
New Laws, New Beginnings

so after She started developing her powers, she reduced the amount of times going outside to the market and hanging out with friends. after awhile she was getting sick with high fevers, sweating, chills, nausea etc but she didn't know why these were happening which is why she chose not to tell her father about it. but one day she got really bad like really, really, really bad were she couldn't get out of bed, so she slept the whole day. Veron was trying to find ways for his precious daughter to live a normal life that he didn't notice that veronica was getting sick. when he noticed that she wasn't coming out of here room and decided to go and check on her. when he opened her bedroom door, she was pink in color, red cheeks from the fever she had and she was sweating like a waterfall her father panicked but started to look after her and give her medicine and started to use his magic powers which he hid from everyone to heal Veronica but he couldn't heal her fully as she was going through the witches break through to fully become a witch that can use her powers that she had to endure all by herself so that she doesn't die from the overwhelming power surging through her veins doesn't blow off her head

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