
Versatile Mage: Darth Imperius's Return

Darth Imperius, know for his kindness and open mind a trait not really favored by his fellow Sith, died after a Hyperspace travel accident, his soul, instead of becoming one with the Force, was sucked in a rift that led him to a parallel dimension. His soul now inhabits the body of the sixteen years old Mo Fan, who's only 30 days away from graduating. Having no knowledge whatsoever of the magical arts due to his laziness, it depends entirely on Kallig (Darth Imperius) to learn whatever he can and continue his quest for power. ===== I don't own versatile mage nor star wars This is an AU fic, some things aren't part of the original novel, and the events will change slightly or a lot as time goes on. The beginning will be similar to the novel, but that's not something I can avoid for now.

GreatMageHarkan · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4

The moment his hands touched the stone, he felt a hot and numb sensation to it, as if electric currents were coursing through his veins. With his thought process being divided into two, he could easily observe the situation while entering his spiritual world.

The process was pretty much the same as when he meditated in the Force, the difference being that here he wasn't using the force, and as expected, the moment he entered that dark space, there were already signs of the particles of light he had gathered, but they were randomly placed around, it looked nothing like a galaxy as the books described it.

Suddenly, a purple-colored arc streaked across the dark space, its beauty was without comparison, and Kallig instantly felt a connection between him and it, something that wasn't described in the books.

Followed by this, all of the purple dots of light that he gathered became streaks of light as well and followed behind the first.

Soon they gathered in a single spot, when he focused his senses on it, the dot of light exploded like a supernova filling him with a sensation of power as stardust arose from it, it spun slowly within the spiritual world and occupied most of the space here, giving off the feeling of being a sleeping giant made off of lightning.

Inside the stardust he could already see some light, it was a small purple-colored star cluster that shone greatly within the stardust. That meant he succeeded, he had awakened as a lightning-type mage.

But there must be something wrong, frowning he turned to look at the red dots of light, they were still there but didn't move.

On the outside world, his classmates and teacher gasped as the Awakening stone was covered by streaks of purple lightning, it danced chaotically on the surface of the stone, but it seemed unsatisfied within that contained space.

Suddenly the lightning grew stronger and jumped away from the stone.

A/N - BGM: Nightcore - Dance With the Devil

"Kyaaaa!" The girls cried in shock as the purple lightning shattered the windows encased in iron frames and provoked a burst of purple light that could be seen from every classroom on that same side of the building.

"W-what is going on!?"

"Holy shit! Just how talented is this guy!"

Even from the training grounds, there were students that saw the whole situation.

"Holy crap was that someone awakening the lightning element!?"

"Shit! With that talent, the guys must have wasted two lifetimes' worth of luck!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Why did I have to awaken the water element!? I would be so much happier if I had lightning like this guy!"

Lightning, Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, Water, and Light. In terms of how good an attribute was, they were generally divided like that for common mages, the further to the left, the rarer it was and the more one wanted it.

Usually, if a mage could choose what element they wanted to awake, their first choice would be fire, as it was considered the one with the best prospects, fire element mages were even said to have a 30% chance of advancing to the intermediate rank compared to the others which had a much lower chance.

But lightning... this was the heavenly attribute for a combat-oriented mage, getting it was like winning the lottery of life, it pretty much guaranteed the success of the one who awakened it.

Besides, from 1500 students, he was the only one to awaken it till now, but the last batch had zero lightning element mages, just like the batch before that, which is to say how rare mages of that element were.

At that moment all teachers had their eyes on class 8, even now lightning was shooting out of the classroom through the window! They couldn't believe it, was that level of talent even possible?!

And so, Kallig, the cool-headed handsome boy became the focal point of a thousand people

Seeing that situation the corner of Kallig's mouth raised slightly, this power reminded him so much of the dark side, it even seemed capable of rising his connection with the Force without breaking the balance, a pity that it was too dangerous for the crowd. He tried removing his hand from the stone but at that moment, it felt like it had been sucked back, energy kept coursing through him, this time he felt like a heatwave was forming around him.

Back in the spiritual world, he was shocked to see a streak of red light crossing the sky like a meteor in flames.

Then the red dots of light followed behind it, and not so long after, another explosion resounded within his spiritual world, and a red galaxy of stardust a little bit more than half the size of the purple one appeared from the void!

Within it, he saw it, a red star cluster!

'This... this is... Innate dual-element? Could it be my meditation caused this?' Shaking his head he frowned and after thinking for a moment he dismissed this line of thought. He was sure that his meditation was only improving on what he already had, not adding to it... so it was more likely that... 'This would happen one way or another, just not with the same intensity.'

Outside the spiritual world...

Kallig instantly used the Force to accelerate his thoughts changing his perspective of time to allow him time to think.

There was a way to hide this, but that wasn't the problem, since the situation was already like this he had to consider... should he allow them to see this? Rather than making the Mu family feel threatened, it would be better to make them feel the need of bringing him in.


Mu Ningxue was said to have been admitted into the imperial magic academy at the age of fifteen, that wasn't a place that you could enter without power... before he ignored this fact purely because it wouldn't help him in any way, but now that he had two elements at his disposal he had to broaden his perspective of the Mu family.

So... are they so weak that they would think of this as a threat? Or are they strong enough to covet him?

Bitting his lips he decided to take the bet if worst came to worst, he was sure that he was more than strong enough to destroy this planet using the Force if he so wished to and put some effort into it, he doubted that those mages were strong enough to face a power like this. So if necessary, he could just kill them all or... erase the memory of this entire city to make them forget of him and his family's existence.

Fixing his perception of the flow of time, he allowed them to see his dual elements.

The class and everyone looking at the situation was shocked beyond words as a spiraling tornado of fire raised from the top of the stone scorching the ceiling and spreading a heatwave towards them.

Xue Musheng couldn't believe the scene he was seeing, he felt like he was about to have a cardiac arrest right there. Just how was that possible? Not only was he an innate dual-element, something so rare that they only heard of it from texts hundreds of years old... it was pretty much a myth happening in the real world, and he had also awakened the two most popular elements as well... At this point, he was starting to consider that this was a dream.

It had to be said, everyone awakens a single element during their awakening, the probability of a dual element appearing was way too rare, probably a million times lower than awakening lightning.

For Kallig this meant many more opportunities to grow, especially considering his advantage over others, it was fortunate that he had the Force with him, otherwise, this could quickly turn into a curse.

Finally, Kallig managed to take away his hand from the stone, ceasing all lightning and fire.

"C-congratulations, student Mo Fan!" Xue Musheng was beaming with joy as he congratulated him. "Your future prospects are something that I can only begin to imagine! Y-you can go back to your seat now."

"Thank you, teacher, I'll make sure not to slack."

Having said that he went back to his chair.

"Hahaha! Brother Mo Fan, that was quite the scare you gave me, I thought you would turn into a demon and plunge the world in darkness!" Zhang Hou exclaimed as he gulped, he could still feel the numbing sensation in his fingers from the lightning.

"I was just... too lucky. However, let me give you a piece of advice."

Hearing this, Zhang Hou that was quite excited about Mo Fan, whom he considered like an older brother, quieted down to listen.

"One should always be careful of the treasures he holds, a beggar might be lucky and fund a bar of gold today, but tomorrow he might wake up in a grave without gold or life. If you don't have the means to secure your treasure, you might as well give it away and keep your life."

"Woah... don't be so serious Brother Mo Fan... if you keep saying scary things I'll be too scared to move!"

Patting his shoulder, he sighed. Kallig had to make sure he understood the disadvantages of being so talented. "Just remember, this dual element of mine is more likely to be a curse rather than a blessing. There's no telling just how much trouble this will bring me."

While Zhang Hou digested the wisdom he had been granted, Mu Bai and Zhao Kunsan couldn't help but keep staring at Kallig in shock, they were so numb that it would be difficult to say if they would be able to stand up for the rest of the day.

"U-uhum, next, Mu Bai!"

Hearing those words, Mu Bai stood up and slowly made his way to the Awakening Stone, similarly, there was quite a lot of chattering coming from the girls about him.

Standing in front of the teacher, he tried to keep composed and appear cool, he had to take back some dignity after all. But at this point... 'God fucking damn it! This bastard stole my limelight twice already!'

"You are from the Mu family, right?"

"That's correct..."

"Then you have a high chance of awakening the Ice element, don't be discouraged by the early scene, you'll still be stronger than most with it." Smiling at this diligent student of his, Xue Musheng gestured with his hands for him to touch the stone.

Not so long after, the stone was frozen and frost mist surrounded it. Mu Bai managed to awake the Ice element.

"Congratulations, Mu Bai, it seems that you're very talented."

With a broken smile, Mu Bai thanked the man and went back to his chair, it would be difficult for him to recover his pride after the impact of this day. Especially considering how lackluster his awakening was compared to that ugly toad that covets his Mu Ningxue!

"Alright... next, Qiu Yueying."

A girl stood up and walked to the stone, after placing her hand on it, a cloud of dust raised from the stone, forming a small stone ball above it.

"Alright, Earth Element. The power of your stardust isn't bad at all. It seems like the effort you've put in is showing!"

"Next, Xu Qinglin!"

"Also Ice Element." Hers was quite weaker than that of Mu Bai, forming just a small layer of cold mist.

"Next, Lu Xiaobing."

"Hm... water element."

"My fucking god! Why!? Why am I so unlucky!? There was even a dual element, and I'm forced with this shit!" The wails of the student traveled far and wide, reaching everyone in a few kilometers.

After encouraging the student he continued and called the next one.

Eventually came Zhang Hou's turn.

"Good luck friend, and don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine." Smiling, Kallig patted his shoulder as he experimented with a certain Force Power, he didn't know if it would work, but if it did, something good should happen with him, could be related to his power, or he could get a girlfriend soon as seems to wish for this kind of thing, or... he might find some coins lost on the ground...

"Thanks, brother Mo Fan, I'll be going now."

Zhang Hou stood from his chair and stopped before the Awakening Stone, after touching it, a whirlwind arose from the stone, making the clothes of everyone near to flutter with the wind.

"Very good. Wind Element. Your talent is much better than the average. Practice hard, and a good future awaits you!" Xue Musheng's face revealed a look of joy. It was rare for wind element mages to be so talented, especially one that doesn't come from one of the big clans.


Eight awakenings later, there was a puff of light, a flame about the size of a football ball rose above the awakening stone.

"Woah! Someone awakened the fire element again!"

"Ah, it's not as good as that of Mo Fan..."

"Are you stupid? You can't use common sense with that guy, he is a freak! A monster in human skin!"

Xue Musheng couldn't believe his luck, two ice mages, a very talented wind mage, a dual innate element with extremely high talent, and now a quite talented fire mage! Are heavens finally favoring him?

"Mwahaha! Good, very good, miss Zhou Min, your mother will be proud that you inherited her flames!"

"Thank you, teacher." Bowing slightly, the girl Zhou Min went back to her seat, yet she couldn't help but give a look towards Mo Fan who was looking outside through the window without any interest in the awakening of his fellow classmates, she still couldn't believe how talented that guy was.





"Next... Light Element."

"Fuck, don't stop me, I'm going to the roof!"

"Next... Water Element."

"Wait for me, the guy with light element, I'm also going to the roof!"

Not too long after that, the number 48 touched the stone and awakened the wind element as well.

But right at that time, someone in class 7 awakened the lightning element as well, causing another uproar.