
Start 2

"When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."


Ra: "Yes. I do go by that name. At least that is what I remember from my previous master."

Ray: "Previous master? Are you talking about Atem?"

Ra: "Yes. He was a good and prudent king. A man worthy to be my master. Are you?"

Ray: "Um. I don't k-"

?: "Don't forget about me." said a happy voice.

Ra and Ray both turned to the newcomer and both had different reactions. Ra was simply curious while Ray was once again confused.

Ray: "I think the mushrooms I've had with Hashirama had hallucinogens. I must be seeing things.", Ray said as he massaged his forehead, "So I have a Yugioh Egyptian God and a Legendary Pokemon that can cross worlds as my two beasts."

?: "Hey! We're not just beasts. We're living beings too. You should consider us... Actually. What are we?", said the being with a smile.

Ra: "We're Gods.",said Ra stoicly.

Ray: "Alright..."A short pause later, "I think I officially lost it. So Ra and Lunala[2]. Nice to meet you."

Ra: "..."

Lunala: "Yeah you too."She looked to Ra, "Hey Grumpy. If you're going to stay with us, at least communicate."

Ra gave a sharp glace to Lunala. It was more of a glare than anything but Lunala returned it with her own. At this point, Ray considered praying. He was hoping these two get along.

Ra: "You better give respect to your elders, child."

Lunala: "WHA! Wha'd you say!! I'll have you know that I am three thousand years old!!

Ra: "Yeah? Well, I am two eons older than you so zip it."

Lunala : *Gasp* You...you...you...you're a super gramps! Now I know why you're so grumpy." said Lunala with a smirk.

Ra: "Huh! What did you call me!?"

Lunala: "Super gramps." She giggled, "You're obviously really old, so me and Ray here are gonna call you super gramps. Right Ray?" Ray sweatdropped. He got one hell of a piercing look from Ra. He didn't even need to turn around to know that.

Ray: "I think I'll stick to Ra. It sounds better. Less effort you know?"

Lunala: "Aw you're no fun." She giggled, "And here I thought I can anger you to death..." That last part came out a whisper but Ra heard it and growled.

{Ray POV}

Seeing two ginormous beasts just staring each other down and bickering is a lot more intimidating than I thought. Ra is way bigger but Lunalas presence is just as strong as Ra's. I understand Ra being powerful but why Lunala? She definitely is not from pokemon. No way. She's too strong. I would rather believe that lions became herbivores before that ever happens.

{Normal POV}

Ray: "So uh what now?"

Ra: "I sleep, she rests, and you do your thing. Our powers are already in you as should know so don't wake us up unless it's necessary."

Lunala: "Yeah what he said. I do feel excessively tired for some reason. I only fought it off to meet with my new host and roomie."

Ray: "Uh...Okay, I guess. Sleep well then." Ray said before he left.

Ra: "..."

Lunala: "When do you think we'll wake up roomie? If Ray dies, we die too you know?"

Ra: "Yeah I do but what can we do? We are too weak right now. Recover energy first and do actions later." Ra laid down in the forest. "Wait. Did you just call me roomie?"

Lunala: "I did."

Ra: "Does it take you that much effort to call me by my name?" said after a sigh.

Lunala: "No... but it's fun." as she also laid down next to Ra and started sleeping.

Ra: "Hmph. Cheeky Brat."

Lunala: "Old Geezer."

Back to Ray...

Ray: "Eden. Any more surprises? What's next? I have my own world inside of me? I can create cheerios out of my fingers? Fart out bacon? Or sneeze out swords? Or even better. I have the power of Genetic Access."

Eden: "You know that I can understand sarcasm right? Funny you said genetics because you do have it. You haven't unlocked it yet.

Ray: "Seriously. You mention this now?"

Eden: "Well you never asked. You seem to enjoy your life with your two besties so I felt wrong to disturb your happiness."

Ray: "That's... quite considerate of you. Thanks."

Eden: "That's what I am here for anyway."

Ray: "Then let's get a move on."

Ray moved forwards to the Leaf Village. He was looking for a few people. An Uzumaki, and a Hyuuga. As he arrived at the village, he activated his [Stealth] skill and walked through the gate. Ray noticed that the Leaf Village has advanced quite a bit. People seem to get along well, business was decent, and the people had peace. Of course, with [Aura Sensing], Ray figured out that there was hidden resentment in each villager. He guessed that it was Kurama and he sighed.

{Ray POV}

Damn it. It seems like time really did create a solution. Now I have an unknown to deal with. I only wish th-Is that who I think it is?

{Normal POV}

Ray spotted a figure. A very pitiful figure of a malnourished child that stood from the rest. He had spiky blond hair and dulled blue eyes. The hateful glares that the boy got tore Ray's heart apart. It was too painful to watch. Seeing the lonely figure, fighting against the world by himself from birth on a fate he did not have a choice to receive. It was just too much.

In fact, it got to him too much because he saw Conny's shadow in Naruto. Conny used to be bullied in elementary school and she would never tell anyone about it. It wasn't until Ray confronted her that she broke down and told him the truth. On the next day, Ray completely destroyed the bullies lives. He cleaned out their bank account, destroyed their identities, and even made sure that they were branded as criminals. Not only that, he even targeted their direct relatives like parents. Ray ruthlessly destroyed their entire lives and nobody ever found out about it until later on.

Seeing Naruto, it brought him back the excruciating painful thoughts of what happened to Conny and his rage once again was threatening to take over. But he is a bit more smarter now. He can't destroy his best friends' dreams that they built. He can only eat the bitter pill and go forward with his original plan.

As Naruto passed by Ray, he didn't notice anything. Naruto was just running and crying as he left. Ray followed until he reached a training ground where he started punching the poles and the ground. He did it until he passed out and Ray sat there, watching him. Thinking on how to train him.

Not a while later, Naruto woke up and Ray deactivated his [Stealth] and approached him.

Ray: "Hey kid.", said Ray with a welcoming smile.

Naruto: "..."Naruto seemed cautious. Like he thought Ray was going to attack him."H-Hi. What do you want?"

Ray: "Just want to talk. Wanna have lunch with me?"

Naruto: "No. I'm okay." As soon as he finished saying that, his stomach grumbled.

Ray: "Haha. Seems like your stomach is a lot more honest than you. Sit on the floor. I'll whip you up something."

Naruto was biting his lower lip. His stomach rebelled against him. He couldn't believe it.

A few minutes later...

Ray: "It's done. Here you go." Ray gave him an omelet with sausages on the side and some rice.

Naruto didn't even look at Ray. His mind was filled with the smell of the food. After Ray said to have it, Naruto immediately reached for the plate and started to eat. To Ray, it was like watching an animal ravaging his food. Fortunately for Ray, he made more than just one plate.

After Naruto was full, he looked at Ray, only to see him staring at him with amusement and a gaped mouth.

Ray: "You ate 15 plates of food in under an hour... Kid where does that go? Do you have another dimension in your stomach?"

Naruto was embarrassed, to say the least. This older man gave him good food out of nowhere and he simply took it all without asking if he wanted to eat it.

Naruto: "Sorry. I didn't mean to take your portion. I was just really hungry..." The last part came out much quieter than the other words.

Ray: "It's fine. You're good. Tell me something though. Do you have any plans for the future?"

Naruto: "Yeah! To be the Hokage!" said the boy with excitement.

Ray: "Why?"

Naruto: "Well, I wanna be respected and acknowledged by all! I want to show that I can be somebody!"

Ray: "Well you are somebody. I don't know why you would say that. And why would you want respect and acknowledgment by these people? Don't you see how they treat you?"

Naruto: "Well it was because of Grandfather that told me that being Hokage is the- "

Ray: "Most annoying job out there. You have to lead people who are ungrateful to you. You have to be aware of people who may betray you. You have to look out for signs of war at all times. Why would you want this job?"

Naruto: "Well Grandpa said th-"

Ray: "Who is this Grandfather of yours?"

Naruto: "The Third Hokage."

Ray: "I see. That makes even less sense."

Naruto: "What?"

Ray: "Well if your Grandpa is the Third, then why doesn't he stop what's happening to you? Doesn't he have a group of ninjas specifically for spying and information gathering? He should know about you and how everyone treats you."

Naruto thought about it for a second. To him, this older person was right. The Hokage is the most powerful man in the village. How can he not keep track of me?

Ray: "Did he ever do anything to actually prevent you from getting bullied and hurt anymore?"

Naruto: "No...I don't think so. Nothing has changed since the day I met him. Besides the Ramen lunch that we have every once in a while."

Ray: "That's convenient, isn't it? You getting hurt by the village by for no reason and the Third magically appears and give you a goal. To stay in the village and lead it. Suspicious right?"

Naruto: "Yeah...I guess it is." Naruto never thought so much in his entire life. For him, it seemed like there was a big mystery unraveling right in front of him and he's a big part of it.

Ray: "Kid. I think you were being manipulated."

Naruto: "? What does that mean?"

Ray: "It means controlled."

Naruto thought about it once more and when he finally broke out his stupor, he asked the burning question in his mind.

Naruto: "Why would he do that?"

Ray: "Well it might be something to do with your status as Jinchuriki."

Naruto: "What's that?"

Ray: "A Jinchuriki is a person who has a tailed beast in them. I'm pretty sure with all I have said, you can figure out which one you have."

Gears started turning in his head. He was confused, shocked, and then angry.

Naruto: "I...have the Nine-Tails?"

Ray: "Yeah."Naruto looked down. Realizing what that meant. What the villagers meant now."Before you have depressing thoughts, let me tell you. You are not the Nine-Tails. You are your own person. You are simply the prison for the Nine-Tails. Not actually the Nine-tails." Naruto seemed better. At least Ray thought he did. "There are bad news and good news though. The bad news is that you are valuable as a weapon. Good news is that you can be one of the strongest people in existence."

Naruto: "Now it makes sense. I was curious as to why Grandpa was so nice to me. He saw me as a weapon." Naruto started to tear up. He was comforted by Ray's hug as he cried his heart out on Ray. For the first in what seems to be forever, Naruto felt comfortable. He felt free. Free of his emotions, free of his mind, free of everything. He looked at the man before him.

Ray: "Sorry kid. Didn't know the Third would actually do that to you. Sorry."

Naruto: "It's okay. At least now I know. Thank you uh..."

Ray: "Ray."

Naruto: "Thank you Ray. I appreciate everything you have done for me. " Naruto gave Ray a hug.

Ray: "You're welcome uh..."

Naruto: "Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki." He giggled at the fact that Ray acted just like him. Ray thought that this was the first genuine smile he saw of Naruto.

Ray: "You are welcome Naruto." He paused." Say, want to listen to a favor?"

Naruto: "Sure." Naruto trusted the man.

Ray: "Would you like to be my son?"

Naruto: "...what?"

Ray: "Would you like to be my son?" said Ray in a more gentle tone.

Naruto: "...but why?" His voice cracked.

Ray: "Well, I'm a lonely man who wants to raise kids and you're a lonely kid that's all by himself. It seems to match in my head."

Naruto: "Yes..." He said in a quiet tone.

Ray: "Sorry what? I couldn't quite hear you."

Naruto: "I said Yes. I want to be your son." he said with more determination.

Ray: "Well great. Awesome. Want to get out of his place? There is another person we have to pick up. I think she could be your future wife." Naruto blushed.

Naruto: "Yeah Dad. I wanna leave this place. It's awful. I don't learn anything. I don't have enough food. My apartment always gets trashed. It's terrible here." Hearing Naruto list out injustices against him made Ray clench his fists. He was getting so mad. Naruto noticed it and his heart felt warm.

'So this is what's like to have a dad.'

Ray: "Alright Naruto. Then let's go." Ray held Naruto's hand as he activated [Stealth] once more and walked in village.

Longer chapter than usual. Hope you like it. Comments and spirit stones are most appreciated. Ratings too. There is one intended reference and many unintended references out there. Hope you can find them.

-Any details I can add to make better. Please do give something. I feel like it's missing something.

Auren02creators' thoughts
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