

Elias and his captain have already been standing on the round market for almost half an hour already. Gaining a few listeners and some unwanted ones who keep looking at them like they are out of their heads. It wasn't easy to gather a lot of people but when it comes to Elias no name. He sure carry those favor of being the public eye with his brown ringlets of hair, sardonic smiles, body buit for the eyes to see and brown piercing eyes that seems to hook into the crowds as he chant for the people ears to listen to.

"It is time for us to open the City gates and find resources especially food and water. If we didn't do this then how are we able to survive for the next three years" Elias finally come into conclusion as he unconsciously wrap his fingers on his sword. While standing on the middle with his suit of metal gear.

"Are you a fool. Didn't you listen to your grandparents young man. Especially about the outside world... they clearly say to not even step a foot for the consequences would be death!" An old man remark to which the crowds whisper to themselves frighteningly.

"How can we even know if their claim is true. Didn't they said there was an explosion after the virus. Perhaps those monsters died in that explosion. Especially that war happened a billion years ago. How can we distinguish the truth if we didn't even try!" The man remark to which earn him a couple of nod in agreement.

"Nonsense.. You people would disobey your ancestor's warning and let yourselves get killed in the process.. it's bad enough if you alone would go, but persuading everyone to join you... Fool!" The old man retort

"That warning of them is nothing but a rumour. they didnt even have a concrete evidence to claim their rumour is true"

"Listen to me... if we keep ourselves in this isolated city do you think we have a chance to fight famine. Look at that boy!" He said to which he point at a certain young man with black hair and hazelnut eyes "Look at how skinny he is. Look at his arms that is no longer can be called an arm as how bony it is. Imagine if this is you. Do you think you would last a day without food and water... do you think you can stand the look of your love ones eating scrap in the garbage can. What if it would be worse. Do you have the guts to eat the remains of your fallen child or do you have the heart to let them eat you..." He said as he look at the crowds menacingly just to stand his point. The crowds didnt say anything for a moment as the place is field with silence

"B..But how are you gonna keep yourselves alive if the rumour is true" A girl said breaking the silent.

"Kid.. we live in an age that human extended abilities defies science. We would be ok if we choose the right person to join us"

"And if all of you face a problem. I hope you know how to deal the consequences... by accepting it with an open arm" The old man sneered before he walk, pushing the crowds along the way.

Once the commotion is over the crowds starts to lessen in a speed of one minute per group of people. Although they are move from the words of the person in metal suit, they can never help themselves to be afraid. Especially the fear of the unknown. The group look displeased as they saw the people walking away as if they were being chase by the demon. Some of them didn't look at them as if they didn't exist. Or they never create a very reasonable speech. They just move along the people who was eager to get away as fast as they could. Thinking the group would start pointing fingers at them and forced them to join their psychotic group.

"It seems that... they never really care about the famine after all" the man said who speak earlier.

"It's not that they didn't care Elias they do... they're just afraid" A muscular man said. Which seems to be the leader of the group.

"Heck! even us are afraid. The difference is, we knew what our responsibility in this godforsaken city."

"We are military Elias it is our duty to help... their just common people..." He said as he look at the diminishing crowd with an unreadable expression.

"Now let's go. We need to get back to the headquarters to report what happen today" He said but to Elias he hears it a failure of the mission.

But before they could finally leave. A boy with black hair and hazelnut eyes block their path with his skinny arms on a horizontal position indicating it.

"Move boy if you dont want to get hurt" Elias said with pure irritation as he clench his fist to show it.

"Isn't that the boy you pointed out earlier?" A woman with red locks said to which Elias show recognition.

"What do you want kid?" Ask the pretty lady with red hair and voluptuous body that is pleasing to the eyes of men.

"My name is Eludione Winslow. and i want to join you" Eludione said with complete confidence as he look at the leader of the group on the eye.

Elias almost laugh at the boy's declaration. So for not being too much, he snickered instead to which make the young man's ear turn a shade of red.

The red haired girl look at him in amusement, as she saw the boy's cute shyness that almost make her want to hug him like a soft teddy bear despite the boy's skinny appearance.

"What is your reason my child?" The muscular man said and shot Elias a look of irritation to which Elias stop his moment of fun.

"I want to help my family..." Eludione shortly said.

"And your father, Where is he?"

"Buried six feet under the ground"

"I'm sorry to hear that but do you have an uncle or an elder brother?" The man said.

"No.. I don't have any relative and i am the oldest of my siblings..."

"Do you know what your getting into. This is not a game to which if you die you can respawn again..." He said as he look at the boy's hazelnut eyes to which the boy did not dare to set his eyes away from his stern gray one's.

The muscular man seems to be pleased from this young man's fighting spirit as he even dared to challenge him in a staring contest. To which it never happen before.

The muscular man smiled and nod at himself. Clearly this young boy in front of him have the guts to stand with his own two feet than the people above his age.

"Well if you insist then... Do you know we have qualifications in our program" He said to which the boy only nod.

"Well if you do then, please show us" the middle age man said as he grab a nearby chair from a street food stall and sat as he waited for the young boy to start.

Next chapter