
Chapter 3

The next day was similar to the previous one, Viego forged another 7 one-handed swords during the day, and Upgrade - another 11. Unfortunately, the limit after two upgrades did not increase. So the question of training remained. After Viego's working hours, he was updating his knowledge of metals.

Definitely, such learning was very easily absorbed by Vi. Because the number of references to Norse mythology that is true in his world was really huge. The book contained many stories of how metals were discovered, where there are deposits, and much more. Viego even read some chapters two or three times to remember it better or on a whim. However, the fact was that such learning was very enjoyable for him.

The day before the store opens, that is, 3 days of stinging. Viego had 28 one-handed swords, 22 of which were for black steel swords and the remaining 6 were ordinary steel swords. Viego thought it was better to forge another 7 steel swords today and not Upgrade them. But leave 13 steel swords for sale.

However, the plans changed with the forging of the 6th Single Handed Sword. When Viego realized that his store is opening tomorrow, so he has to prepare the store and replenish the regiments and vacuum a little. Because the dust started to settle on the goods and shelves. So, after completing the forging of the 6th sword. He went to the part of his house where he runs a shop and with the help of a bucket of water and a cloth. Start cleaning the store and getting it ready for tomorrow.

And frankly speaking, Viego hated cleaning, especially when the floor was oak. Not very well made, despite the charm of a fantasy atmosphere. But almost everything looks as if it was handcrafted by an inexperienced carpenter of poor materials. Or that the place was really old, considering the Asgardians' longevity and the fact that it was my great-great-grandfather who started the shop. This is a high probability for the second theory.

When Viego was halfway through cleaning the floor, he had an idea. Why not use an "Upgrade" on the floor. They are old oak planks, after all, uneven, some slightly broken. So an Upgrade could not only make the store look better, but also make it much easier to work with. So Viego is pleased. he placed his palms flat on the ground, then studied the entire floor closely, trying to capture and visualize the image of the floor in his head.


A moment later, the entire floor of the store was covered with white energy that resembled a glowing white symbiote. Which covered the entire floor in a second. But what came as a slight surprise was the fact that the white energy covered the spare planks Viego brought to repair a hole in the floor that someone had covered with one shelf.

As the white symbiote disappeared, Viego saw an even dark brown floor. Which had a pattern similar to the previous one, but this time everything was equal, and the appearance of the boards in question gave Vi a sense of light wealth or rather a reference to the old rich dark brown furniture. However, the floor looked quite expensive, but now the shelves did not fit so Viego had to upgrade them too. Which resulted in a dark brown storefront furniture.

(Viego)-,,The floor and shelves were previously made of oak with slightly darker colors than I remembered. So this wood may be some darker variety of oak, which may be a class higher. My fucking knowledge is so poor. That is the difference of having such power without a system. But I don't give a shit. I don't need that shit. He'll learn for himself, after all, the Library is free in Asgard. After all, hardly anyone goes there, most Asgardians do not like books."

(Viego)-,,It is also interesting that the "Upgrade" can be used for repair. In a way, but it is also good information about the possibilities of my power. Walls also need to be improved, but the same material as the floor and shelves. And if I understand the nature of my power. , then the walls will be of the same wood as the shelves and the floor. And it will look really bad. So I'll have to manually upgrade these walls, I mean replace the planks of the walls with a different kind. But first, I need to buy a slave who knows how to And it will allow me to develop such ideas."

It took Viego literally an hour to put the goods on the shelves. The layout of the goods arrangement remained almost the same. However, Viego decided that the shelf with the weapons would be on the right side of the cash register, and that the black steel single-handed swords would be in the most visible place, but also the place farthest from the front door.

Before that, goods didn't have much layout, they were only divided into types like heavy armor and the like. Viego decided to slightly modify in order to facilitate the customer's choice. So, starting from the left side, on the entire left wall there was a long "shelf" with rows of armor ranging from heavy plate to fabric armor. That is, on the left side there was a row of breastplates. In the middle of the store there are two more regiments or shelves with goods. This one is closer to the breastplates, which, like the one on its right, is doubled, that is, it has a rack on both sides. There are helmets and gloves on one side and on the other shoes and pants.

Next to it is a bookshelf with a two-handed weapon, on which Viego would set up the weapons depending on the type, namely he placed the ax-style weapons side by side, two-handed swords next to each other, two-handed crossbows and so on. On the last shelf, next to the wall, there is a bookcase on which Viego has placed a one-handed weapon with a few accessories. Starting from Vi's door, he positioned daggers, bows, axes, shields, and a few others, to end up with single-handed steel swords and finally black steel swords. Which stood out from the rest of the weapons made of ordinary steel. Viego also did not stack all the goods on the shelves, but only a few. And the goods will be replenished. Behind the cash register in Vi's regiment he set up decorative shields that he found in the warehouse. However, these were only decorations.

An interesting find was a small rectangular stand for a medium-sized sword. And after Vi had cleaned it, he put it on the checkout counter and put one black steel weapon in the rack. And when the store was ready. Viego decided to go to the kitchen and eat a small meal. There is not much food left, but it should be enough for the rest of the week. After that, Viego on wooden tags that Viego had a whole bunch of. He wrote a precious one on them and put them on the regiments next to the goods.

And as long as valuable has not changed in almost all goods. Black steel weapons had to be priced. Luckily, Vi already knew about it and decided to just calculate it. A standard steel one-handed sword is sold for 30 silver coins, of which 25 silver is the cost of the materials needed for its forging. And 5 silver is a very small margin imposed by Old Viego to attract customers. However, now Viego has decided to raise the valuable to 35 silver, giving 10 silver coins for profit.

Viego lifted a valuable commodity from 5 to 10 silver coins up because he wasn't sure how much the slave cost. And he also had to take into account the purchase of materials for the further production of goods. So raising the prices in the store was justified.

The price of black steel ore to make one single-handed sword, according to the information in the book, varies between 50 silver coins and 1 gold coin. So assuming that Viego would "pay" 75 silver coins for ore. Plus 5 silver for the coal needed to melt the metal, the finished bars are much more expensive. Add to that the cost of the rest of the materials from hardening oil, handguards, handles and the like, which in total cost up to 10 silver coins, considering the low quality. The cost of producing one black steel weapon is 90 silver coins. However, unlike the handle and the like, steel swords. The handle and the rest have also undergone an "Upgrade" so Viego had to consider the cost he would incur in purchasing this new dark oak. So Viego, having no knowledge of wood, added another 10 silver coins to its cost of manufacture.

So in theory, the cost of producing one item is 1 gold coin. And adding a profit that Vi had to add to earn even more and have arguments for future customers who would not like the precious asset. Viego added another 10 silver coins as profit for the company. So, summing it up, the selling price of one piece of black steel weapon was 1 gold and 10 silver coins.

However, this is the official version if the guards or one of Odin's men inquired about his sales profits. However, the right thing is that the profit is not 10 silver, but 85 silver. Since from 1 gold and 10 silver coins, Viego only takes the cost of producing one steel coin, i.e. 25 silver coins. As a result, the profit is 8 times greater. What Viego is pleased with.

As Viego thought about it, he knew, so as not to arouse suspicion, he would have to order black steel ore. A current batch, justify if someone asks my father's old wrestling. However, Viego read that the black steel ore is also a composite of several other steels of much better quality. So he can use it to experiment.

But it's tomorrow, now it was quite late, it was already dark outside. So Viego decided to take one black steel weapon from his stock, leaving 21 for sale. And take her with you and promote her and use her as a personal weapon. But first he ate supper and read a book before going to sleep in the bedroom. And after reading the chapter on magic-conducting metals, he took his personal black steel sword and examined it.

(Viego)-,,Today, only me, "Upgrade", only floors and shelves. And, to be honest, I didn't feel it too much. I should maybe improve the plate armor, but I don't want to calculate valuable I don't have the strength for it. Tomorrow after closing the store. So instead I should Taking care of yourself."

(Viego)-,,On the face of it, I'm weak for an Asgardian, even a half-blood. Which does not change much from the fact that my father at the time of conceiving me with my mother was already a god of blacksmithing. So I have more Asgardian than Elf, but I don't know much about bilogi. Fuck, I hardly know anything. Whore. If you look at it from a practical point of view, all I have is stinging knowledge from the old self, the tricky knowledge of metals and some information about the 9 worlds because of the information in the book. And ... Fuck ... Knowledge of the DXD canon, because after the very description of Odin from my memories. It may not be the MCU, but some other Marvel world. But that is not the point."

(Viego)-,,I have no idea what I have to survive in this world. Only my power, but if anyone finds out. Even Odin himself can use me as a tool and it is not known if in a humane way. I don't have the skills to fight with a sword or anything else, I can't even fight with my hands too much. Magic, haha, zero. I practically start from scratch. I can hardly do it. First, I'll earn money to slave and keep producing goods. Then I'll have to get a Library card if there is one. Learning to fight would also be good. Whore. Lots of work."

(Viego)-,,Okay, but let's do something to improve our mood before going to bed. Common Steel skill tree which is mined in Wanaheim. Eternity rather Wanaheim Plain Steel. So theoretically weaker steel than the one from Midgard, but it's hard to say without physically checking the two alloys yourself. So Normal Steel-> Dark Steel->..."


The weapon was coated with the white symbiote again. And wiego was very dizzy and a little painful. But he tried to stay awake to see the effects. And what he saw surprised him a bit, because he did not recognize steel. So he quickly opened the book and looked for the right page.

The blade of the sword was already very dark gray, but now it was black, almost perfectly black. However, there were a few steels that looked similar but differed in properties, and Viego had a description of each. He began to examine the blade of the sword and finally picked up what steel he got after the 3rd upgrade, which was enough to make him almost faint.

It was Black Omnium steel, has flexible plasticity while maintaining high strength, It is slightly weaker than Adamantium and Vibranium. However, it probably has an affinity for conducting magic. Although this metal is rare even in Asgard, it is not a super metal like many metals in Asgard. But it is something unique and desirable.

There was no indication of where it came from, but that it was rare and most often bought at auctions. The handle now took a darker gray tint, but due to Viego lack of knowledge, he could not identify the species of the tree.

So Viego, being satisfied with the result, put the sword into its scabbard and put it under the pillow and went to sleep.

Next chapter