

"Be who you are and life will be easy. Play someone else, life will be twice as hard."


As the memory ended, a voice sounded in Ray's head.

?: "What is your name?", asked the voice in a robotic tone.

Ray: "Um... Ray.", replied Ray hesitantly.

?: "Okay. User identity confirmed. Voice confirmation checked. Soul signature checked. The user is Ray Wright. Correct?"

Ray: "Sure."

?: "Okay. Hello Ray. Nice to meet you. I am a system. I will guide you through your reincarnations. Before proceeding any further, any questions?" asked the System monotonously.

Ray: " Uh yeah. Many. Why are you in my head? What are you? What is this place and what reincarnations are you talking about?" asked Ray curiously.

System: "First, I am technically not in your head but rather your very existence. God decided to put me there. Second, I am a system. It is not that easy to put it in words but in a way, I am a soul artifact that helps people. There is only one of me as of now and there only will be one of me. No others will be created due to, reasons. Third, this place is what you people call Purgatory. In here, nothing exists. Well, except you. This is what the universe would look like if God did not create anything. Fourth, you have to reincarnate because of your deeds in your original world."

It got Ray thinking.

Ray: 'God exists. He gave me a system like those in the novels I read about. It's nice. Soul artifact? What's that?' Ray wondered, 'Only one system? What are the reasons? I'll ask that later. Also, this place is Purgatory? It might be worse than hell. I rather feel something than nothing at all. Jesus. Then the reincarnation which I don't have a choice to do? Let's ask about that.'

Ray: "Excuse me. Could you tell me more about why I have to reincarnate?"

System: "It is because of what transpired on Earth due to you. You committed a tremendous amount of murder by yourself but at the same time you made Earth not only stable but have the ability to last longer than it's original age. Between the two deeds, one immediately puts you in Hell and the other in Heaven, but because you did both, the Gates of Hell and Heaven are not opening. God can absolutely open them but then he would break his own rules. It is because of this conflict, you are being reincarnated. In fact, I would say reincarnation might be better than both for you. You like traveling and there are many adventures you can go on. Even fictional ones."

Ray: "..." Ray was shocked, to say the least. Was he ashamed? Filled with guilt? Completely. Did he regret, however? No. He would most likely do it the same way if he got the chance to, except he would save his sister.

Ray: "You said fictional adventures? Does Naruto Count?" asked Ray unsure.

System: "Yes. Would you like to go there?"

Ray: "Yeah. In the honor of my sister's favorite anime." Ray replied happily, ' Conny. You have no idea what I just got to do. This is awesome.'

System: "Let us go then. Any appearance preference?"

Ray: "Hmm. I like my looks but I would look ugly and strange in Naruto. I'll go with Naruto's face and body with white hair and golden streaks on the corner of my head next to my ears. Yeah, that looks nice. Oh yeah, bring back my left arm lightning tattoo[1], my right arm fire tattoo[2], and my lion tattoo[3] that was on my back. Those were awesome. Let's see. What else did I want?", Ray pondered, "Nothing I guess. That's it for now."

System: "Okay. Anything else?"

Ray: "Yes actually. Could you make me blind?"

System: "..." It's safe to say even the system was shocked at that question. Who willingly wants to be blind?

System: "Yes you can. Why do you wish to be blind?"

Ray: " Well. One of my military friends used to be blind and he said that blindness is the best thing that ever happened to him. In his words, "it took away his ability to see the ugliness of people". I want to try it myself. Then there is the fact that I looked up to Kenshi from Mortal Kombat. He was amazing. To be able to fight against others equally while being blind? That is one of the best achievements one can have. Also, I simply want a challenge. I feel like Naruto will easy as I have you and future knowledge so why not make it more difficult for me? I get to enjoy it.", said Ray pridefully.

System: "Well that can be achieved. Now, what timeline would you like to go in?"

Ray was thinking about this quite a bit. He would love to go to Konoha to immediately become a part of the adventure but he would like to train first. So he decided to pick the time of Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha when they were younger. That way he can be acquainted with them and perhaps stop Madara from doing something stupid.

Ray: "I choose the time where Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha met the first time. In the forest specifically."

System: "Okay. Anything else?"

Ray: "Yes.", Ray responded, "Could you make me ten years old at least and have low fire and earth affinity. That would be nice."

System: "... You are a strange one. You could have asked for the Dojutsus or sage powers or bloodlines or even a tailed beast but you chose low affinities of two elements. Are you sure you are okay?"

Ray: "Yes, I am okay.", Ray was speechless, 'Did the system just ask if I have a mental problem?'

System: "Alright. Let's get going then." Ray started turning into particles until he simply just disappeared. Purgatory became silent once again.

{A Few minutes have passed since Ray has left}

Two people simply floated there.

?: "You could have met him. He did many outrageous acts for you. The least you could have done is at least meet him and say thank you."

??: "I know, and I should have. I felt guilty for what I did to him and those people. Some of them were innocent and he slaughtered them in cold blood because they might have participated in illegal actions. It's wrong but at the same time, I felt happy. Happy that I have the greatest big brother ever however I felt ashamed at the thought of meeting him. It was all my fault. He didn't have to kill so many people just to avenge me or remember my memory. I just wanted him to be happy and live. "

?: "Young lady, this is not completely your fault. He was just too loving. As for the shame, you should be. In fact, you should be in Hell due to indirect involvement but you did revolutionize the world for the better so my hands are tied. Before you leave with me, do you wish to meet with your parents one last time?"

??: "Yes. Thank you."

?: "No problem.", the person said as he sighed, "You two are my biggest troublemakers and yet I praise you both for doing so much. Anyway, ready to go?"

??: "Yeah.", the other person replied, 'I'll see you later big brother.'

?: 'A crazy caring big brother but good nonetheless.', the person thought as he also left the space.


[1] https://www.tattoodo.com/p/198469

[2] https://www.pinterest.com/pin/105834659978032956

[3] https://www.pinterest.com/pin/359654720228267041/

It's bad I know. I promise I will edit later. I just want to take everything that I have in my mind out before I lose it. This way, I can ask for advice later to refine it. Enjoy it I hope.

-Edited( I add the tattoos cause one, they are amazing and two, I plan to add significance to them later. Other than that, hopefully, the story is a bit better. It's not as clean as I hoped it to be but it's progress.)

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