
Chapter 01

I, Anna Stronghold, use to be the one and only heiress to Stronghold Hotels. As one of the most leading Hotels Group, I lived a luxurious life with my lonely self as my parents were busy to make this successful business even more successful. As the only heiress to the business I faced lots of assassination, which I had to bear alone. I thought even if I am alone I can be happy as they are doing it for me, trying to give me the best as every other parents. Untill she came, my very own younger sister, Bella.

I was nothing but a scape goat to cover her. The protection from the assassin and threats. I was not left alone for work and business because they were busy but because they were busy to teach her how to be the real heiress.

Now, here I am standing in the audience as my father is introducing her to entire world as his successor.

But what they didn't know is that their daughter Anna is dead. Last night she killed herself in her sorrows. Being depress because of how her parents treated her and got insomnia. She overdose on her sleeping pills as she could not bear to watch herself being humiliated by none other than her parents as they were going to announce to the world that she herself was not but a sheild they malifested to protect their younger daughter. Once a proud heiress, now nothing more than a mere stepping stone of her own sister. A pathetic existance that she wanted to end before others could mock her.

And I am actually someone who should have been the dead one. It's such a surprise to see myself having a second chance after been a bad woman, a villainous. It's hilarious to see I have become someone I used to make others. In my last life I used and scape goat my sister. Maybe that's why I died a pitiful and lonely death.

But not this time. I am sorry to you Anna but I will take back every thing that should have been originally yours, I mean mine and if couldn't then it's better to let it go but... but that too viciously but not villianously.

I, Annalise Hopkins.... No, Anna Stronghold will take back all that should have been mine.

After all I was a villian in past but I will be the lead this time. A vicious famale lead. And it will start from today itself.

I am standing in this corner waiting for the right time to strike. I had done the complete preperation from morning for it, as it took me whole night to get a grasp of this life of mine.. I am waiting for my father to make the official statement saying her, my darling little sister, as his successor. I know he want do it as soon as possible and that's why he is trying so hard to ask me to give my credit to her. He used me as a shield for his younger daughter and now he is going to abandoned me. I won't let it happen. Never! Just because I agree not be a villian doesn't mean I won't be vicious.

I soon noticed him to go towards the stage with Bella. This bitch doesn't even have shame to take credit for her own sister's hard work. Acting as if she really did everything and that too on her own.

It was already time for my dear father to announce his successor and also for my first success. Oh! How happy does my little sister look as father takes her hand and lead her to the stage. But don't worry it won't last.

A knot is forming in my heart as the memory of the old Anna comes to my mind. Even after being the eldest daughter, she was never taken to any formal events or anything. l lightly pat twice my chest to give my heart a little console for old 'me'. She work hard to fulfill every requirements of her father just to get some of his acknowledgement but look where it has brought her. From the last two years she worked herself to death and it really caused her death. Even before know about Bella, she worked too hard to get a partnership her father wanted. For that damn deal she didn't even return home for one whole week. And when she did, her parents really gave her a big surprise in the form of this younger sister. Now, no more, this lady won't do anything for anyone and will just live for herself. As the old one is dead, and I mean literally.

l got out of my thought as I hear my father greets the guest on microphone. I even notice a young man entering the banquet hall for whom I was waiting.

" Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you so much for attending this event and making my Stronghold family event an another level of success. And I would like to announce you all two great news, first is the partnership we have obtained with none others than.." before he could say further someone cut him off. That young man in a bold voice and full of authorities stoped him.

"There will be no partnership. The deal is off!" with that the young man turned around to leave but my father's secretary asked him to stop him. The young man was no other than Mr. Jaden, secretary of the C.E.O with whom my father wanted to deal with. Oh my! What a tackled task it was for Anna to meet this man just to give a simple presentation and how much she worked for getting this deal done. Does he think just because he wants the world to acknowledged his loving daughter, others will do it?

I look towards my father whose face had turned pale white after hearing the words. And there goes the chance of my little sister to be announced as successor.

"What are you talking Mr. Jaden? If I remember correctly your company's board of directors as well as your CEO both agreed to this partnership?" my dear father asked comming down the stage.

"Sorry to inform you, Mr. Stronghold but we agreed to deal because of Ms. Anna and only her. But we suddenly received the news of your company changing the head incharge to someone else, my boss don't agree. If you can change the incharge on from your side without consulting us then we fear you can even change the contract without our consent too. So we are sorry but my boss don't want to take this risk." with that Mr. Jaden left not giving any face to my father.

Everyone stares was at the stage towards Bella and then to my father. Since no-one was looking for me, I took advantage of the situation I left quickly.