
The shadow

A thud on the door, a dark long shadow stands in front of the door, the snow was quiet and the moonlight reflects from the surface of the snow crystal. Even the wolves stopped howling, the noise from the trees stopped as everything was drowned in the fear and darkness. With every passing second, the silence becomes louder, darker and colder.

And then again a loud thud on the door forced Rudra to stop gazing the crescent moon and climb down. With every step the knocking on the door become louder, he stopped in front of the door and suddenly the thud stopped and a man speaks in a brittle and rough voice "you have been called", he could surely tell from the voice that the person who was standing on the other side of the door was huge. Everything around him became cold and he can feel the darkness that the entity on the other side of the door possessed. He was not sure what he needs to do now but his feet just moved towards the door as it was the only option that he has and he opens the door and a huge, tall and dark shadow stands in front of him wearing a black robe, it was impossible to tell who he was, his face was hidden beneath the shadow of his hairs and he repeated: "you have been called".

A heavy hand landed on the shoulders and forced Rudra to come out of his home. He grabbed his hand and started walking through the woods. He knew he can't resist, he knew he can't win and he knew he can't stop walking. After being dragged for about a mile Rudra tried to swallow his fears and uttered "who called me" and there was just silence, he didn't bother to reply him, Rudra repeated "who called me" and he didn't bother to say anything but his unaltered silence told Rudra not to utter anything again.

They were surrounded by woods and the thickness of the trees made almost impossible for moonlight to seep through, the cracking of dried branches by their feet was like blazing thunder but Rudra was not concerned about silence or sound now, the only thing he cared now was this man and what destiny awaits. He wasn't afraid to die he faced it hundreds of time by now, he knew that but this was something else, this was something more than death crueller, more dark and like being part of conscious void and knowing but not being able to get through, caged in an infinite and unaltering void of darkness like there was no end to it and with every passing second it will come closer to you, closer than your flesh even closer than your own existence.

And they stopped, and he uttered: "Lord awaits you", and suddenly everything around him start to vanish, started swirling around him and he spoke again "Cover your ears if you don't want to bleed to death", Rudra held his hand around his ears as tightly as he can and tried to keep his eyes open but this all seems impossible. The last thing he remembers was that man's heavy hands on his shoulders and those inaudible cries which were seeping in through his hands and these all voices seems almost impossible for him to bear and with every passing second they were becoming inaudible, and it all stopped he can not feel anything around him, he was not able to fathom any thought,

he was falling,

and the whole eternity became silent.

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