

"Forget but don't forget."


{Ray POV}

It's been ten years since I have arrived in the Naruto world. That makes me thirty now. Other villages have started forming and for some reason, they felt the need to attack the leaf village. Of course I helped with fights that happened and in fact, I was offered to be the first Hokage. I immediately refused as the paperwork is not worth my free time and it turned out that Hashirama like in the original Naruto series, became the Hokage.

But then it started. The first deviation of time after another ten years(Forty-year-old now. Never lived this long before). The 2nd Hokage was not Tobirama Senju but rather Madara Uchiha. It was shocking and terrifying simultaneously. This only meant that the future might have drastic differences that I will not be able to handle but at the same time, this was a good outcome. I loved the Uchihas and Senjus. They are great people. So when I saw that the Uchihas were not ostracized and everyone had this harmony to them, I was glad. I honestly had a strange desire to find Danzo's family and slaughter them before the bad events started but I stopped myself because he was a necessary evil for my plans.

My plans were not for manipulative or evil purposes but rather a way for me to connect to some people in the future. Eden told me that in about four months, I will have to leave to the future to meet with Naruto so I could formulate plans for my safety and future. One of my goals was to have disciples. I say disciples but it will be more like me becoming an adoptive father to four kids especially. Three of the four will live and do great things in the future but the fourth die early even though to me, he was a saint.

It does sadden me though. Hashi and Madara are my best friends. We practically did everything together and I even had the opportunity to be the best man for both of them. That's right. Both of them. Turned out that Madara found a girl of his own. They were so lovey-dovey that I felt sick. Dude had the nerve to do that crap at my house knowing that I was single. Of course, being single is my choice. It's not that I don't want a lover but rather I have trust issues due to experiences on Earth.

Madara's wife, Shion Uchiha, and Hashi's wife, Mito Uzumaki, were nice to me. Mito taught me seals or at least tried to and Shion taught me some wind style jutsus. Since I couldn't see, the seals were exceptionally hard to learn but since Eden was there, he would store all knowledge that Mito gave me. Shion, on the other hand, was like a little sister to me. She was childish whenever I was near and she even started calling me brother at one point. When she was teaching me wind style jutsus, she would taunt me so much of how I sucked at learning it because she would lose in our spars in a matter of seconds. Later the same day, Madara would then beg me to let her win so that she will speak with him again. It was really funny.


I honestly don't know what to say. They were originally characters from my favorite show to me but now they are much more than that. It hurts that I have to leave them.

I can stay and I want to stay, however, not all good things last. Eden said that this was necessary. Who knows. Perhaps with me gone, they could make the leaf village better than I saw in the anime.

Diary Entry #246 - Reflections before I leave in four months


{4 Months Later}

Ray woke up, did his daily routine, ate, brushed, and then sighed as he looked out the window.

Ray: 'Today is the day.' Ray thought sadly.

Ray went out of his house and went straight to the leaf village. As he passed through the gate and the village, many people were respectful to him. He smiled and nodded at all of them before he finally arrived at the Hokage's building. Ray sensed Hashi's and Madara's chakra together in the building.

Ray: 'This should make it easier.'

Ray walked into the building and went straight to the Hokage's office. Nobody obstructed his path as walked at a constant pace towards his destination. As he opened the door, he was met with his two best friends looking at him, curious as to why he was there. Ray would never come in the building unless it's serious. For some reason, both of them had an ominous feeling growing within them.

Ray: "Hey there." said Ray with a smile.

Madara: "Hi." replied Madara.

Hashirama: "Hey bud."

Ray: "We need to talk. It's not that big of a deal."

Madara: "Sure. What do you want to talk about?" His bad feeling was growing stronger every second.

Ray: "I-I am leaving." said Ray with extreme hesitation. He almost swore that he got the Hinata stutter.

Hashirama and Madara were speechless. They couldn't even process the words he said to them. They have known Ray for the better part of their lives and he was always there for them for everything and now he is leaving? What the hell?

Hashirama: "Why?" said the Hashirama with little anxiety in his voice. He felt more nervous now than he did fighting a war.

Ray: "I can't give you an answer. In fact, I don't think I ever can but listen to me when I say this, you will both always be my friends. I will never forget you guys." said Ray as he grabbed them both in a giant bear hug. He then pulled away and looked at them one last time before he went through the door. After he passed through the door, he teleported. He just vanished. Ray Wright was longer there.

Hashirama and Madara chased after him but when they opened the door, they saw that he was not there. They used their chakra sensing techniques to find Ray but it seemed like he just ghosted away. Like he was never there. What Ray didn't know was that after he left, all hell broke loose. Mito and Shion were fuming when they heard that their favorite brother-in-law just left. All Uchihas and Senjus were practically going mad to find him. He was their hero. He was their legend. And he was just gone.

This period of time in the Leaf Village became known as the Great Depression or The Rage Era. Anyone or anything that messed with the leaf at that time was utterly annihilated. The leaf had vented on their enemies and now, they practically had none. After they were done venting, there was only sadness left. Eventually, they moved on but not before they created something commemorating Ray and memory.

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