
Vengeance of The Broken Lycan Prince [BL]

[MATURE CONTENT] "Kiss or Kill?" "Karma." ***** Broken by a pack that was supposed to be home, Tamiko swore to never attend any mating ceremonies. He knew they would eventually reject him, so he didn't want to risk the heartbreak even more. However, a lonely best friend in need of a mate and a bunch of convincing later, Tamiko found himself at the entrance of the mating ceremony. As if that wasn't enough, the midnight moon gave him what he didn't want the most. A mate. But not just any mate. Gabe; the alpha's dark son, a man who made it his mission to make Tamiko's life harder, and also the man Tamiko hated more than life itself. As their eyes glowed in the night, Tamiko didn't see a mate, he saw a very rare opportunity; a chance to run, or be the one that Gabe ran from. He chose the latter. Like a gift from the moon, he realized the one thing that could burn down the Grealor pack. He bore the mark of lycan royalty, more precisely, King Zaffuto's mark. The outcast, Tamiko, was the lost lycan prince.

she_osprey · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
149 Chs

Heartbreak in Heaven


The sound of things breaking in the Grealor pack house was evident to everyone in the pack. It had been a month since Gabriel Grealor had been forced to go back home without a mate.

It had also been two weeks since the Kawai mating ceremony ended and in all the time, even though Gabe had been depressed as fuck, he had never acted out. If anything, he always knew that Tamiko would come back.

However, right now, no one was sure of anything anymore.

There were loud growls in the pack house, the tables were being flipped and everything was being trashed. The wolves who had been unfortunate to be in the pack house at the time had used theory werewolf speeds to jump out the windows for their own safety. 

They were scared shitless of Gabriel Grealor and unlike the other times, this time they had a reason to be scared of him. 

"What is wrong with you?" Alpha Ashton dared to ask as he wheeled himself towards his son in the hope of understanding Gabe better. He had been hearing the intense screams in the pack house, and for a moment Ashton was worried Tamiko had come for them.

But then when he got in and saw his son breaking things and thrashing around like a kid throwing tantrums, he knew he had to find a way to make Gabriel stop. If this continued, their people would lose faith in Gabe and that was too expensive for the boy.

There were a lot of things that Gabriel Grealor could do, but scaring his people was the one thing that he had no right to do. Well, Ashton hoped that he would be able to explain that to his dear 'delinquent' son.

Perhaps there would be an easier way out of this, right?

"You!!!" Gabe growled harshly, staring at his father, the veins in his head popping as he literally ran towards his father with a piece of the furniture he had broken. He didn't seem to be thinking clearly but no one was courageous enough to let him know.

None of them knew what I meant for them so they kept their substance. Perhaps Ashton would be able to help his son, even though at the moment, that didn't seem like the best plan of action.

"Snap out of it, boy!!" Alpha Ashton said, making Gabriel break sharply next to his father while still holding the alpha's daring gaze. It was almost like the former alpha wasn't sure what this was and yet at the same time he had a feeling about this.

Well, unless he was already good at commanding Gabriel Grealor, the alpha needed to run because his son was not in the right state of mind. It was like he had lost everything and now he had nothing left to lose.

"This… All of this is your doing! You forced my hand. You made me like this, all of this is your fault. If you hadn't pushed so hard and unrealistically, maybe I would have been happier. 

"Maybe I wouldn't be the one with a broken heart for years on end. Maybe, just maybe, I would have been better and Tamiko would have wanted me like I did him. Maybe I wouldn't have had to make my mate suffer just because he was not one of us. 

"You did this to me!!" Gabe bellowed as he paced around his father who was strangely calm for someone who was facing a raging son. 

Either the alpha was keeping his cool so as to make sure he found a trap again, or he was scared and frozen in time, silently hoping that someone would get him out of the hell hole. 

But then who the fuck would ever do that for him when he didn't even know what the hell was happening here?

"Me? Since when did I become a chapter in your fucking life? You hated the boy, on your own. You made him suffer, on your own. You hurt him, despite the endless times I warned you and tried to make you see sense. 

"You ignored every piece of advice I gave you, and now you're ranting about me making your life difficult? You did this to yourself and you need to get your fucking act together because the world won't stop spinning just because the boy you like decided to stay in Kawai. 

"No one cares, Gabriel, and you need to start acting as an alpha or else—" Alpha Ashton said to this son who paused at his father's sudden ultimatum. 

Gabe couldn't believe that the bloke in the damned wheelchair, a man so useless who could only ever run his damn mouth, was trying to make him see sense. Oh, Gabe was so pissed that he was about to run his father over with everything had and didn't have. 

There was a new level of anger unlocked in Gabe and it had been there before, and when Ashton saw it, he knew that there was never a way out of this for his son. 

He had managed to ruin the only good thing in his life and now he had to deal with the consequences while he was damned and trapped in a fucking wheelchair. Perhaps he should have thought of everything first before making a mess of everything, right? 

Quite the alpha he was for trying to make his son into someone reasonable, only to make a monster out of everyone he loved. What the heck was even supposed to make of it at the moment?

"Or else what… father?" Gabe asked spelling the word father with a tone of spite and Ashton knew that this wasn't going to end well for the both of them. He despised the man in front of him at the moment and he was going crazy with rage.

"You have people depending on you, Gabriel," Alpha Ashton tried to reason but he could see that his son's rage was a little over the top, and it would actually take a while for him to come down to where they were at the moment.

"Oh yeah? And when did you realize that, oh great Alpha Ashton? Did you think of that when you were training me to be a monster? Huh? Did you stop to think about everything and how it would affect the people around me?

"Or wait, you are telling me to behave or else… or else what, father? Will you stop me? You? The bastard in a wheelchair? You? The same man who kidnapped an heir and trapped him in Grealor so you could get leverage and still failed spectacularly?

"You have no right to give me a lecture about shit," Gabe said angrily as he smacked his father's face with the piece of wood in his hands, making the alpha fall to the ground, but right before he could even reach the floor, Gabe held him.

Ashton let out a sigh of relief, only to find himself flying across the room to the nearest wall, the sound of his bones cracking hitting his ears right as his wheelchair followed suit and landed on his broken legs again.

Oh, he was fucked but Gabe wasn't even done with his father.

"He marked someone else!! My mate marked someone else and that is your fucking fault. All of you. I will never forgive you for that, Ashton," Gabe spat out angrily before he walked out of the pack house.

Ashton managed to create two monsters lmaoo

she_ospreycreators' thoughts