

Long ago, the planet of Alterra was dominated by mighty creatures known as dragons. For a thousand years, they wreaked havoc upon the land, striking fear into the hearts of humans and other species. Fleeing to the safety of underground shelters, humanity barely managed to survive.

But then, a ray of hope emerged in the form of Vesryn, a woman born with incredible magical abilities. Recognized as the world's most powerful sorceress, she rallied humanity and convinced their king to confront the evil dragons head-on. With unwavering determination, mankind waged a final war against the fearsome beasts, seeking to reclaim their dominance.

Vesryn, using her immense magical prowess, sealed the dragons' powers, transforming them into mortal humans. Stripped of their might, the dragons became vulnerable to the human army. In a swift and decisive battle, the dragons were defeated, and humanity emerged triumphant. The empire of humans rose to power, reigning supreme for countless millennia.

However, the dragons, now trapped in human bodies known as dragonoids, faced a new plight. Enslaved and subjected to harsh treatment, they were forced into servitude and treated as expendable tools. The dragonoids, with their distinctive red eyes, were a constant reminder of their ancient lineage and immense power, now reduced to a pitiful existence.

Yet, Vesryn held a different belief. She saw the potential for coexistence between humans and dragons, understanding that not all dragons were inherently evil. However, her proposal of peaceful cohabitation was met with fear and resistance from a populace still scarred by the memories of the dragons' reign of terror.

Undeterred, Vesryn passed down her knowledge to the ancient knights, teaching them the secret of unlocking a dragonoid's hidden power. Through the alteration and synchronization of the heartbeats of a human and a dragonoid bonded by a powerful connection, she devised the Vesryn Pulse. This magical harmony between a human and a dragon's heart was envisioned as the key to achieving a peaceful coexistence between the two races.

Thus, the legacy of Vesryn and the Vesryn Pulse became the foundation upon which the hope for a harmonious future between humans and dragonoids was built. It served as a reminder that beneath the surface, beyond the scars of fear and oppression, a path to reconciliation and understanding could still be forged.

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