
Frieza Revenge 1

Just like that, a few months passed. Vegeta spends his time training after the machine was fixed. He noticed that his gains were now decreasing more and more. The Zenkai still activates, but the gains are so low that even with a 2x boost it still doesn't make much difference.

For most Saiyan's, their strength stagnates when they don't have strong opponents or don't have any kind of rival to surpass. He has a mental note about the strength of his future opponents, but his body needs to actually feel that, for him to have a good grasp and evolve.

But he wasn't dejected, he just had to do what the original did, train harder and harder until a good opportunity appeared.

And right now he wants to create that opportunity by himself. He wanted to battle stronger opponents. His Saiyan blood was burning, asking for a good battle. He will just have to find them in the universe.

And as his prayers were answered, he could feel a familiar Ki approaching the planet. Everyone that was sensitive to it could feel.

Kuririn at Kame's house, Gohan at his home, Piccolo while training, and even Yamcha, who was at Capsule Corp. at the moment, Tenshin and Chaos too. They could feel this malevolent ki, not only 1 but 2 of them, close in intensity.

The ones that encountered Frieza back on the Namek planet already understood, although they didn't want to believe it.

Vegeta, on the other hand, was smiling, he would finally have a guinea pig to test his power.

Getting off of his training ship, he found Yamcha and Bulma in the garden. Yamcha was looking at the sky with an expression like he had seen a ghost or a demon. Bulma couldn't understand much, since she didn't sense Ki.

"Hmph. He really didn't waste time getting his revenge." Vegeta says while walking away. Already, Yamcha was looking at him like he was a mad man.

"Are you going? This is crazy, T-this ki is monstrous, beyond what I ever saw." Yamcha had a fearful voice.

"What are you talking about, Yamcha? And also, Vegeta, where are you going, take me there too." Bulma didn't know a thing about what they were saying. Until Vegeta said the name.

"That is what you expect from Frieza, the other one is probably his father," he was saying while looking back with a smirk. There is no fear there, only a feeling of amusement.

"..So it is from Frieza. I thought he would die with the planet!" Yamcha almost screams, clenching his fist hard.

Vegeta stopped paying attention to him and went to fly while Bulma was screaming at him to explain. He didn't have the patience right now, he was thinking about how to deal with the midget and his father.

Vegeta thought that even though his objective lies a few years ahead, everything that he can do right now is prepare. Frieza will be a good exercise for him.

Arriving at the place that his space ship is supposed to pass through, the first thing he found there was Piccolo.

Piccolo:"It's like you said back there, he really didn't killed Frieza. Though that was to be expected, it's Son after all. Soft like always." Piccolo was concerned, although he trained in this 1 year gap and became even stronger, he could not deal with Frieza, let alone him and the other big Ki.

Looking at Vegeta, he said "I see that you have become stronger. Do you have any plan?

"Just go there and kill him, nothing less". Vegeta's answer was a simple one. Mighty makes right after all. If you are stronger, then just kill the problem.

Piccolo heard that and almost fell, sure the guy got stronger, and he could see that he was confident in this, but for a person that was thoroughly humiliated by Frieza and killed before, he was taking this too easy. Unless...

"Don't tell me that you also reached that...So it was your ki that went so high a few months back". Piccolo was slightly surprised. He felt a ki that went really high before, but just died afterwards. He did attribute it to Vegeta, but he never thought that he would achieve that transformation too.

" Hmph of course, I'm the Prince of the Saiyan. Reaching that power level is something that would happen soon or later", he said with a voice full of confidence.

But before they could talk more, the others arrived too.

Kuririn, Gohan, Tenshinhan and Chaos. They looked at Piccolo talking with Vegeta and found that strange, but let it pass. A few moments later, Yamcha arrives there too, followed by Bulma in her airplane.

"Why did you come here too, Bulma? It's going to get dangerous. That guy may destroy everything around here, even the earth itself."

"I want to see what this Frieza is all about. Also, if he destroys the earth, there will be no place to hide, right? Then it's better to stay close to you guys and see it." She was a bit afraid, but curiosity got the better of her. She wants to see it.

When she stopped saying it, they could all instantly feel the pressure, a drop of sweat was falling on the faces of almost all of them.

And then Frieza's ship passed above them. No one moved, some of them didn't even breathe, afraid that he would detect them before he passed. Looking in the direction that he was going, they all saw where the ship landed and finally breath again.

"So that was Frieza" Tenshin says with a concerned voice.

"Yeah, but the other had at least the same level of power. Vegeta said it was his father." Yamcha was a bit too afraid to say it loudly.

"Yeah, that is definitely him". Kuririn was trying to stop his hand from shaking, the memory of his body being torn apart by Frieza before he died was still there.

"If you are all afraid, then its better to go back" Vegeta says, looking at the place where Frieza landed. He did it in a desert area, a perfect place to go a bit wild.

Everyone looked at him with a strange expression like he had just mocked them. Though he actually was trying to warn them. It just came out as a mock because he is Vegeta.

"Hmph. I would advise all you to go on foot then. It will be more difficult for him to find all of you like that", Vegeta said, as he started to fly a little bit. But before he could do that, he felt a tug at his arm and someone pressing their body at him. He was a bit distracted by his thoughts and didn't see them approach.

"If you are going to fly there, then you are definitely going to take me too. You are not gonna to let a fine lady, like me, walk all the way there, right?" It was Bulma, she's hell bent on going there and she wasn't taking a no was an answer.

Everyone almost saw a scene of Vegeta blasting the woman to the afterlife after touching him, to the point where all of them got prepared to save Bulma, though what they saw shocked them a little more.

Vegeta looked at her expressionless. Her blue eyes were looking directly at him. He smirked a bit, finding it amusing, so he just wrapped his arm at her waist and took flight, without saying anything.

Everyone looked at them, trying to understand whatever happened right now.

"So they like the bad guys, huh..." Kuririn said, in almost a whisper.

"What about it Sr.Kuririn?"Gohan asked innocently.

"Nothing, Nothing, ahaha. Let's go before he starts to cause problems here". Kuririn tries to change the topic. He can't let the boy know about all of this right now.

Shaking their heads, everyone started to walk to the place.

Back to Vegeta, he was flying at a steady pace. He knew that flying like this, even more so with a person, would attract Frieza's Force attention. But he didn't care. Right now he was confident that he could protect both of them.

Bulma was actually a bit taken aback by the situation. She had expected him to take her, but she was expecting bickering and an argument to convince him. She finds the situation a win for her, so she just enjoys hugging him and pressing even closer.

Back to a desert area. A spherical ship landed there. From inside came out a few geared men, all of them with a scouter in their eyes and a few of them with weapons and lasers in hand.

A few feet behind, you could see a short figure walking out, followed by a tall horned figure. The short figure had half of his upper body and his bottom body augmented with mechanical parts. That was Frieza, and the tall figure was his father, King Cold.

"See father, though this planet is a little small, its not a bad planet'' Frieza says while looking around him.

"Indeed, we can add it to our list of planets. We either sell it or put it in our collection. It will be worth''King Cold says with a detached voice. To him, another planet was just a way to ensure that his race dominates the universe. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Fufufu indeed, that would be a good surprise for that monkey'' Frieza was clenching his fist while memories of the man that put him in this situation come back. He wont allow a mere monkey, a race so below his, to humiliate his name so much.

"But before that''Frieza looks at his man and issues a command ''You guys massacre every human on this planet. It will be too boring to wait for his arrival for 3 hours but we can enjoy ourselves in the mean time''.

"Yes Lord Frieza'' they all answered, ready to complete the mission. When they started to move, all of them stopped. A boy with blue hair stepped in front of them, blocking their path.

"So you are Frieza...It's not the ideal situation, but fine, I'll step in…'' the boy didn't show any type of emotion while addressing him.

Frieza thought for a brief moment that it was good to have his name reaching even this far in the universe, and he thought too that the boy was stupid. Knowing his name and yet stepping in front of him was nothing more than suicide.

"I see that there were only idiots in this place ~hohoh~. Fine, you can be the first to die them'' When the word leave Frieza lips his mans started to move to kill the boy.

But to their surprise, even for the boy, they could feel a strong Ki getting closer. And when he arrived they could only hear a few words.

"Close your eyes, Bulma'' The man lifted his arms and concentrated a ball of energy and shot it, then a rain of light-purple energy showered on Frieza's man. The energy targets each of them, more than 50 combatants being burned and pierced mercilessly. Screams and panic could be seen and heard, even the boy wasn't expecting it. When he looked back, he saw something that almost made his jaw drop.

In the sky, there's a man hugging a woman close to him. With gear that resembles the Saiyan warriors, looking at them like they are insects.

Next chapter