

"The past can not be changed. The future is yet in your power."


In a small forest came the sound of giggling children. The flowers were dancing to the tune of the wind and nature became itself became the show. A couple of children were playing around, enjoying their youth.

This forest had a myth. A myth of a legendary pianist that risked his very life and soul into playing the piano. In the end, he died playing the instrument he loved.

No. It's wrong to say that the piano was his instrument. It was his partner. It was his comrade. It was a part of him.

Every day at seven in the morning, you could hear the sound of the piano playing sorrowfully. The piano in its own way showed its grief for its owner as if it is alive.

Many came to this forest to see this mythical piano, only to be disappointed with the results. They only saw a run down piano that can't correctly play notes and thought perhaps it was just a prank that someone made up. This left many disappointed, but there three kids that always believed. Why exactly?

Many do not know. Some thought they were crazy or mentally ill however only the three knew the secret. These three were that day. The day when a spirit emerged from the piano and started playing it. She seemed to be in her twenties and when she started playing the piano, she would weep. Her flowerlike face would hold sad eyes as she gazed down at the piano. Her onyx hair would move with her as she played it and she would not say anything. Maybe she can not say anything in the first place.

Trying to get a closer look, the three kids went closer and closer. After reaching a certain distance, the piano playing would stop. The spirit turned at us and she smiled. Her smile was that of the bright sun as she observed us. She then put one finger on her lip and gave the shh gesture. They nodded in order to answer her request and she took one more look before she disappeared without their knowledge.

Three months have passed since the spirit last appeared and from that point on, the children would play next to the piano. Sometimes one of the kids would play the piano and a sweet melody would flow out. Animals would come and watch them curiously and eventually some warmed up to them. They would play and play and soon everything became dark once again.

{Memory Flashback End}

Ray was laying in his house, thinking seriously about whether that memory happened at all.

Ray: 'I possess eidetic memory so why can I not remember that happening? Where does that fall in on my life timeline? Who is that other boy? I recognize the little girl as Conny but who is he... Questions for later I guess.'

Ray got up and did his usual stretches. Then he got his toothbrush and paste provided by the system to clean himself up and do his daily activities.

Ray: "Today is the day, isn't it?", Ray said.

Eden: "Yes Ray. Are you ready?"

Ray: "As ready as I can be."

He decided to go to the appointed location. As he arrived, he saw two young boys throwing stones at the river and making it bounce to the other side. The boy with the spiky hair couldn't make it but the boy with the helmet hair did. I eventually reached them and as I appeared, they both looked at me.

Ray: "Hi. Nice to meet you two.", Ray greeted them politely.

?/??: "Who are you!?" said the young boys as they got in a battle stance.

?: 'He does not seem to be a shinobi. His clothes are bit weird though.' person one thought, 'It seems that Hashirama is also a shinobi. I only hope that he is not a Senju.'

??: 'Hmm. He seems very suspicious. I can't sense any malicious intent from him but I feel that he is an aged veteran who has seen action. Like my father.', person two thought, ' Madara's reactions show that he is indeed a shinobi like I thought. I only hope that he is not an Uchiha.'

Ray: "Well for starters, my name is Ray. Ray Wright. I have been living in this forest for a few years since my parents being killed. This is the first time I have seen people so I came to greet you."

Madara: "See?", Madara asked with suspicion, "You have a blindfold on. How can you see at all?"

Hashirama: 'I wonder that too.'

Ray: "It's actually a long story you see. I lost my vision when my parents tried to protect me from the other shinobis. When I realized that I could not see, I was desperate. I tried many methods but no medicine from civilization could not help me so I gave up and tried to live with my condition. Eventually, I found that out that I could technically "see" using a technique I have created unintentionally. I can not see the skies but I can see everything in a range of 40 meters all around me that are touching the ground.", Ray replied, 'Hopefully they believe it. I doubt it though.

Hashirama: "Hahaha. Wow. That's amazing! You created a technique to use as a substitute for your eyes. That is truly admirable! Hahaha!"

Madara: "Indeed. That takes a considerable amount of skill. Congratulations. You have my respect."

Ray was on cloud nine when he heard that his two favorite characters are complimenting him.

Ray: 'They believed it! Haha!', Ray thought with a smile, "Thank you. So could you tell me what are doing here? It is somewhat dangerous around these parts. Those people possessing strong vitality and strong eyes are having a war against each other. I recommend you to stay as far away as possible.

Hashirama: '?? He can sense that? Strong vitality and strong eyes? That must be the Senju and Uchiha. Funny that he warned me about my own clan though.", Hashirama with a smile then said, "It's okay. I am strong. I can protect my self Hehe."

Madara: "Same here. I am also plenty strong.", Madara then went to his thoughts, ' He must be talking about the war. It's sad but neither side will back down! How idiotic can both clans be!'

Ray: "Oh okay. Can I ask you a question then?"

Hashi/Madara: "Sure." They said together. They then looked at each other and grinned.

Ray: "Since you both respectively have that vitality and eyes, why are you here and not at the war scene?"

Hashi/Madara: "..." They were both shocked. They immediately jumped back and went into battle mode. They looked at each other with precaution until Ray interfered.

Ray: "It looks like I am right. It is none of my business but you are both welcome to come back to my place. I made lunch. It is mixed mushroom soup and some fish that I caught before to make some sushi.", Ray said as calmly as possible. He was extremely nervous. These two are future monsters! They could probably kill him as easily as swatting a fly right now if they wanted to. One can beat him to death and the other can Genjutsu him to oblivion. 'This is so nerve-wracking! Hopefully the foo- Hm?'

Hashirama practically had a waterfall going through his mouth as his eyes shined like stars at me thinking about the soup. Madara was not as exaggerated but he also had the same look due to the Sushi. They both looked at me like I am the most precious jewel in the world.

Ray: 'HAHA! IT WORKED!! Be calm, be calm.' "Are you guys coming with me?", Ray asked with a smirk.

I came back. Not dropping. Leave a rating on my novel and comment if you want. Stones if you really want to.

Auren02creators' thoughts
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