
Vigilante in Detective Conan

Haruto a boy reborn in the world of detective conan works hard in both academics and martial arts to become a successful person. He avoids the canon troupe and his friends as he has no intent of becoming a detective nor does he have a strong sense of justice. However this world of detective conan seems to be a bit different. "Who is this Vigilante who kills every criminal left and right".

azazel1708 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 17 The Dark hand

The time was 8 and the inspectors involved in the investigation of Chlorine gas leakage concluded that the smoke was not poisonous and there was no gas leak instead that fire broke out due to ignition of some waste chemicals.

Just when they were about to conclude the entire thing as an accident Kudo Shinichi's voice could be heard interrupting the arson division inspector and other factory inspectors and hazardous chemical experts.

"This is not an accident. This was a planned attack. Though I don't know who would do this or why, but the person who did this made the chemical waste to burn slowly by using a clever mechanism so that he would not be near the scene when the blast happens.

However considering that there was no casualties and the leak itself is harmless it might just be a distraction for a greater crime".

"Hey you, who are you and where did you come from" asked an expert in hazardous chemical leaks.

However before Shinichi could answer the arson division inspector introduced Shinichi to others stunning them. They had heard that he is a popular high school detective and even considered to be a saviour to Tokyo Police force.

"Why do you say that this was not an accident and what exactly is the mechanism you are talking about?"

The sceptical factory inspectors questioned the high school detective.

Meanwhile from a thick and large tree which was near the compound of Hamado family residence stood a figure in a black hoodie with a black mask covering his nose and mouth.

While crouched on a branch he looked at the factory using a binoculars and then looked at the Hamado family residence which was weirdly silent and dark.

'Weird? Did they go out?'.

'No his transceiver shows that he is in the house'.

Jumping in Haruto sneaked inside the house with incredible speed and dexterity.

'Its really the best to work in the night. I can move freely while remaining stealthy'.

Moving around Haruto quickly identified the entry point which he had marked during his previous infiltration. Moving inside the rather loosely fitted bathroom window on the first floor Haruto sneaked inside the room which he had previously marked as a empty room.

'Its really weird. While AC is running, the place is really quiet, almost deathly silent'.

At that moment a smell wafted inside Haruto's nose.

'Iron? No this is the smell of blood'.

Haruto moved out of the room as silently as possible while using one of the movement techniques which he learned while his training in MMA. The scenr of iron got more and more heavy and Haruto had a bad feeling about it. Walking to the living room he saw a scene straight out of some horror movie. The Hamado head and his mistress had their throat slit and left to bleed on the dining table. Walking without touching anything Haruto walked inside the kitchen to see the maid with a stab on her back leaning against the stove.

The sound of blood dripping down the floor could be heard in the silent kitchen suggesting that the maid also had her throat slit after getting stabbed in her back. The Pot of cream stew was still being boiled in the stove.

Haruto then walked back to the living room and upstairs without disturbing any scene and walked into Sudo Akira's room. Sudo hung there silently from the fan with his body stiff yet slightly oscillating like a slowed down pendulum and the desk contained a letter alongside a bloody knife which is probably the murder weapon.

Normally some would think that this was a murder suicide however in Haruto's eyes it was a staged murder scene.

He was kind of pissed that someone had stolen his kill however he was absolutely livid that they had also killed an innocent bystanders like the maid, Hamado Akira and his wife.

Gripping his hand tightly Haruto decided to get out of this house, however just then his eye caught into something.

It was a flash like reflection which denotes the presence of a reflecting mirror. Only this time the source of light which flashed from the mirror like object was the moonlight.

Walking over Haruto checked the place to find a small portable camera connected to the desktop inside the room and since it was still connected to the system alongside Ethernet cable Haruto figured that this room was being monitored by an unknown third party.

Meanwhile in the undisclosed location the man silently watched his masterpiece of crime scene, yet he did not laugh. He had more plans for Sudo Akira and had been forced to rush his plans to eliminate him before his hand in the crime becomes known. Though he had created a crime scene which on surface seemed flawless it would be easy to infer in the eyes of a veteran detective or any person who can logically analyse that this was a murder.

Looking at the man in his screen as if looking straight through the camera at him the man Coldly watched the person till the live feed was cut off. He couldn't ascertain the identity of the person as he wore a mask covering his face but he knew that this was the same person who had sneaked inside Sudo Akira's home that afternoon.

Haruto on the other hand felt that this wasn't an ordinary case and felt a dark hand had manipulated the scenes from behind.

Meanwhile at Lemon Bar Gato walked in the bar and sat in the corner to the rear exit of the bar. This place was relatively quiet, dark and looked like a place where you wouldn't get interrupted while talking. He quietly watched the couples, singles and office workers who were looking to drink sit in pairs or near the counter and also watched the blonde bartender who expertly mixed the cocktails ordered by clients.

Gato kept looking at his watch and just when he was getting impatient he saw Kacchan walking in through the front door.

"You are late Kacchan. I almost thought you wouldnt come".

"Patience Gato. It's important to exercise patience. Important things comes in life only with patience and mental fortitude and the project I am about to introduce you to requires both. So Gato are you willing to hear?".