
A Fateful Encounter

Lin Xiaofeng, a 19-year-old boy with unremarkable looks, pedaled his bicycle towards his college, located 5 kilometers away from his home. Despite his family's financial stability, he was frugal and avoided spending money on transportation.

He gazed at the congested traffic, his voice filled with sorrow as he muttered, "Why is there so much traffic today? Normally, my route to college is smooth and traffic-free."

The unusual traffic puzzled him. Then, a realization struck. He remembered an underdeveloped dirt road, seldom used, branching off from this route. He decided to backtrack and take that path, hoping to find locals who could guide him to his college.

As he reached the rustic road and began cycling, an inexplicable phenomenon materialized midway—a swirling black void. Xiaofeng couldn't fathom what it was. He resigned himself to fate, thinking he might meet his end. Strangely, he didn't panic or cry, as he had no significant dreams to fulfill.

Yet, destiny had different plans, and he found himself reincarnated.

In the present timeline...

A young man with raven-black hair and fair skin sat regally in a chair. Maids surrounded him, though they kept their distance. His striking features testified to his undeniable handsomeness.

The young man commanded, "Fei Shiyan, dismiss the maids from here immediately."

A middle-aged maid, wearing a black and white uniform, devoid of emotion, ordered the others, "Leave at once."

The maids obediently departed.

With the room now empty, Lin Xiaofeng raised his gaze and locked eyes with Fei Shiyan, his personal maid who had always assisted him in various tasks. Upon seeing her, he couldn't help but smile. Fei Shiyan possessed pale skin and a captivating figure—exactly the kind of person he had aspired to marry in his previous life. Fate had, however, cast her as his maid.

Politely, Lin Xiaofeng said, "Fei Shiyan, take me to Mother and Father's room."

Fei Shiyan was taken aback by the request, as Lin Xiaofeng rarely spoke to her so courteously or sought her assistance, except for matters like food and clothing. She suppressed her emotions and replied, "Master, please follow me."

As they walked, Lin Xiaofeng couldn't help but contemplate his current situation. He had been reincarnated just half a day ago and possessed only fragmented memories of the person whose body he now inhabited. These memories included those of his parents, his maid, and the world of cultivation, but he remained largely ignorant about everything else.

His interest in this world had grown, primarily because it was a female-dominated society ruled by women with gender roles of women and men reversed

In this world men are doted on by everybody and women lusts over man body

On their way, he spotted a woman who had been stopped by guards below his villa. She pleaded, "Please allow me to see Young Master Lin. I wish to speak with him because my daughter aspires to learn cultivation techniques. We can't afford such teachings, and I believe that if my daughter becomes a cultivator, she could serve Young Master Lin."

Hearing the woman's words, Lin Xiaofeng couldn't restrain himself. Recruiting a cultivator could be advantageous in a world where cultivators held high status.

Disregarding the maid's inquiry about his destination, he headed towards the guards and ordered, "Lower your weapons." The guards complied, lowering their spears.

Lin Xiaofeng began to address the woman, but before he could finish, she gave him a murderous look and exclaimed, "Die, you dog, covering up your parents' sins!" She swiftly produced a knife from her sleeve and attempted to stab him.

In that critical moment, Lin Xiaofeng confronted a choice:

[Ding! Ding!

Mental trauma of host detected.

Available paths:

1. Villain's path

2. Protagonist's path

3. Normal human's path


1. Villain's path - Gain superhuman senses, be regarded as a god of cultivation until encountering the protagonist, limitless wealth, and an improved background (which can be altered).

2. Protagonist's path - Inhuman luck, immortality in this world even after death, limited family background but potential for improvement, and god-level confidence.

3.Normal human's path - Live a regular life and face a natural death.

(In both the protagonist's and villain's paths, you will possess god-level confidence.)

"Villain's path."

And then, a sound reverberated:

"System Installation: 0% ---> 7% ---> 40% ---> 70% ---> 100%



Name - Lin Xiaofeng Age - 17 (body age)

Cultivation - Qi Refinery Realm (upgradable) Cultivation Techniques - Jansheg Sutra (high technique, upgradable)

Body Constitution - None

System Points - 0 pts

Beginner Package - Claimable"

Lin Xiaofeng was overwhelmed. He had been reincarnated just half a day ago and now had to navigate a complex system with various attributes and choices.

Lin Xiaofeng muttered, "Claim beginner package."The beginner package opened, revealing its contents:

The beginner package opened, revealing its contents

• God level Confidence

• 100 points

• Heroine and Protagonist map•

Looks profile


The system queried, "Host, do you wish to accept these? (Y/N)"

Lin Xiaofeng's mind swirled with disbelief. He couldn't comprehend why this beginner package was so different from those in other novels, which typically offered minor rewards. He couldn't help but voice his confusion, "System, why are there so many rewards in this package?"

In response, the system, with its mocking tone, retorted, "Host, in other novels, the protagonist isn't as weak as you."

A surge of determination coursed through Lin Xiaofeng. "One day, I'll settle the score with you," he vowed.

Regaining his composure, Lin Xiaofeng politely asked, "System, could you at least explain the purpose of these items in the package?"

The system replied in a neutral voice, "Certainly, my boy."

God level Confidence - This power will bestow unwavering self-confidence upon the host. You will never experience fear when facing an individual, except when encountering the protagonist, who may surpass your abilities. You will also be free from shyness in the presence of a beauty or heroine.

100 points - These are the system's currency, which you can utilize to enhance your cultivation, acquire new skills, and develop your constitution.

Heroine and Protagonist map - This map will show you the current locations of the protagonist and any potential heroines you've encountered.

Looks profile - This feature allows you to view your own appearance.

Shop - Here, you can purchase skills, items, and constitution enhancements.

Overwhelmed by the significance of these rewards, Lin Xiaofeng marveled at the idea of not feeling shy in front of beautiful women. In his past life, he'd often been tongue-tied around them, even if they were ordinary girls.

Summoning his resolve, Lin Xiaofeng declared, "Claim items."

As he did, a flood of memories surged into his mind, causing him to faint. His journey in this new world had just begun, and the potential of these newfound powers filled him with both excitement and trepidation.

Next chapter