74 Chapter 65

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my Ƥáƫrĕöп and get early access chapters. As of this chapter, the Ƥáƫrĕöп is 20 chapters ahead at chapter 85. I'll probably be writing 2 every day https://www.Ƥáƫrĕöп.com/deansama Thanks for your support. Enjoy the chapter!)

Uryu: "So, I don't have any problem with you taking away my five senses as I could fight even without them as I like my blind clan members who masters that technique and even could see what you said about your fixation on justice and wiping all evil as you see it with your blind eyes.

You know after first time your rant about justice and injustice it become boring fast as I see it you can turn blind eye on the injustice around you like the crime Mayuri Kurotsuchi the captain of 12th division commits but you talk to me about evil and justice as if I am the source of all evil in existence.

Your zanpakuto full release power is obsolete in front of someone like me that can see everything even without my senses. So sorry but not sorry."

Seishin San taught me two techniques that could be used in this situation.

First one is to let go of my senses and try to feel the world with my own soul and through my soul bound weapon, it is a technique of spiritual awareness.

Second one is to emit my spiritual energy in the environment and connect it to my soul like a spider with his web and let my prey move in my web and shoot him down with my ranged attack.

But the second technique wasn't necessary as for every time he try to slash his sword at me all I did was dodge him and then counter his attack with one of my own as I start with his tendons of his left arm then his back then his leg as after my fifth slash, he goes down with only one hand working as I served that tendon also and all he left was immobile on the ground.

After my last attack he lost the movement in his right arm and his zanpakuto slipped from his hand as the space that was created with his full release disappeared.

As I waited for Chad and Ichigo to finish their fights, I sent a message to Orihime as our mission came to an end.

When the fight of Ichigo ended, the spiritual pressure that they were emitting also vanished so in that moment the vice-captain that saw their captain was wounded and lost so they tuck them and shunpo in 4th division direction.

We also go there to collect Orihime and go back to our base of operation, the shogun palace.


When we saw that the children fight came to the end, I left the next step to Kanji and Isshin, as I have a bigger concern at the moment so I led mother and sakura to my personal room so we could talk.

Dante: 'After my soul was healthy and I became whole again I found out I am not powerful at all. All the power that I have is from the soul and can only extend to the soul, I can't do anything in the living world.

From the outside view the spiritual entity has vast power in existence but they don't know about universal law and bound. We as a Shinigami cannot interfere in the living world at all as our existence depends on it.

If you tell me, you are the most powerful individual in this world and why can't you do anything you want.

You must first understand what happens when someone in the human realms dies really

First thing happening is their soul will leave their mortal shell aka physical body.

Then they start leaking their spiritual power that they generate in their lifetime.

This time is the most important in their afterlife but to understand that you must first understand what is spiritual power?

And how could a human being generate something this powerful without any external help.

What makes us any different from a rock or perhaps a clay.

For once we have a soul and that makes it a whole lot different. But you could ask how?

And the answer to that is emotions.

Emotions are mental compounds that emerge from the gestalt integration of beliefs, desires, and hedonic feelings (pleasure or displeasure) to let humans make choices in their life.

It is more than often the choice between the good and the evil, the right and the easy, between the bad and the worse, between life and death.

The most dominant of them take a hold and then discharge other emotions.

If they did not have a peaceful life or death, they would linger in the human realm and proceed until they have nothing left but their dominant emotion.

If the emotion is negative like Despair, Rage, Solitude etc. They become hollow and go to the hollow realm because they are drawn to it like a magnet and start collecting their dominant emotion.

Like if their dominant emotion is despair, they collect the despair emotion in the air that other dead people discharged. Then start hunting for other hollows and take their despair until it is enough for their soul to generate despair on their own.

So, if a hollow that has despair dominant emotion, attacks a living human and kills them, the emotion (spiritual power) of that dead human in that moment that they will disperse, will integrate with the hollow. Therefore, the hollow will start losing his power because the hollow can use only that specific negative spiritual energy, the positive spiritual energy will cancel his negative energy and other negative energy will be useless to the hollow, the same thing is true for Shinigami's.

If you ask then how could Ichigo and Aizen have that much power in the living human realm. And answer is after their fight both lose the power that they use, like if a Shinigami with 1000 units of spiritual power purifies a hollow and uses 100 of his power, then after the hollow was purified and the soul goes to the soul realm. The Shinigami regenerate that 100 units of used power and go back to his 1000 units of his capacity. But after that fight Ichigo loses every unit of power that he expended in that fight; the same thing happens with Aizen as after the fight even his zanpakuto was crumbled to dust.

So, in reality I am a powerless living human being but with Unlimited growth capacity and road map to higher power level. I also find out that all my skill that I work for thousands of years is useless like memory palace which it become Athena library and so she could read any data I have in there, but now that I have living body and a physical brain so my mind domain was false, my false mind domain was powered by my soul power and now that I have physical brain, I have to power my domain with Psychic power (Mental Energy)'. To be continued.


When you penetrate deeply into a country, it is serious ground. When you penetrate but a little way, it is facile ground.

When you have the enemy's strongholds on your rear, and narrow passes in front, it is hemmed-in ground. When there is no place of refuge at all, it is desperate ground.

Therefore, on dispersive ground, I would inspire my men with unity of purpose.

On facile ground, I would see that there is close connection between all parts of my army.

On contentious ground, I would hurry up my rear.

On open ground, I would keep a vigilant eye on my defenses. On the grounds of intersecting highways, I would consolidate my alliances.

On serious ground, I would try to ensure a continuous stream of supplies.

On difficult ground, I would keep pushing on along the road.

On hemmed-in ground, I would block any way of retreat.
