
No Tears Left To Cry

* And the 2023 season comes to an end!! Cheers to many more years!


"Wh— What's going on here?" Alpha Gabriel asked and Tamiko just smirked as the Grealor wolves spun into confusion for the hundredth time. 

"Alpha Ashton, you're up," Tamiko said sinisterly.

"Tamiko, please," Alpha Ashton begged.

Tamiko stared at the Alpha distastefully like this was the worst of the worst things he was witnessing at the moment. Alpha Ashton's begging and pleading should have made him feel better but Tamiko's rage just couldn't stomach it.

"You sound like a dying pig, Ashton. You knew this was bound to happen. At least with your son, you don't have to fight home for the dead. He is mine to deal with as I see fit., perhaps even kill in the simplest of ways, don't you think?

"Anyway, just make sure you win against your son, Ashton, otherwise there will be consequences worse than death for you, dear Grealor Alpha," Tamiko said.

Gabriel looked at his mate like this was some illusion. 

It had to be, because there was just no way Igor was here with Tamiko and they were causing this much chaos not to mention he had blacked out for the longest time and now he was standing in front of Tamiko with flowers like some damning proposal.

"Can someone fucking explain what the hell is going on here? And shouldn't this bastard be in Kawai and chained up to something, anything?" Gabe asked angrily, the pressure of everything he was feeling at once taking over his senses.

He was experiencing emotional turmoil and the fact that his heart was shattering at the sight of his dead beloved was not just right. Gabe looked at his helpless father who for some sick reason was Tamiko's slave. 

He then looked at his best friends who had tear-stained eyes like they had cried till there weren't any tears left for them to cry. He looked at his and it was like everyone was in mourning, but why did it feel like the worst was yet to come for him and his people?

"Tone down the disrespect, omega," Tamiko said to Gabe who glared at him, before throwing the flowers aside, and rushing towards Tamiko like he wanted a fight. Of course, he wanted a fight. The confusion seemed to come at a price anyway.

"What the fuck did you call me?" Gabe growled at Tamiko who just let out a chuckle.

"Ashton, you have three seconds to get your wasted sperm off my face, or I will kill him and you don't even have anything to bury. Should I remind you that Lycans have magic and I tend to have the worst of the fires?" Tamiko said to the Alpha.

Gabe instantly pulled back. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. All of this was just not supposed to be happening and yet here he was with a defeated father, who never submitted but seemed too scared of the young Lycan to even say a word. 

Now that Gabe looked around, everything made sense, but it still didn't make up for the fact that Tamiko called him an omega.

And for that, Gabe threw a punch at Tamiko, only for the young Lycan to block his hand mid-punch and twist Gabe's arm so roughly that it broke and the bones tore through his skin like he was in some butcher's presence.

"Fuuuckkk!!!" Gabe cried out as he looked at his broken arm. He looked like shit and he couldn't do this about it. If he snapped the bones back together, there was a chance his entire arm would fall off no doubt.

"I. Called. You. An OMEGA. Bite me," Tamiko said to Gabe before he let out another bout of sinister laughs. He was having the time of his life and Kosta was watching, amusement written all over the barbarian's face.

"I'll kill you for this," Gabe threatened as Tamiko stared at him. 

Gabriel Grealor was currently on the ground, a little too close to where Danny was getting help from Zula. 

Granted, Danny was already fixed, thanks to the magic, but the beta was scared of what Tamiko would do to him, so he stayed in the same position for fear that Tamiko would try to use him to fight Gabe or even alpha Ashton. 

Danny was still reeling from the aftershock of the sudden murders of his father and sister. 

He didn't have the strength to do anything, let alone talk to anyone. All he could do was watch in hopelessness as his reality took a new turn a cruel one that would undoubtedly fuck him up until his last breath.

"Oh yeah? You sure you don't want to be fucked senseless by me, Omega? How about we check if you're not dripping wet for me, hmm?" Tamiko asked and Gbe flinched as he dragged himself away from Tamiko.

"Aww, are you scared of me, or do you want me so much it's fucking with you? Come now, Gabriel, I can give you the pleasure you seek. I can smell your arousal, omega, Do you want to be knotted by me?

"Want to carry my pups? Has your useless cock started shrinking to give way for your developing pussy or should I help you with my magic? You want to give your wolves a show, right?

"Well, I can help you with that, especially now that you want to kill me," Tamiko said and Kosta excused himself. 

For the first time in so long, Igor Konstantin left the crime scene. He just couldn't stand there and listen to his Erasthai talk like that. Sure, he would support the prince in whatever, but right now, for his sanity, Kosta was leaving.

Tamiko saw his Erasthai leaving and he just smirked. If Kosta was this affected, he could only imagine what Gabe was feeling. And so, in one move, Tamiko bent to where Gabe was, and roughly undid the Alpha's pants, before he dipped his hands in Gabe's crotch.

"Please, stop. I'll fight him. Please, Tamiko," Alpha Ashton said, and Tamiko looked at him with a smirk on his face. However, what Alpha Ashton saw in his eyes made him take a step back. Tamiko's eyes were black.

His Lycan had shown up; and knowing the history of this Lycan, Alpha Ashton was finally convinced that mercy was no longer an option. 

"Well, well, well. Gabriel has a boner. Do you want help with that, sweetheart?" Tamiko asked, as he stroked Gabriel's cock which was hard with desire. 

Tamiko then pulled the alpha's pants just a little below his butt, for everyone to see the Alpha's cock that was dripping with precum. Gabe tried to fight Tamiko and his desires. He couldn't let himself be humiliated like this in front of Grealor. He just couldn't.

Then again, he had humiliated Tamiko over and over in front of the Grealor wolves and none of them had ever come to Tamiko's rescue. It was like the Grealor wolves loved watching Tamiko's misery.

Perhaps this was just another show for them too, right?

"Ngh," Gabe groaned, confused between pleasure and pain, as Tamiko laughed at him. Oh, but this was making Tamiko feel like he could play with Gabe like some toy, just like Gabe had played with him as a slave in the past twenty-five years.

"Please…" Gabe groaned.

"Please what?"

"Touch me, please," Gabe said and Tamiko released his hands before turning to shake Alpha Ashton's hands, with his sticky fingers.

Karma had finally reached Grealor.

"You sure this is your alpha son, Ashton?"


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