1 Ch 1 : Villain's determination

Knocking is produce by the door creating few wooden sound , though the bed is extremely comfortable that I wish to remain forever underneath the mellowness ." Young master , young master ?", a voice call quietly through the timber barrier . I mumble and proceed to roll to the side of the mattress , back facing the entrance ." Hold up . . . why is the bed so soft ?", I thought abruptly , in the process of jerking myself out from the cocoon-like blanket ." This is my room !"." Young master your breakfast is ready ", speak with the same voice that's behind the door . The faint tone of familiarity thrust me like a racing ray . . . somehow fill with nothing but fear itself . The need to calm myself during the indescribable situation is essential ." Come in ", the coldness in my vocal did not waver , yet I did not miss how childish it sound . The door open in a steady swing , an old dusty creak resound where darkness loom in my room and revealing a man in a butler attire . Former piece of memories from this life force into my brain . Joseph , my first and only personal butler . The formerly short-wavy tortilla strands that illuminate the sunshine ray along with matching pair of lens colour but much deeper paint .

" Good morning young master ", he bow respectively and a hint of quivering in his vocal is easily heard . Upon noticing a plaster stick on his right cheek to cover the fresh wound ." Is it me who'd done this ?". Hands carefully place the tray in front of me and instantly shrink back his hold . I grab the utensil with the now tiny hands that is belong to me ." Have I been reborn ?". Slicing the egg in half and take a small bite ." How long has it been since I ate such a delicious dish ?". Unexpectedly to myself , a slide of tear descend from my cheek ." Y-Young master are you a-alright ?", Joseph question with a gasp ." Huh ?", touching where the wetness is and even myself did not comprehend such an reaction ." Why am I crying ?", its come out like a whisper . My death flashes through my mind , similar to a recording tape .

I've been locked up in the seclude ceil for I don't aware how long , no foods nor drinks provided . Receiving beating everyday from the cell guards , the pain of cut , burning skin from flamed iron and the suffocating water torture . And the betrayal that cannot be forgotten even if I wanted to . The last memories I had is my head being separate from my original body . Why do I have to suffer this much ? All I want is warmth , acknowledgement and love . Why did the world has to be so cruel ?

I wipe the tears roughly , trying to cease this fragile emotion that is not suppose to be felt and consume my foods in an speedy pace . After a minute , the foods on my tray is gone and no crumps is left behind . Joseph retrieve it without further queries and exit himself from the bedroom that used to be my solitary . I remember the day of me abusing the butlers and maids reside at the mansion because I abominate the looks they give me . It's like telling me to die or you shouldn't have been born in the first place . Attempt to get off the mattress , even so my legs is too short . Strolling over to the mirror like a toddler having difficulty to walk and then observe myself through the reflection display .

" So I'm a 4 years old now , what an unlucky number ", I talk to literally no one . The same untainted raven locks that covering my hollow eyes that remain neutral and the usual poker facial that refusing to move an muscles . I decide to saunter over to my desk and peer out the window . The pouring needles of rain hit the window continuously and blaring thunderstorm rumble in the grey clouds ." What a unlucky day to be reborn ", sighing at the boring sight prior to sit on the planks chair for a moment of processing ." Should I avoid my terrible ending ? . . . Then I shall change myself just in case ! But how ?!", annoying scream heave from my lip ." Should I start with changing my poker face ? How do one person show emotion ?". Returning back to the mirror and pursue to force a smile . The achievement is not what I'd anticipated , my body flinch when staring at such a fake and horrible expression ." It's so creepy that it could scare off a monster ", I frown deeply . Struggling to grin for another attempt but my lips just find it so hard to move upward . Soon my cheek become tire .

I heard the door knock once more and turn around with wariness ." Young master it's lunch time ", Joseph announce through the barrier ." Come in ". The door open by my command and Joseph take his steps in , nervousness is what I can see . Spotting me near the mirror and his face contort into confusion . Ignoring his questionable facial and climb back onto the bed in a hop . The exact identical tray is given to me yet the scent is different from this morning . Hollow orbs gaze at him whose did not dare to gape straight into my eyes ." Joseph ", I call out , causing the frighten butler to tilt his head forward . I tried to put on a smile and he flinch by respond ." I can imagine what I looked like right now "." Joseph how do people smile ?", I ask while devouring a mouthful of pudding . Seemingly to be surprise such query come out from a unlikely character ." A smile is when you feel happy ", he replied , strive to speak normally ." Then what's happy ?"

" Happy is feeling of showing pleasure and content ", I look dumbfounded at his description . Happiness did not exist in my whole life before and including the present . Following finish my lunch , Joseph take the tray away . Before he could leave I speak up ," Thank you Joseph ". Widen eyes gasp at mine and body frozen in state ." Y-your Welcome y-young master ?", bowing so quickly that his movement become puzzle ." Is it weird for me to praise someone ?".

||Joseph POV||

For some unknown reason , today young master is acting strangely . He seem to be another person . Right now I'm bringing dinner to his room . Young master is prohibited to eat with his family members from what the house rules declare . I tap his door and wait for the words " come in " show from his approval . Unlocking the doorknob and saw him studying at himself in the mirror again . I'm still confuse at why he keep looking at his reflection today . Noticing my presence , the toddler arrive back to his bed and the difficulty of climbing up due to his teeny limbs ." So adorable ", I thought and try to hold in my laugh ." Wait ! What am I thinking ?!", yelling at myself and shake off the thought . Reaching over his bed and prepare an extra fresh meal . Then I feel a small palm against where my bruise cheek located ." Is it hurt ?", he inquire in a regretful voice ." I-it's nothing young master ", replying in a calm resonance but my inside is battling . Petite fingertips brush pass my cheek softly before retracting his hand ." I'm sorry "." Did young master just apologize ?!". The fact that I stay like a mannequin is myself not conscious of ." Are you alright , Joseph ?", an innocent question directed at me ." Y-yes I'm alright ". Turning a quick glance at the dinner then toward me . Raising his baby hand to tug my sleeve ," Can you eat with me ?".

I bet my eyes socket is drawing out , thanks his sudden invitation ." I-I'm just a mere servant , I can't allow to eat with young master ". Small head bob in understanding and began to chomp his foods . His meals finish early and this is where I need to tidy up ." Joseph hit me ".

" W-What ?!".

" I know I have been mean to you and the others so hit me like I'm your enemy . Put out your anger ". My jaws drop til the limit ," I can't hit you young master !"." But you despise me , don't you ? Is it not if you hate someone , you feel like you want to kill that person and make him suffer ?"." That's too dark . Plus I wouldn't hit a child ", I thought , sweat drop at his horrific imagines ." That's an order Joseph , hit me ", using his demand tone .

A bit of hesitation in the moment of uneasiness , in advance to pick out a conclusion . He has his eyes shut and ready to get strike . My right hand inches closer and given a pinch on his squishy cheek ." His cheek is soft "." Ow ow ow !", yelping in pain and this signal me to release my clutch ." That's all ?", the raven hair boy rub his cheek in order to lessen the affliction ." Yes ", I replied ." Are you happy ?". I raise an eyebrow and nodded anyway ." Then I'm glad ", on a spur of the moment , a smile grace across his rim . The heating bloodstream create flushing pink all over my face . I quickly tidy up the stuff and sprint out from his room .

My face is shield behind my palms ." So adorable ! He's like an angel !".

||Next day||

I am currently carrying breakfast to young master's room until some maids murmuring ring into my ears ." Aren't you girls suppose to be doing your job ?", scowling slightly at their laziness ." S-sorry sir ", they beg my pardon ." So what's the reason for you girls chatting the first thing in the morning ?", my vocal remain stern ." We are talking about young master ", one of them replied ." Yes , yesterday night he told everyone to hit him ", another one concur . Without a doubt , it's sound so true to be false ." Go back to work and if I see anyone of you laze around , I'm going to punish you ", I warn , glaring at the shrinking females ." Yes sir !". Later carry on my journey toward young master's bedroom ." Really , what's going on with young master lately ?".
