
Blood Bath Komodo

I opened the Treasure Chests one by one. But to my dismay, they were not Very Rare tier equipments but Scraps. All four chests contains scraps, which is to say, a Scrap Set.

"Suzaku's Blazing Hood"

Rarity: Scrap

Description: Part of Celestial Beast Gods Set

"Byakko's Lightning Shoes"

Rarity: Scrap

Description: Part of Celestial Beast Gods Set

"Genbu's Pants of Longevity"

Rarity: Scrap

Description: Part of Celestial Beast Gods Set

"Seiryu's Armor of Power"

Rarity: Scrap

Description: Part of Celestial Beast Gods Set

Most Scraps should have a lot of information in their description but these Scraps have not given any clue. Except of the fact that it was telling me that these Scraps are all part of a set, it was not stated which continent it belongs and how strong it was. Compared to the Pearlite Helm, these Scraps seems to be more powerful but I can't confirm my theory and decided to throw them all into the bag.

I began to pick up all of the weapons and a few materials and checked for any area that has treasure or loot but after looking and found nothing, I decided to return to the surface. After leaving the rock that I have been hugging for a while got removed from my embrace, I allowed myself to float freely. It didn't take too long before I reached the surface and climb out of the lagoon. Harmless Sparrow and the rest are all checking the pieces of the Trabungko Snake that exploded. Lina and Leona are currently resting on the side and waited for my return and when they saw me appear, they immediately leave from their positions and rushed towards me. I pat their heads before I looked at Harmless Sparrow.

"Hey, take all of these, these are all of those useless drops that the boss dropped," I said nonchalantly. I didn't bother to check them. I already got the payment anyway.

Harmless Sparrow seems guilty and she hesitated.

"No, you and you should take them, you killed the boss and we did not do anything to contribute on killing it. Besides, we earned lots of Exp after you killed the boss.

Right, I just forgot that I leveled to level 58 after killing the Trabungko Snake without realizing it since I was more focused on the water when I fell. Now that she mentioned it, I actually leveled after killing it.

"I already got the reward so I don't need that crappy equipments," I said and ignored everyone. I don't really care what they view on me, but if I have seen those gazes of the players, I might spit out my dinner seeing their idolizing gaze on me.

The matter was settled quickly. Three more bosses to go. With Abyss Mode, it really will take lots of time. We already spent 3 hours inside this dungeon. It was still pretty early so we can still continue and in my estimation, we will finish the dungeon at 1 A.M or 2 A.M depending on how they perform till the end.

Since they are now level 31 players, with good equips, they are now dealing decent attacks. Leona and Lina helped for a while and they have risen their levels too.

It was much faster than last time and now I can see the Boss Room again. The door this time is made of Red Stone Door. I already knew the boss but obviously, Harmless Sparrow and the rest are still not able to reach this far in the dungeon in normal mode. Therefore, this place is new to them.

As I open the door, I turned to remind everyone to be on alert when...


I blocked the incoming tongue fast enough for me that they didn't get to hit me, still, due to it being a sneak attack and my defense isn't completely durable enough, I got damaged.


Crap, even though I parried the projectile fast, I still got 4,000 damage to my HP. I noticed immediately since I am now getting sensitive against danger now. Seeing the red damage on me, everyone raised their weapons as we proceed deeper on the dungeon and that is the time I saw the boss clearly again. Long time no see Mr. Komodo.

"Blood Bath Komodo"

Level 47


Attribute: Darkness, Beast, Plant, Poison

Another hard to deal monster. In my entire gaming career in the past timeline, this boss is the most annoying monster. This monster deals high damages and I don't understand its principle on attacking by just using its tongue. I defeated it many times in the past timeline in search for a rare material which is a guild quest. Now that I think about it, I spent 2 months before I get to familiarize this boss and managed to kill after my everyday attempt of destroying the Blood Bath Komodo.

I also don't like it much. It can cast doubles and can act like the real one. They are fast, strong and quick attackers that are almost impossible to defend without proper handling of the shield, or body posture.

"Do not engage it on melee combat! You will die in one hit! Ferventure! Cast Holy Blessings to everyone including me!"

Holy Blessings is a skill that enhances the defense of players that blocks killing blows most of the time. Since I was not able to learn Holy Blessings which is a 1st Tier skill, I relied most of the buffs on Ferventure. Most skills I have learned mostly acts alone and buffs my own character alone instead of all party members that is why I avoided using anything except the skills that is for offensive and skills that can save my *ss whenever I needed to.

I ready my sword, Harmless Sparrow, Flaming Cutie and Thunderfire also readied themselves while Ferventure and Pooshy raised their weapons up to support. Lina and Leona hover above the boss and dodges the long tongue of the Blood Bath Komodo.

The Blood Bath Komodo looks like the real komodo dragon that is seen in the jungles. However, this one is oversized, and much more bigger than two buses put on top of each other. Its skin is red, as red as blood and has a long tongue with corrosive saliva that damages and sometimes melt armor. This is precisely why I hate this guy. Its attacks ignores defense and most of the time, use it always on players. I had a hard time dealing with this guy in my past timeline. But since I already knew its attack patterns, I don't need to analyze it anymore.

"Everyone! Attack! Just keep on moving! Pooshy and Ferventure! Keep our healths up! Do not let it flow to critical levels. We won't be able to kill it if we died! Everyone, hit it with all you got, keep an eye out on its tongue but you all need to keep on moving while hitting it! Pooshy, Ferventure, stay on your location and don't run so that you won't get targeted!"

Harmless Sparrow and the others seems confused by my orders, they didn't think much and obeyed my orders. In their eyes, all of my movements seems able to predict the movement of the bosses and most of the mobs. I don't care for what they are thinking so I also decided to ready myself.


This boss hiss like a snake but this is just to dangerous. I quickly dashed forward and lunges the sword to the boss. Except for Pooshy and Ferenture, Harmless Sparrow and the rest also followed suit. They attacked the boss in frenzy without restraint while running. Still, it can't be help that they are slow and not that skillful. Except for Harmless Sparrow and Flaming Cutie, everyone was slow and beginner in movements which in result, causes them to be targeted and got hit easily.

Harmless Sparrow and Flaming Cutie were very fast and their movements were clearly not a newbie movement but a movement that a player have developed for years. Harmless Sparrow and Flaming Cutie might have played online games in the past when the PC online games are played still.

Flaming Cutie was fast, nimble and can dodge quickly on attacks. She looks like a very professional assassin from her movements ad every strike was very deep. Harmless Sparrow on the other hand was quite good too in movements. She combined Magic Knights skills and good swordsmanship skills too. If I have not seen this girl in reality, I might think that she is a professional swordsman in reality but still, I can't believe that they are just ordinary people.

I didn't move harshly and focused on the boss. It frequently hits the players attacking with furious look in its eyes. Its HP falling fast.







The boss roared and I can sense its strong intent to kill.

"Leona! Block the incoming attack using your ability of Iron Wing!" I ordered to Leona.

Leona move immediately by flapping her wings fast. The boss reveals its long tongue and swings it around. Harmless Sparrow and the rest didn't approach the Blood Bath Komodo. Soon, the Blood Bath Komodo roared before slamming its tongue on the ground before it was engulfed with black matter.

"F*ck, this is dangerous..." I muttered as I look at the boss attack. That attack was called Chaos Tongue and one of the huge damage dealer against players.

"Stick near the boss! Pooshy and Ferventure! Never step forward!" I shouted before I stab the body of the boss. Everyone also did my actions except Izzzie and Thunderfire since their weapons are not suitable for stabbing, still they used it to attack. Lina and Leona supported us from above. They are safe in the meantime since Chaos Tongue is a skill that only affects the ground units like us.

The tongue of the Blood Bath Komodo strikes randomly around the cave, destroying slabs of rocks around with quick succession and every rocks that was hit were corroded and melted.

"F*ck! Its acid!" Izzzie shouted as one of his Feral Jackal summons was struck and reduced to meat paste.

Flaming Cutie repeatedly stabbed the boss using her danger while still taking herself close on the boss.

The boss stopped its attacks and roared.


"Leona! Now!"

Leona swoop down fast like a bullet. Lina jumped down holding her whip hard before she strikes it down.

"Anchor Whip!"


The skill Anchor Whip allows the whip of Leona to get heavy like a ship's anchor and strikes down the boss, leaving the boss on daze and paralysis.

"Strike while the iron is hot!" I shouted and tore another scroll, Fireball.

"Earth Fissure!" Harmless Sparrow stuck her Magic Sword on the ground and cracks begins to appear on the surface, causing the boss to stumble.

"Shadowstab!" Flaming Cutie used her dagger to perform a Shadowstab which deals the weakness of the monster, ignoring its defensive capabilities and piercing its hard rock defense.


The Blood Bath Komodo roared before unleashing an attack to Flaming Cutie.

"Aaah!" Flaming Cutie screamed as she was hurled down the ground and her HP fell to critical levels.

"Rapid Regeneration!"


Pooshy immediately cast her healing spells.

"Vanguard Holy Shield!"

Ferventure cast it on Flaming Cutie to enhance her defenses. Her defense plummeted after the attacks. Her armor must be damaged.

Looking at the HP of the boss, it was on 60% Harmless Sparrow struck her sword on the boss again and it reduced further to 59%. However, I never thought this would occur...


Its shriek is no longer the same. And I am familiar to it. Its a shriek whenever the boss will go berserk.

"F*ck! Backoff!"

When everyone noticed my command, the boss' eyes glowed red and thrashed around the place spitting blood red salivas and striking every player down. Even Lina was on Critical Levels on her health! Ferventure and Pooshy hastily cast healing spells. I also cast my skills and activated Absolute Defense. My armor's durability reduced causing my defense to plummet.

"Leona! Deal with the boss! Attack and try to kill it!"


Leona squealed before striking the boss with Tornado Blades. Everyone helplessly look at the two beast attacking. As they limply back away with their armors almost melted. Even my own armor was down. I can't wear it unless I repaired it. I unequipped my armor and equipped a new one. Though the armor that I just equipped is not that exquisite than the armor earlier, it is much better than having no armor against the boss. I look again on the battlefield and I never expected that Leona manages to deal lots of damage to the Blood Bath Komodo. Its 59% HP fell to 32% now. But Leona also suffers in result. She had wounds and her HP fell to critical levels. Still, she had fury on her eyes.

"Leona back off! You need to heal!" I shouted but Leona disregarded my command. It continues to assault the boss while the boss is also making its hardest work to deal huge damages against its attacker.

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