

I'm tired of the world kicking my ass man. Thought I made some progress but it turns out all thoes steps I took forward was just me going in circles.

That was the reality of it. Haha the world sucks doesn't it? I wanna give up so badly but I dont. I don't because I have people like my mother I don't wanna let down yet I still put no effort in so even though I haven't given up all I'm doing is existing.

Wow that sounds pathetic. Guess I've pretty much given up in some regard actually. What a fall from grace. At one pointed I wanted everything but now? I'm burnt out.

I wish my dreams would stretch into an eternity. The second I wake up and realise I have to deal with the pain known as reality I want to do nothing more then go back to sleep.

Im tired of it all the stress of wanting a job, the stress of being in a relationship that seems as if it's fleeting, the stress of going to university hell the stress of keeping somewhat sane.

I'm tired of trying so why do I get up. What's the point of getting up when you genuinley have no purpose.

Yeah I get I'm young in 18 but what am I gonna be searching my whole life? What if I find my purpouse at age 53 huh? I get that beggars can't be choosers but at this point.

I'd rather just be dead and at peace. Apart of me says I don't mean it.

But another part of me knows I do.