
The New Darkness

Whittham rendezvous with his reinforcements from his city and march towards Valorfell. The skies above Valorfell is red as blood. Godfrey is seen hovering in the sky, his flaming wings spread from his armor. Godfrey looks down upon the destruction with a satisfied look on his face.

General Durkins is seen leading the defense. Siege weaponry strategically placed around the walls fire off and take out a lot of the flying demons. Algis is seen at the front line, expertly wielding his battle axe, slicing through waves of abyss demons charging at the gates.

Godfrey turns and notices Jervaintus' arrival. Whittham signals the charge and the soldiers let out a cry as they rush to the battlefield crashing upon the demon hordes like a tidal wave. The demi-god retreats out of the battle. This angers Jervaintus and he charges at the field with reckless abandon.

As he gets closer and closer, numerous portals from the abyss open before the city and nearly endless amounts of demon emerge with such a ferocious air about them.

Using his powers he stolen from the king of the abyss and combines it with the mystic energies of his sword. He jumps high into the air and unleashes a powerful blast onto the demon armies, easily wiping out tens of thousands of demons on impact.

In the distance, he sees a new species of abyss demon comes forth. This demon is a fusion of flesh and steel as a great cannon comes out from where his snout and arms are supposed to be. You can see he is visibly suffering from the pain of dragging his heavy body across the fields. He roars as he lifts his arms and fires a round. The ammunition explodes around it and soldiers and demons alike are caught in it.

Jervaintus searches frantically for any trace of Godfrey in the battlefield but the endless waves of demons keep filling it and he is forced to keep fighting. Sirena comes up and helps him retreat back into the city.

The remaining defenders regroup with each other. General Durkins approaches Jervaintus,

"Long time no see, old friend." He taps him on the soldier.

Jervaintus nods and composes himself,

"Likewise. When the hell did that piece of garbage decided to attack?" He asks.

"Just a couple of hours ago, you guys made it in time, fortunately. He was ranting on and on about this world finally being his. The generic villain stuff you hear in the stories."

They both share a laugh. Sirena interrupts the festivities,

"Can we focus on keeping the civilians safe and stop the portals now?" She pulls Jervaintus by the ear.

Algis steps forward and explain to them the situation,

"The civilians have been evacuated underground and are making their way into the hidden mountain base. We must find a way to close the portals and defeat Godfrey the betrayer."

A boulder flies past the group through the wall. They look outside to see several siege demons from before. Now they are organizing a massive attack. The demons sing their war song and their voices fill the field with despair. Jervaintus stands near the edge and cups his hands near his mouth,

"Go fuck yourselves! Wait till I get back down there and own all your asses! Cunts!" He turns back to the group.

Algis nods and gets their focus back,

"Right, close down the portals and track down Godfrey. Go!" He takes his axe and jumps down the walls to engage the demons.

They separate into small groups and dispatch in different areas of the city. The demons come flooding into the streets and are met with heavy resistance. The battle of Valorfell resumes.

Jervaintus, using his newly found powers, easily makes quick work of the demons. Sirena follows close by and attacks the stragglers from reaching them. She and Jervaintus reach one of the portals.

He thinks to himself on how he can manage to close the it. He takes the blade and slices to portal. The portal distorts and ceases to exist. He looks at Sirena with a shocked expression and she shrugs her shoulders. Jervaintus looks around and reckons there are 19 portals left to close, this task will be painfully long and yet so satisfying for the abyss walker.

General Durkins fights along Algis in the middle of the demon horde. Despite one of the portals being closed down, the numbers of the demons keep increasing.

The ground opens up in the center of the city, the chasm reveals a large demonic mouth and tendrils covered in serrated edges of weapons embedded into them. The demon wreaks havoc by wrapping its tendrils around nearby human soldiers and consumes them whole.

Whittham sees this and tosses a fire bomb into the chasm. He aims the rifle and shoots it as it gets near the demon's endless and gaping mouth. The bomb shell shatters and compressed gunpowder covered in thick oil scatter and are set ablaze from the spark.

Hours pass by and Jervaintus, along with Sirena's help, close down most of the portals until one, gargantuan sized portal remains. The allied forces finally push back the demons as they slowly close around the portal. Algis kills the last of the invading demons.

As Jervaintus approaches the portal, he dodges a fireball from above aimed at him. Godfrey comes out of hiding as his flames spread onto the ground where he stands. He moves his hand and flames circle around him, he pushes out and pushes most of the human forces away from him, save for Jervaintus who stands his ground. The demigod recognizes the power balance between them,

"You have felled the lords of the abyss as well as their king. Impressive. However, this is the end of the road for you. I shall be taking this world for myself." He brandishes his Sword of the Holy Flames.

Jervaintus looks at him unimpressed,

"I am going to supplant your legacy with mine, you disgraced piece of shit."

Godfrey laughs at this "threat",

"Ha! What a funny joke you have made there. Perhaps I shall keep you alive as my court jester." He belts out another wave of laughter as he covers his mouth.

Jervaintus crosses his arms,

"The only joke here is you. I did your job for you. I have defeated the rulers of the abyss one by one. My powers grow exponentially with every demon I slay. I wasn't given any special task to defeat this great evil. I just want to kick my opponent's asses."

The last statement gets on Godfrey's nerves,

"Then the die is cast. You will die here, human!" With a swing of his sword, their duel begins.

As the two powerful warriors clash, Durkins shouts to Jervaintus,

"Keep your wits about you, Jervaintus! He has been alive for over a millennium. He will use whatever tricks he can to--"

"Silence, fool!" Godfrey shoots a fireball to Durkins which hits him directly.

Jervaintus takes the advantage and slashes the demigod across the chest. The armor is undamaged however. Godfrey uses his inhumane speed to grapple Jervaintus and lifts him into the air,

"Let us take this to the skies." He tosses Jervaintus hundreds of feet into the air.

Godfrey unfurls his fiery wings and pursuits his prey. Jervaintus struggles to keep his balance as he soars above the clouds of the world. The spirit comes to him,

"Unleash your vengeance, abyss walker!"

Jervaintus thinks deep and tries to summon his vengeance aura. Godfrey reaches him and slashes him multiple times in the air. Blood pours out from his wounds as Godfrey punches him in the gut. He grabs Jervaintus and throws him back down. Durkins, Sirena, Algis and Whittham slowly recover along with the rest. The soldiers have now retreated back into the city as it was the best course of action.

Jervaintus plummets into the ground, enveloped in the demigod's flames. Godfrey lands perfectly on his feet, looking agitated. He runs to Jervaintus and slashes him across the ribs,

"And here I thought you would be a worthy opponent. Alas, I was wrong. At least one of your companions is not useless. The girl would make a good slave and queen of the new world I shall create."

This greatly angers Jervaintus, his aura of vengeance now unleashed. The shadows embrace him and heals his wounds. The red glow in his eyes become more intense. Godfrey lets out a sigh of relief,

"Good. Let that anger flow through your cursed veins. This is who I came to see."

Jervaintus uppercuts Godfrey deep into the skies. He transforms parts of his aura into wings and meets the demigod in the skies. He unleashes an overwhelming flurry of sword slashes for thirty minutes straight, catching him by surprise. The force of each slash is so great, the skies start raining with the demigod's burning blood. The rest watch on in awe, especially Durkins and Sirena.

Jervaintus continues this assault,

"These souls that you have claimed demand vengeance upon you, betrayer! I shall deliver it!" He screams in bridling rage.

Godfrey finally takes him seriously and blocks the next slash,

"FINALLY! You have put on quite an entertaining spectacle, young knight. Unfortunately, I am beyond you and all those puny mortals beneath me!"

His sword burns bright and he takes it and stabs Jervaintus deep in the heart. The flames causes intense pain to him. He retaliates as the sword glows red and does the same to Godfrey. They fall from the sky, blood pouring out like a geyser. Whittham takes his rifle and loads a special ammunition. He takes position to the wall's edge and aims his rifle for Godfrey. Once they get in range, he fires immediately.

Jervaintus senses the bullet flying and manipulates Godfrey so he is in front of the bullet's path. It passes through his scale and escapes out of his eye. Godfrey screams in pain,

"How dare you…! Burn in my flames!"

Godfrey turns up his flaming aura to the heat of an exploding star. Completely incinerating Jervaintus out of existence. Sirena turns Whittham to her,

"What the hell did you do?!"

Whittham places his hands in front of her in reassurance,

"It's a special poison not even a demigod can recover from."

Sirena shakes her head, not accepting that answer,

"Jervaintus is dead!" Tears start falling from her cheeks.

As Godfrey falls closer to the ground, Algis warns them,

"All of you get down! Now!"

The moment Godfrey touches the ground, an extremely powerful blast engulfs the entire area of Valorfell. The rubble flies up, the buildings quickly get destroyed, many of the soldiers get incinerated from the insane heat.

Then, darkness.

Is the war over?

Has humanity lost?

Only few remain now.

The aftermath of the explosion spells absolute obliteration. Durkins slowly gets up, several burn scars is seen on his body. He looks back to see Whittham and Sirena badly injured. Algis is slowly breathing. He crawls to his king,

"My…king…?" He examines.

Algis slowly moves his gaze to Durkins,


Durkins nods in disagreement, fighting tears in his eyes,

"No…it is not…"

The king struggles to breathe,

"For Hozran…it is…but not…for humanity. Take the others…retreat to Agnaum. The Abyss Walker…shall return. You will lead our people…now. I am proud of you…my son." He rests his weary eyes and passes on.

Durkins slowly stands up and grieves momentarily. He lumbers his way to Whittham who is now recovering. Sirena makes it to her feet, she is the most unharmed out of them. Durkins takes Whittham's arm and drapes it across the back of his neck,

"Sirena, gather the survivors. Tell them to tend to the wounded and that we match to Pirhya. Valorfell is lost."

She nods and goes on her way. Nobody knows how much time is left until the demons will launch another assault nor if Godfrey was truly defeated that day. Humanity's last chance solely rests upon the return of the Abyss Walker. However…

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