
Start 3

"Revenge is sweet but Karma is sweeter."


The word amazed was an understatement of how Naruto is feeling currently. He is with his new father, going through crowds and nobody can even see them! They could bump into us every once in a while and boy was it fun to watch their confused faces.

Naruto was happy. He hasn't gotten any glares. He hasn't been hit or threatened. Now he has a super cool dad that could love him and protect him. For him, this was even better than ramen. Naruto even thought that his dad's food was better than Ichiraku's.

Naruto: "Hey dad." Naruto tugged on Ray, getting his attention. "How are you doing this? It's like we're invisible or something."

Ray: "You're partly right Naruto. We are invisible in a way but we're mostly just camouflaging with the world using chakra. Do you know what lizards are?"

Naruto: "Yeah! Those color changing rats that I saw sometimes in the forest."

Ray: "Haha. Well, those are not rats. Rats and lizards are not the same at all. They are two different things but you are right. Good job Naruto." Ray patted his head.

Naruto: "Hehehe." Naruto giggled. He usually doesn't get praised at all.

Ray: "We're doing what the lizards are doing. We're basically 'fitting' in with the world so that no one could see us."

Naruto: "Ohhh. I get it now. Is it something that I can learn?"

Ray: "Hmmm... We'll have to see. If you have the right element, perhaps we can. Now let's go Naruto, we're burning daylight."

Naruto: "Okay."

Ray and Naruto eventually reach their destination. It was Naruto's apartment. Looking at Naruto, Ray saw a bitter expression. Trying to fight his fatherly instincts, he quickly started working on what he came to do. He wrote a letter, stating that Naruto will leave for a while but he will come back at the last year of the academy. Finally putting it on Naruto's desk, Ray looked around.

He noticed a very messy room but there some parts that were not Naruto's doing. There were broken glass, broken floors, no water, no groceries, nothing. It just looked like a vandalized location. Ray explored his room quickly, trying not to make Naruto wait outside too long. When he went to the closet, Ray was disgusted and wrathful. He wanted to pop somebody's head so bad.

Ray saw a bloody jacket that was thrown deep into his closet. It looked like it had cuts, was thrown in the ground and stepped on. He could even see a barely recognizable footprint. Ray had it. He quickly went outside to Naruto and hugged him tightly. Being sad over what this boy possibly went through early on.

Ray: 'I thought I could change his future! This is worse than I could have ever imagined.'

"Let's go Naruto. We're going to meet our third family member." Naruto simply nodded. He was curious as to why he got that hug though, not that he minds.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at their destination. Naruto was curious as to why they were here because he knows that this place is where those mean people live in.

Ray: "We're here. Let's go find her." Ray shared a visual image of Hinata at a young age to Naruto. Naruto nodded but was really surprised that an image popped up in his head. He was going to question his mysterious dad later. They searched and searched until they found her.

She was in her room, all huddled up and crying. She looked so pitiful in the dark corner. While Ray could handle some of his emotions, Naruto couldn't. He went out of the [Stealth] range and approached her. After approaching her, he gave her a hug.

Naruto: 'When dad did this for me, I felt better so maybe I could make her feel better.'

Hinata was surprised. She didn't notice anybody in her room and then she was enveloped in a hug. Normally she would be very cautious but this hug made her feel good. Like when she hugged her mother. She embraced back. Leaning toward the small person who was hugging her, letting out all her sadness. She then realized that a second person also embraced her and the mysterious person.

This one felt a lot more different. It was like a father protecting his children. Hinata highly doubted that this was her father but still let it happen regardless. After five minutes of hugging, she looked up to the two people who were with her in her room. She blushed at the fact that her crush actually hugged her but when she looked at Ray, she felt safe. She felt that she could talk with this person and let out all her worries.

Ray: "Hi kiddo. Nice to meet you. My name's Ray. This is Naruto Uzumaki, my son.", Ray introduced.

Hinata was a bit confused. She thought Naruto didn't have a father in the first place. And right on cue, Naruto answered her question.

Naruto: "He took me in.", Naruto smiled.

Hinata was quite happy for him. She always saw that he was always sad and lonely. Knowing that her crush had somebody to love him made her thankful to Ray. Hinata was about to talk but then Ray touched her forehead with two of his fingers. She first felt a cool sensation, messaging her forehead and then it went away, leaving a refreshing feeling in her mind.

Hinata: "What was that?" Hinata gasped. "My stutter. It's gone."

Ray: "You're welcome. You seemed mentally distressed so I decided to alleviate some of that stress and it seemed to bring some of your confidence back."

Hinata: "...Thank you." She was really grateful. Her thoughts have never felt this nice. It was less chaotic and very peaceful.

Ray: "No problem. I did, however, come here for a purpose."

Hinata: "?"

Ray: Ray chuckled at her adorable confusion. " I want to adopt you as my daughter."

Hinata: "I um, I can't. I already have a father." She looked down.

Ray: "No you don't. A father will care for their child. As far as I am concerned, he only cares about your results, not you."

Hinata: "It's because of my mother... ever since she died, he was never the same." She felt sadness wash her over again.

Ray: "And?" Hinata looked up. "I had friends who lost their wives and never changed. They stayed strong for their children and I have grown to admire them. If average human beings can cope with loss, why can't a Hyuuga? A clan head no less? If he's scared to lose you like he did his wife, then why didn't he help you? Why couldn't he encourage you to do better? So that not only did you grow strong but also protect yourself? He had a choice."

Hinata was a little bitter. He was right. Why couldn't her father love her for who she is? Why can't he accept them? If he was scared, why didn't he help her?

Ray gave her a minute to think. He turned to Naruto to see a look of anger and expectation. Naruto was hoping that Hinata could join him and Ray but he was angry at learning about her past. A strange part of him was glad that he wasn't born with parents as they might have possibly hurt him just like how Hinata's parents did to her and the fact that he would've never met Ray.

A silence atmosphere was established. Ray stayed calm and merely observed her and Naruto was getting jittery. Never was the type to stay in one place.

Hinata: "I'll do it.", she whispered out, "I will be your daughter." This time, she looked at me with a smile.

Ray: "That's great! Let's go show the world what Hinata and Naruto are capable of." Ray laughed as he included Hinata in the [Stealth] range. Hinata giggled to herself for her new father's antics and Naruto smirked with determination.

Naruto: 'I'll never let you down.'

Hinata: 'I will always stay by your side father.'

Ray: "Now. Let's go to our temporary home. After that, we'll start moving from places to place."

Ray, Naruto, and Hinata soon walked out of the compound much to Hinata's amazement. They reached Ray's first home and it was still in shape due to Eden. The kids walked to the bed and sat. They were having a small talk while Ray made a meal for them. As soon as they smelled it, they started salivating. When Ray called them for lunch, they were already in their chairs ready for the food. Ray chuckled at this display but at the same time was happy that they were getting comfortable. After eating, Naruto and Hinata laid down on the bed. They felt comfortable and eventually drifted off.

Ray saw this as a cute family moment so he decided to take a picture for the occasion. As he quietly walked out of his house, his countenance changed from happiness to rage. When he 'fixed' Hinata's problem, he saw a memory of Hinata's. It made him remember that the Cloud Village wanted to put Hinata in their breeding program. Not only that, they also participated in the Uzumakis purge. Ray knows that they are safe but a part of him craved revenge and that's what he set out to do.

Ray disappeared in a gust of wind. He was using [Wind Rider], a jutsu he created for traveling, to quickly approach the Cloud. He looked down and saw a beautiful image. A village where people were living quite happily and normally. If this was Ray before he reincarnated, he might have regretted what he was about to do but now, there is nothing in head except destruction.

Ray: "I am not the God of Chaos for nothing." Ray raised his hand as he was hovering over the Cloud Village.

"[Wind Style: Airbending]"

Ray moved his body. It was a dance of sorts in a way but with every movement came the accumulation of a disaster. Other may not feel it but people knew something was about to happen and right on time, it did.

Ray: "[Combination Wind Style: Black Tempest]"

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Auren02creators' thoughts