
Vengeance of the Cursed

A man, at his last breath, was fighting with his adversaries in an epic battle. When he was about to die, he was saved by a creature covered in black mist. The creature proposed a deal with the promise to change his life forever. Burdened by his sufferings and hidden unknowns behind the mask of that creature, he hesitantly agreed. That day, his journey was supposed to have ended. However, it opened a whole new chapter in his story. A life which he never thought he could get one day. But the price he'll pay might make his new blessing, a curse. Will he correct his past mistakes, avenge his loved ones and lead a better life or will he become someone's pawn, doing only other's bidding forever? ===================== I don't own the cover. If you're the owner and want me to remove it, contact me.

Lazysam · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


After the shadow disappeared, time started flowing again.

While the six started to fly away from the place due to the destruction that was about to happen, Ray was on his knees, clutching his chest as if all the strength he had now just evaporated. But his defiant look still stayed the same. The countless mixed emotions he was feeling never stopped him from looking straight into his death. The dragon charged towards him from the sky as if the god himself threw a trident at him from heaven.

The dragon tearing through Ray's flesh struck the ground beneath with enormous force that caused the nearby mountains to collapse. The force, like an earthquake, spread to several kilometres, changing the landscape. The surrounding animals ran in every direction to seek refuge but with no way to run, they were crushed to death. The high-end mountains which were a symbol of the pinnacle of strength, were now falling until a ginormous hole was created in the Earth.

The blond-haired man and the rest of his team looked from above, feeling satisfied with the death of that monster. As they turned to leave, one among them noticed something.

"Huh!" the glasses man with a puzzling look on his face found one thing odd.

"What happened?" asked the violet-haired woman after seeing the glasses man looking at something.


After taking one last look at the devastated mountain range, the glasses man also turned back to leave.

'Ray was standing on the ground before our escape. But, I think I saw him kneeling before Empirion ate him. When did he do that or was it just my imagination?'

While thinking about this and the recent events, he also left the place with his friends by flying through the sky.

The sunlight started to come out by piercing the dark clouds, sending a message of victory of right over wrong.


In some faraway place,

A luxurious mansion stood tall in an ever-bustling city. The golden gates of the mansion show the wealth and power the people inside possess. The white marble with which it was made, combined with the beautiful sunlight, creates an art for the whole world to see. The big and beautiful gardens with different herbs and shrubs growing from the ground evoke a sense of warmth in those who see them. The vines adorned the mansion as if the mansion wore some jewellery, beautiful and gentle. The alluring fountain before it also adds a sense of serenity to the atmosphere.

In one of the highly decorated rooms of this mansion, a child lay asleep in a huge and highly comfortable bed. Lost in his world, with a gentle and calm expression on his face. However, that expression gradually started to change into that of a pain as if he was suffering. Suddenly, he woke up from his dream and got up from his bed, ending his torment. A tear started streaming down from his left eye as if he had seen a nightmare. He was Ray Von Adelbert. The young master of the Adelbert household.

*knock* *knock*

"Ray, are you awake? I am coming inside."

Suddenly, A very sweet and feminine voice came from behind the door which was on the right side of the bed.

The door started to creak open. Stood at the door, a charming girl with a small bosom, long brown hair turned in a ponytail and silver-white eyes. Dressed in a casual purple dress, exuding a sense of maturity. The girl after entering, stopped and looked at Ray.

"Oh! You're awake. Breakfast is ready and everyone has already gathered in the dining room. Come quickly."

But when Ray turned his head and looked at the girl, the girl became quite surprised and her expression changed into that of a worry.

The girl asked in a worried voice, "What happened? Did something happen? Why are you crying?"

Ray, who didn't know that tears were coming out of his eyes, touched his left cheek with his left hand.

"I am crying?"

Seeing the sad expression on his face, the girl got close to Ray and hugged him.

"Don't worry, I am here and everything is fine. You can tell me everything. I'll listen to you. I am your big sister after all. Ok?" said his sister in a soothing and caring voice.

After a moment of embrace, Ray got away from his sister who was still worried about him and wiped his tears.

"Ok" said Ray after feeling a little better.

"So tell me, what happened?" asked his sister who was still thinking about the reasons behind him crying.

"It was nothing. Just a nightmare."

"Are you sure it was only a nightmare and nothing more?"

"Yeah. I am fine."

"That's a relief then. You know if anything happens.."

"I can always come to you. I know." said Ray as he cut off his sister's sentence mid-way with a gentle smile.


The girl again became surprised but this time, it wasn't because of tears or sadness, but because of the smile of Ray.

From birth, Ray showed little to no emotions. He also never interacted much with others except for some people in his mansion. As a result, he has no friends of his age except one. He just stayed in his mansion or rarely visited the city market. Everyone thought he had some kind of mental problem from birth. They just thought of him as a deadweight in his family who increased the work of his Mom and Dad with nothing to provide in return, a useless child with no qualities.

Seeing the smile, his sister became quite happy as she didn't even remember when was the last time he smiled like that. Most of the time Ray just seemed sad to her as if something was gnawing at him. But she can't understand what that is.

After looking at her sister's happy face, Ray became puzzled. He didn't understand what just happened. A few moments ago, she was worried about him but now she is smiling while looking at him.


Ray asked but now with his usual expressions.

"You just smiled."

His sister told him while she was being cheerful

"And so?"

"You'll not understand. I'll tell Mom and Dad. They'll be surprised."

After saying that, his sister hurriedly left the room, leaving Ray behind all alone in his room. But when she disappeared from his vision, He started thinking about the dream he had.

'Hmm. Something is different. When I woke up just now, it felt as if I'd awoken from a long slumber. And what was that dream? It was very weird but felt real. I don't remember much now but it felt scary and lonely. Well, it's over now. I should go have my breakfast.'

Ray got up from his bed and entered the bath to take a quick shower. The bathroom was quite big even for a child. In the centre, a big circular bubble bath was placed and on the side, different amenities to help him while he was bathing. But he just went under the faucet to take a shower as his family had already gathered in the dining hall.

After he got out of the shower, with only a towel wrapped around him, he tried to change into his new clothes. His smooth skin, without any scars, gashes or deep marks, unlike before, showed his charm. While his face and body, dripping with water, showed the radiance in his appearance. He wore a White shirt and a black pant, perfectly fitted, with intricate embroidery and pearl buttons which showcased his family's wealth and status. He then hurriedly got out of his room and went to the dining room. After passing through several rooms, he reached a gate. When he opened the gate, he saw four figures. Three sitting at the dining table and one just standing. They were his Mom, Dad, Sister and the Butler of this household. He got inside the room. After noticing him, his parents showed him a smile.

"Good morning, Ray." said a mature lady looking in her thirties with ample bosom who was wearing a high-quality blue silk dress. Her face, as if a work of art had come alive, etched with a gentle yet teasing smile. Her black eyes, filled with a thousand mysteries hidden within. Her long black hairs which come under her waist, sways gently behind her back. It was his mom Julia Adelbert. The lady of the Adelbert household.

"Good morning, Mom." Ray greeted back to his mom with an indifferent face. Something about them seemed different as they were looking at him while smiling. But he quickly realised, it must be because his sister must have told them about this morning.

"Will you not ask us why we're smiling, Dear son?" said a man with a teasing smile, also looking in his thirties who was wearing a black suit and a black pant, with a trimmed and short beard on his face. His long brown hair, tied in a ponytail, draped forward over his shoulder. His silver-white eyes were like a seasoned warrior's, observing every detail in his vision. He was Ray's Dad, Aaron Von Adelbert and the lord of the Adelbert household.

Ray just looked at his father then he quietly sat in the chair beside his sister's.

"Oh come on, ask him Ray." said the charming girl with a ponytail. His sister, Evelyn Von Adelbert, the young lady of house Adelbert, was enjoying the teasing of her parents. It was a rare occasion as they didn't get to have many moments to tease Ray who mostly had the same expression.


"You really don't know how to have fun, Ray." said Eve as she became somewhat annoyed because of lack of interest of Ray.

Their mom, always the mediator between them whenever Eve gets angry because of Ray's behaviour, looked at Eve in a caring way.

"Now, now Eve, don't be angry at Ray. It's a nice morning and it became much better after what you told us. You don't want to ruin the mood. Do you, dear?"

"Fine Mom. I'll not be angry. But what are we waiting for? Why don't we start eating?"

"One member is still missing. So, let's wait for him."

"I don't think he'll ever learn to be on time. He is always late for breakfast."

"I'm sorry, young miss. I'll teach him better next time." said the butler, Edgar, standing behind Aaron, who looked a bit older than Aaron, with small black hair and a black moustache, wearing his usual uniform i.e. white shirt, black waistcoat, and a black pant.

"No, no, it isn't your fault. He should learn himself to be on time."

"Don't worry, Eve. He'll learn it when he grows up." said Aaron reassuringly.

*knock* *knock*

"He came after all"