the auction for it came up.

I also saw a pendant hanging on the wall, it was made of silver and had a beautiful blue gemstone in the centre. The pendant was also adorned with delicate designs that were etched around the gemstone, and the way the light caught the silver was mesmerizing. The pendant was said to have been worn by a powerful sorceress and was said to bring good luck and protection to its wearer.

Soon the auction began, Kaim and his sister watched with excitement as the auctioneer presented the items and the bidders competed for the chance to own them. But I only took an interest in the ring and the pendant that I set on my eye before. Even If there is other stuff I want, I would need to make sure that I had enough money. I have a decent amount of saved money currently for a kid. The money I saved from allowance and gifts of money from family on special occasions such as birthdays. I have 200 gold. A gold coin could be worth 10 silver coins or 1000 copper coins. A commoner family that earns a moderate income could be earning around a few gold coins per month, which is equivalent to several hundred silver coins or tens of thousands of copper coins. This could be enough for them to cover necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing.

However, it's also possible that some commoner families would struggle to make ends meet and might earn less, some families could earn only a few silver coins or even just copper coins per month. So I have quite a lot of money for a kid.

Soon the bidding round for the ring comes, and the auctioneer called out the starting bid, the starting price was 10 gold and I quickly raised my hand to make an opening bid. Other bidders, including other nobles and wealthy merchants, quickly followed suit, raising the bid higher and higher.


I could feel the tension in the room as the bidding grew more intense.

As the bid reached a high price, I knew that I would have to bid aggressively to win the ring. I increased my bid dramatically, hoping to shock his opponents and discourage them from bidding further. The other bidders hesitated for a moment, but then one of them made a counterbid.


The bidding war continued back and forth, with I and my opponent raising the bid in increments, each determined to win the ring. I could see that the other bidder was an experienced auction-goer, and I knew that I would have to be strategic and patient to win.

As the bid reached an exorbitant price, I knew that he had to make one final bid to secure the ring.


I made a bold bid, raising the price significantly higher than any previous bid. The other bidder hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly dropped out, and I emerged victorious.

The ring was now his, and I felt quite relieved that the other bidder stopped.

Then the second item I was interested in comes, However, I soon realized that I was not the only one interested in the piece as several other bidders also put their hands up.

The bidding war for the pendant quickly escalated as the price went up with each bid. I was determined to win the pendant, and I kept bidding, even as the price approached my maximum bid. I found myself in a bidding war with another noble, who was also determined to win the pendant.

The tension in the room was palpable as the bidders competed for the silver pendant. I and the other noble exchanged several bids, each trying to outdo the other. Finally, after several minutes of intense bidding, I emerged victorious as the other noble dropped out, the final bid was placed on my side and I won the pendant. The final price of the pendant was 55 gold.

After getting the items I wanted I just continued watching the items getting auctioned.


Lord Kayden and Lady Mira watched intently as their grandson raised his hand to indicate his interest. They could see the determination in his eyes as he competed with the other bidders for the piece. Their grandson take an interest again and they were pleased to see that he was also interested in the pendant. They were happy to see him bidding on both items, showing his taste and appreciation for the pieces. They were preparing to help him if the price goes over too much.

In the end, they were proud to see their grandson win both the golden ring and the silver pendant without their help, they knew that he would treasure these items.


As the auction was drawing to a close, my attention was caught by a sword that was being displayed on a stand at the back of the room. The sword had a unique design, with a curved blade and intricate engravings on the hilt and scabbard. I was immediately drawn to the sword and I knew that I

had to have it. It was clear that it was a work of art, crafted by a master blacksmith.

I could see the craftsmanship that went into it, the sword was well-balanced and the blade was sharp, it was clear that it was a quality piece. I also noticed that it seemed to have a unique enchantment on it, I couldn't quite make out what it was but it was magical. I couldn't believe that I had not noticed the sword earlier.

However, I soon realized that there were not many bidders on it, I looked around and saw that the sword was not getting much attention, I thought it could be due to the sword being a unique shape sword rather than the usual shape.

The bidding for the sword began, I placed my first bid, and as I expected, there were not many bidders, I soon realized that I could win the sword at a lower price than I anticipated. I quickly placed another bid and another, and soon I was the last bidder.

The auctioneer asked if there were any other bids, and when there were none, he declared me the winner of the sword. I was elated, I had won the sword, and it was now mine. I felt a sense of satisfaction as I held the sword in my hand and admired the intricate designs and the way the blade shined, he knew that this sword would be one of his most treasured possessions. The sword price was 20 gold.