
The Cruel World

I have had gone through a lot since I become a person with no boundaries as this world with a few of negative people living in it made me intricated and bemused.. Whenever I tried to bring my true self, they were standing beside me not to support but oppose...Some were my own people whom i used to have faith on.. I have taken them just like a fairytale where everything is exemplary and I kept moving , trusting them blindly without unknowing of the Verity , I could get stabbed.. I was so jovial and losted in them, I forgot myself...I tried persuing and chasing my goal, they made me halt, I have been told I'm not meant to be strong enough to face those troubles to get my goals accomplished... I have been told weak, emotional, fearful, insecure, unstable and many more terms that don't describe me anymore but I didn't knew that I could reach anywhere....They never told me to surmise in me but instead they were evincing my flaws and insecurities... When I tried to put my legs into my own world, I have been dragged everytime.. Sometimes, they used to take fun of my physical personality, and sometimes they even evinced me how poor I'am mentally....I have been hurted and stabbed so badly in a way that transformed me into a different person with so much of potential to bear anything.. It became like no pain can make me feel weak neither mentally nor physically but I was unknown of the verity that something big is waiting for me to get shattered...I didn't knew of something which was going to change my whole world..

Motivation is the foremost gift you could ever give yourself to face this cruel world...Read and Relate my story to get more experience of living your life to the fullest...

Vidhi_Rainacreators' thoughts