

"Seriously! look at the boy. Can't you see how fragile his body is. Even if he have a Beta ability type he wouldn't survive from the dangers of outside... If there is one" Elias remark.

"Elias, it is not the strong or the talented survive in this world, it is the people who have the will power to survive. Dont underestimate him by his appearance, test him if he have one..." The man said calmly but that calmness is enough to shut Elia's mouth.

"If you really don't believe in my abilities then why don't you aim your sword at me to find out if I'm worthy" The boy said to which caught them off guard.

"Ha! Don't be so confident to yourself. Those people who boast suffer the most" Elias said as his eyes glint in annoyance for this kid.

"The kid must have been joking don't be careless of your action" The red haired lady said worriedly to which Elias didn't replay while the middle aged man stared at Eludione with a serious expression.

Elias look at their leader to confirm if it would be ok to which the man only nod. And when Elias saw the middle aged man's action. He smile at the boy in front of him dangerously to which the boy only look at him coldly. With the wind swaying his black raven hair while the rays above the orange sky hit his irises that makes them glow. He ready himself to get struck by a blade that could penetrate his skinny body.

and so it begins

"Get ready to get your sorry excuse of a body beaten!" Elias boasted as his muscles suddenly increase it's mass and volume in a very fast rate which turned him into a huge burly man with an exaggerated muscles in a minute.

The kid didn't even seems to be bothered at the monster in front of him as he close his eyes like he was just mediating. Which annoyed Elias more and garner Capt. Li's attention. Back in the headquarters and military camp. Elias was feared for his Beta ability type that increases his strength than a regular human could acquire. Back then from now, he is called as Mammoth for this type of gigantic ability that not only increase Elias strength it also change his shape, body weight and size gaining him the nickname he took pride. Never did he expect did this child would only look at him as if he was nothing. Who is he anyway.

Base on Capt. Li's assumptions the boy must be a poor lad with no money to buy and comfortable bed to sleep in.

As he throw the idea of what if, in this kid today. He watch as Eliad advance himself and execute a punch on the kid's face to which earn a gasp from the red haired lady and some nearby onlookers.

The boy didn't fidget nor open his eyes as he stand still like a statue. Keeping his breath in and his eyes shut.


The loud crash caught the spectators in surprise. They couldn't believe what happen before their eyes especially the red haired lady while the middle age man look at the boy with a new light. This.. this boy is remarkable.

"How..how did that happen" The red haired lady said as if she felt like she was in a dream she even pinch her self. To which it show her otherwise that she wasn't. The red haired lady knew that there are three types of abilities in their city.

The common one's were called as Gamma ability type. An ability that can be learn or easy to copy such as cooking, hand to hand combat, sword style... etc.

The second one is called as Beta ability type which is an ability that is born in the child since they were born. This ability might be extraordinary but there is a scientific explanations behind it. such as Extraordinary marksmanship, Body enhancement, Resistant to heat... etc

last but not the least is the Alpha ability type. Which is similar to Beta ability yet hard to explain. This ability is believe to be cursed from the child because this ability has a price. this involves their sensitivity or some body parts that should have been normal. Example for this, is a fire manipulation ability wielder but blind or had sensitive skin. Sometimes it didn't affect their body cause it also effect their emotion or intelligence giving them too much or too less. The only problem of this syndrome is the disorder would appear later after they discover their extraordinary capability. They have ability that is unbelievable and remarkable but they lack the key ingredient of a normal human being.

The Kid open his eyes abruptly and catch his breath as if he had been running around than staying still throughout their short fight that end Elias in an embarrassing position. After Elia's fist passed through Eludione's face his extraordinary strength and incredible mass drag him toward where his fist didnt met contact and end him crashing on the concrete wall nearby a house that destroyed it's whole wall where Elias crash. Although Elias didn't use his full strength at the punch it was still terrifying to see the strength it displayed and destruction it create. Making him a person that shouldn't be offended and Capt. Li made sure of it that he had Elias on his side. And now he thanks the heavens for this one

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