
Trunks Saga 3

Vegeta stopped in front of her, and Bulma had to muster all of her strength to not swallow loudly. She was almost kicking herself for acting like a teenage girl that was meeting her crush for the first time. She had experience, even more so when it comes to flirting. She was the one to flirt with him first, so why is she all nervous now?

When Vegeta entered her personal space, she finally lowered her eyes a little bit. They both had the same height, but for some reason, for Bulma right now, he seems a lot bigger than normal.

'Just breathe, Bulma, you can do this, you are not afraid.'

After mustering some courage, she looked at him again, she stopped her gaze at his eyes. What she saw was a hard gaze, but that was accompanied by a high lust. Not only for power, but for her too. Bulma was used to getting lustful gazes from others, especially that old geezer and that pig. So this was not new to her. What was new was that she liked it.

Bulma was lost in those eyes and even forgot her anger. It only came back when the man in front of her spoke.

" That's actually a good time. I need your help with some clothes. I didn't bring anything with me this time, so I'm short on a lot of items."

"...So is it money that you need? Why didn't you say it before?" She asked with an arched eyebrow.

"I don't need that from you. What I need is your brain. I want you to make some gear for me, based on the Saiyan one that I have."

"Hmph, demanding things like always, why would I do that right now? Besides, I'm busy with other things. Just buy some clothes or take some of my father's closet." She said with a voice with a bit of indignation.

With a scorn in his face, Vegeta gave his reason. "Don't be stupid, woman. How would I train with those weak garments? Anyway, if you want a reference, I'll let this one with you, or you can take the one with Kakarrot's son too."

Vegeta says that looking her at eyes, the lust was still there, but there was a sort of regal demand on them now. He was clearly saying that he would not take a no as an answer.

Bulma wasn't afraid of him, but yet she relented, she just gave up and didn't want to argue too much. But what came next almost reignited her anger.

"Also, I need some device to look for the Dragon Balls of Earth."

"...Sigh you really demand a lot of things "Prince". And why do you need the Dragon Ball anyway? ~Ah try to make me your wife with it will not work, you know~ fufu" She said in a teasing voice.

Bulma's mouth could get her killed pretty fast, but it was arguably what took her out of worse situations too. If it was the original Vegeta, maybe such flirting could really work, but he is different now. He still likes her, that is why he welcomes such flirting and goes for an even more domineering way to handle her.

"Why would I ask a dragon to do that? If I want, I can just jump on you at night, right?"

Bulma almost cursed her loud mouth, again she flirted in the hopes of seeing him flustered, and again she was the one to get the end of the stick. She can't explain why it only happens to him. She was almost starting to think that she was in-

"Well, you can take some days to arrange everything for me. Let me know when the things are ready."

Saying that Vegeta walks away, he still needs to visit Dr.Brief for some talks. He can't delay it too much.

Bulma just looked at him going away. She finally let go the air she didn't even know she was holding. Really, things couldn't get worse for her right now with this man. He just uses her like some robot that can make any type of gadget and he doesn't even thank her for that.

She was in even more trouble because she didn't see any reason, not even an emotional one, to reject such a request. Truly, she was starting to think that the trip to Namek made her crazy and damaged.

With a big sigh she went to do what Vegeta was asking, at least this would keep her head occupied.

It was still noon when Vegeta came back to Bulma's house. While walking inside it, he went directly to Dr.Brief's laboratory. He knew where it was from some of his memories. Reaching there, he saw a shorty man that seemed to be in his 50ish years. Blueish gray hair and a white lab coat. It seems that he was trying to make some sort of device that Vegeta wouldn't understand.

Vegeta needs the man's help to build him a Gravity chamber with 500x earth gravity to train. A chamber specialized for his Saiyan body. With that, he could train to death for a few months without having to rely on battle to near death with others.

"Briefs, I want you to do something for me"

"Hmm? Oh..if I'm not wrong, you are that Saiyan, right? Hmm...Like I thought you were as scary as the others say.." Dr. Brief said, taking just one look at the man and went back to his work.

Vegeta paid no attention to the commentary and went directly into the matter.

"I want you to upgrade the Gravity chamber that you made for Kakarrot, at least for it to be able to give 5x the gravity that he used. The more the better."

Dr.Brief looked at the man like he was a bit crazy. 5x times the 100x gravity that he already made, that would have 500x gravity of the earth. No man could survive if they dared to train there.

For a moment Dr.Brief though that Vegeta was joking with him, but seeing how serious he was, he understood that he was not. Dr Brief thought that it was possible to make the upgrade that Vegeta wanted. The problem here was that he wasn't sure if he would survive such a harsh environment. He doesn't want his technology to indirectly kill others, even by misuse.

But again, it's hard to deny a man's request when he has so much seriousness about it. So he made sure to ask.

"Are you sure? At that gravity you would be carrying 500x your weight and you could die. Your body would just refuse to work anymore and give up there without the chance to rescue it."

" Yes, I need to get stronger faster, I don't have time to choose a safe path for me anymore". Vegeta voice was a serious one. He didn't believe that he would die so easily.

So he spoke with conviction, he refused to be a side character this time, he refused to stay in the shadows of others. His answer was enough to convince Dr.Brief. He was already a man who spent most of his time in his lab doing new technology. Upgrading a gravity chamber was easy for him. So he nods his head.

"Let Bulma call me when it's ready" With no further talk, Vegeta just walked away, again no thanks, only demand. Vegeta finds that it's a bit natural for him to act like that.

A few days passed after that, Vegeta was able to find Dende inside Capsule Corp with the other Namekian. While Vegeta was not welcomed by them, he didn't care too much, he only wanted Dende for a few moments to heal him after he trained with Piccolo. After healing, Vegeta could tell that the gains from the Zenkai boost were really a cheat.

This time, the Zenkai activated without a fatal wound and yet they gave him such a massive boost. Before battling Piccolo, his battle power was at least 2.5 million. While fighting with him, he could tell he had grown stronger because of his future memories and experience putting his power at least on 2.7 to 3 million.

But now, with such a simple Zenkai, his power is at very least between 4 to 4.5million. Not even he believed in such a gain, so if he were to receive a lot of fatal wounds and have his body regenerated, he would gain even more strength.

A broken ability is made even more broken. Now the next thing he needs to find are the Dragon balls.

I hope to update the story at a steady pace. Thank you all for reading this, and don't stop giving criticism. I'm doing this story for myself, but in hopes of improving my writing too.

Odd_Houndcreators' thoughts
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