
Vesryn Pulse Remastered

In a time long past, the human race emerged triumphant over the dragons, sealing their majestic beings into mortal bodies known as dragonoids. Unfortunately, this victory led to the subjugation of the dragonoids by their human counterparts, who harnessed their powers as military weapons through the ominous Vesryn Pulse. Amidst this bleak reality, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Arcadia, a daring guerilla group led by the charismatic Estoff Wraith, striving to liberate the dragonoids and put an end to humanity's cruel exploitation. Within this tumultuous backdrop, the intertwining destinies of two individuals would shape the course of events. Amphere Harrison, accompanied by his loyal dragonoid partner, Airelina Frembell, found himself thrust into the Dragon Knight Academy. Unwillingly thrust into the resistance against the oppressive government, Amphere must harness his newfound dragonoid abilities and emerge victorious in the treacherous Dragon Knights Tournament, all in hopes of earning the favor of the princess. This, they believe, will serve as a crucial first step towards granting the dragonoids the freedom they so desperately deserve. Vesryn Pulse weaves a gripping tale of action and intrigue, centering around a young man unwittingly caught in the clutches of a brutal war. Possessing incredible skills and abilities, he becomes a catalyst for uncovering the dark secrets shrouding the government, Arcadia, and the enigmatic Vesryn Pulse. However, in his relentless pursuit of truth, he will soon discover that the price of enlightenment is far greater than he ever could have fathomed.

ArchlordZero · Fantasy
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109 Chs

The Story of Twin Stained Hearts

Richard Astherson

I didn't grow up in the Goldcliffe City Slums like many others. Instead, I was born and raised in Vanilla City, a city known for its acceptance and support of dragonoids. My father served as the personal bodyguard to Duke Geralt Fleuret, while my mother dedicated herself to being a homemaker. Our modest bungalow provided us with a comfortable lifestyle, especially when compared to the average dragonoid family.

From a young age, my father would take me to the Fleuret Manor, where I was introduced to sword combat by a hired instructor. The intention was clear: I was being groomed to follow in my father's footsteps and become the successor to his position. Additionally, Duke Fleuret had the desire for me to serve as a bodyguard for his precious daughter, Reina, who was the jewel of the Fleuret household.

Reina, with her radiant golden blonde hair that resembled precious jewelry and her enchanting emerald green eyes that sparkled like gemstones (excuse the lack of literary flair, dragonoids like me were not exposed to advanced education in literature and English), captivated everyone around her. At that time, she was the same age as me, but unlike my singular focus on becoming a powerful dragonoid, she pursued the path of refinement and grace, delving into the realms of literature and advanced English.

Reina would often observe me from afar, her keen eyes taking in every detail of my training sessions. She was a silent but attentive spectator, witnessing my continuous efforts to improve my sword skills. As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, her own dedication became evident. I would catch glimpses of her practicing the very same sword techniques in the solitude of an empty library or the confines of the training hall. She concealed her passion from her parents, fearing their disapproval, for no parent would willingly want their daughter to enter the battlefield.

Upon discovering her secret practice sessions, I made a decision. I offered to share with her everything I had learned during my training. It was my way of bridging the gap between us, and our bond grew stronger with each passing day. As we entered our teenage years, our connection deepened, and it was during this time that I gained valuable insights and knowledge from her.

Reina became my teacher in many ways. She opened my eyes to the world of literature, poetry, and advanced English. Through her, I discovered the power of words and the beauty of expression. Our conversations became rich with discussions about art, history, and philosophy. In her company, I found not only a companion but a source of inspiration and intellectual growth. Our shared journey allowed us to exchange not only swordplay techniques but also a wealth of knowledge and understanding.

Reina possessed an exceptional aptitude for grasping the intricacies of sword arts, both in theory and practical application. Despite surpassing me in skill, she didn't embody the stereotypical image of a tomboy. On the contrary, her every gesture exuded grace and refinement, setting her apart from many other duchesses. She was the epitome of aristocracy, with a discerning palate and a penchant for the finer things in life. Whenever she ventured outside the manor, she adorned herself with pristine white gloves, meticulously avoiding any unnecessary physical contact.

However, there were exceptions to her usual reserved demeanor.

It was when we were both fifteen that she made a surprising move. After a rigorous sparring session in their expansive garden, we found ourselves seated on the soft grass, gazing at the sun slowly descending on the horizon. Despite our evenly matched skills, she emerged victorious. I had purposefully held back during our bout, unwilling to harm the woman I was destined to protect in the future. Not to mention, I had no desire to incur the wrath of her formidable father, the duke.

"Hand," Reina declared abruptly, her voice filled with determination.

Confusion swept over me as I tilted my head, unable to comprehend her request.

"Hand," she repeated, her tone leaving no room for uncertainty. It was as if a master was instructing her obedient dog to raise its paws.

Complying with her unexpected demand, I extended my hand towards her. To my astonishment, she swiftly removed her gloves and firmly clasped my hand in hers. In that moment, both of us blushed, our hearts pounding rapidly in our chests. It felt as if a fluttering butterfly had taken residence in my stomach. Strangely, a radiant glow emanated from our intertwined hands. It was a sight to behold, akin to the activation of Vesryn Pulse, with only the oath remaining to complete the connection.

"I have made up my mind to enroll in the Dragon Knight's Academy," she announced, her voice brimming with excitement. "And I command you to remain by my side for the rest of our lives. Do not fret about my parents; they will come to understand my choice as time passes."

"Yes, milady," I replied tenderly, tightening my grip on our joined hands. "I shall accompany you through the deepest abyss or the gates of heaven themselves. Until death separates us."

These words may echo the solemn vows exchanged in a wedding ceremony, but I couldn't care less. I loved her with all my heart.

However, our love story was abruptly severed.

The Crimson Dragonfly, a colossal robotic dragon of darkness, possessed an air of mystery that left everyone bewildered. Its jet-black frame was adorned with wings engulfed in fiery red flames that seemed to burn eternally. The true identity of this monstrous creation remained shrouded in uncertainty, its origins and purpose unknown to all. Without warning, it materialized at the heart of Vanilla City, ready to unleash its destructive might.

With a menacing charge, the Crimson Dragonfly ignited a powerful particle bomb within its jaws. Blazing beams of radiant light erupted from its metallic maw, obliterating the once-thriving city into a desolate wasteland of smoldering ruins. And just as abruptly as it had appeared, the malevolent entity vanished into the ethereal realm, leaving behind only devastation and despair.

Among the staggering number of casualties, Reina's mother fell victim to this catastrophic event. The loss of her beloved mother fueled within Reina an unyielding grudge against the Crimson Dragonfly. She swore an oath upon her mother's grave, vowing to exact vengeance upon the enigmatic entity responsible, no matter the cost or sacrifice required.

The massacre of two thousand innocent dragonoids within the confines of a bustling mall in Highwind City marked the harrowing inception of the Third Dragonoid War. This horrific event served as the catalyst for the rise of Arcadia, a formidable terrorist group driven by a desire to retaliate against the oppressors and seek justice for their fallen brethren.

Amidst the chaos of war, my own personal tragedy unfolded. My mother, a defenseless civilian with no affiliation to any faction, fell victim to the ruthless onslaught of unidentified Dragon Knights. Consumed by anger and grief, I found myself harboring deep resentment towards Duke Fleuret, my father, and his perceived inability to protect my mother. To my eyes, they seemed like feeble lions fleeing from an enraged antelope, unable to take a stand and defend their own.

It was in this crucible of pain and loss that the trajectory of my life shifted dramatically. Fueled by a burning desire for vengeance and an equal loathing for the Dragon Knights, I was determined to carve my own path and make a meaningful impact in this war-torn world.

As the fires of vengeance burned within me, I crossed paths with Airelina Frembell, the resolute second-in-command of Arcadia. She recognized the pain and anger in my eyes and saw the potential within me to be a force for change. Airelina extended her hand, offering me a chance to join their cause and promised that together we would seek the retribution I yearned for.

In those early days of my association with Arcadia, Reina was fully immersed in her preparations to enter the prestigious Dragon Knight's Academy. She dedicated herself to honing her skills, determined to become a formidable warrior capable of hunting down and vanquishing the Crimson Dragonfly, the very embodiment of her mother's tragedy.

Our paths diverged for a time, but our shared goals of seeking justice and wreaking vengeance united us in purpose. It was during this period that we last met, three years ago, within the humble confines of Airelina's inn nestled deep within the slums. It was there, amidst the whispered plans and covert operations, that our resolve solidified, and we prepared for the daring operation to dismantle the power plants in Goldcliffe City—a mission that would strike a blow to the oppressive forces that had caused so much pain and suffering.

"Ah, I've heard the news of your induction into the esteemed ranks of Arcadia," Reina remarked, her demeanor noticeably transformed, exuding an air of composure and unwavering resolve. Her eyes held a newfound intensity, a sternness that hinted at the challenges that lay ahead. "Our encounters shall no longer be mere sparring matches; we may find ourselves locked in a battle for survival, where the stakes are higher, and the threat of death looms. While I understand your motivations, I must ask: are you truly certain about this path?"

A faint smile played upon my lips as I responded, my words laced with a deceptive charm. "Indeed, I have fortified my conviction. Each and every Dragon Knight, with the exception of yourself, shall feel the weight of my blade. The loathing I held for them still lingers, but even in your current role, I cannot bear the thought of your demise. I have vowed to protect you until my last breath, and that promise, my dear, remains resolute."

Gazing into the distance, her features etched with bitterness, Reina's voice carried an unyielding determination. "The enigmatic secrets harbored by Arcadia undoubtedly hold the key to the elusive Crimson Dragonfly. I will relentlessly pursue every last one of them, yet I exempt you from my relentless pursuit." With those words, she departed, leaving behind an aura of unresolved tension and a lingering sense of unspoken emotions.

And so, our paths diverged that fateful day, the final encounter etched into my memory, at least in my first life.

Driven by a desperate quest to unravel the enigma of the Crimson Dragonfly, my intentions were noble: to shield my fellow comrades in Arcadia from the clutches of Reina's wrath, sparing them from the grim fate that awaited them. Yet, to my dismay, an impenetrable wall of silence surrounded any mention of this elusive entity. Denials echoed through the halls of Arcadia, like whispers lost in a tempest.

I was well aware of Reina's relentless pursuit of the truth behind my mother's tragic demise, her tireless investigation yielding naught but a frustrating dead end. The evidence was scarce, identities concealed, leaving me bereft of any tangible clues to unmask the elusive culprit. Within the annals of history, the Dragon Knights, those merciless warriors, had never bothered to etch the names or faces of the countless lives they extinguished during the ravages of war.

Haunted by the weight of my past, a harrowing decision loomed before me: to eradicate the Dragon Knights, once and for all, ensuring the safety and salvation of all who bore the mark of Arcadia.

But now, as I found myself granted a second chance at life, a disquieting question stirred within my soul. Why had fate seen fit to bestow upon me this precious gift of rebirth? What purpose lay hidden within the depths of this newfound existence?

Could it be that my resurrection was ordained to fulfill the solemn oath I had sworn, a destiny etched in blood to bring about the demise of the Dragon Knights, a final act of retribution? Would my path now be paved with vengeance and the echoes of battles waged?

Or perchance, this second lease on life was intended as a poignant juncture, an opportunity to relinquish the shackles of my tumultuous past, to embrace serenity and tranquility, casting aside the blades of violence for a life of peace? Would I find solace in surrendering to the gentle caress of time, forging a new identity untouched by the stains of conflict?

And then, as my thoughts intertwined, a flicker of hope emerged, kindling the embers of a bittersweet possibility. Could it be that my resurgence was meant to reignite the flame of connection, to rekindle the cherished memories I once shared with Reina? Was I destined to honor the promise I made to her, safeguarding her with unwavering devotion until the very end of my mortal journey?

Uncertainty veiled my path, like a shroud woven from the strands of possibility. And so, with a heart torn between duty and yearning, I embarked upon this enigmatic second chance, poised to unravel the true purpose that lay hidden within the chapters of my resurrected existence.