

"Hey Liyah I'll be there in 15. I'm just grabbing some swishers!" Alicia yelled into her phone soon as Taliyah answered the phone. "Okay I need you to come finish my lashes when you get here! Oh and grab a cranberry juice please." Taliyah replied. "Bitch you fired!" Alicia chuckled, adding, "Aight! See you in a few!" They hung up.

It was February 27th and a unplanned girls night, that no matter what was going to end at Drais Nightclub. Trey was performing and Alicias best friend Ciara was not missing it. Taliyah was in between her coast to coast trips, so there was no way she was allowed to opt out of going.

"You look nice." Kassidy sighed, placing her keys on the dresser. "Thanks." Taliyah exhaled as she finished her lipstick. "Why didn't you tell me you were going out?" Kassidy asked. "Well last I checked, we both are single and moving out! So I didn't think I owed you a timeline for my visit." Taliyah smirked as she stepped into her heels. "I mean you don't, but it would have been nice to know. This is the last weekend in the house together." Kassidy stated. Taliyah mumbled under her breath, "praise God." Kassidy cleared her throat and continued, "I kinda wanted to chill with you." She walked up behind Taliyah, who was fixing her bodysuit and pencil skirt in the mirror. Kassidy gripped Taliyahs waist. Taliyah stares at Kassidy through the mirror and gasped, "maybe tomorrow night." She moved Kassidys hands and reached across the counter for her earrings. "Can I at least get a pic tho?" Kassidy took her phone from her back pocket. Taliyah looked back at her and smirked. "You are such a pain in my ass." She huffed, turned around and leaned back on the counter and smiled coyly. Taliyah snatched the phone as she heard multiple clicks. "Hmm, how bout one for your lil Snapchat groupies!" She expected for Kassidy to say no. Kassidy got behind her, wrapped her arm around Taliyahs waist and said, "Go ahead!" As Taliyah flipped the camera view to selfie view, Kassidy snuck a kiss on her cheek as the camera flashed. Taliyah looked back at her and said, "oh so I'm allowed to post that right now?" "I don't care that's why I did it! They don't like it they can quit following me!" After they both watched it post on Kassidys snap, kassidy took the phone and flipped the camera and recorded as she rubbed her right hand up and down Taliyahs hip and posted it as well. She then plopped down on the bed. Taliyah couldn't believe it. Just as she was about to dig into Kassidy about it, the doorbell rang.

Kassidy got up to answer the door. When Alicia saw Kassidy she turned her nose up. "Uh Uh whatchu doing home?" She pushed passed Kassidy, walked in and went straight to the bedroom. "Well hi to you too Alicia!" Kassidy rolled her eyes. "I didn't say hi I asked whatchu doing home!" Alicia yelled from the room. "Ok so let me ask Taliyah why she choose to hang with you." Kassidy plopped down on the couch and opened her laptop. "Must you two start?" Taliyah shock her head at Alicia. Alicia rolled her eyes then snapped her fingers in the air as she gasped, "Yaaassss bitch is you giving them bod tonight?!" Taliyah laughed and replied, " you are so disturbed! Can you just come here and get my lashes in place. You know me and individuals don't get along." Alicia shook her head, "you had all day to go up to the shop and have Nae put these in." She huffed and put the bag she was carrying on the bed. "Actually ma'am I did not have all day!" Taliyah tilted her head back as Alicia began placing the lashes. "If you must know I was too busy trying to make sure the rest of my boxes got to the loft! Thank you very much!" Taliyah stuck her tongue out. "Ooohhh I was supposed to be here to help huh?" Alicia made a face and continued, "see what had happened was!" She smacked her lips. "Mmhmm I bet!" Taliyah cut her off. Alicia laughed and yelled, "fuck you shut up!" Taliyah laughed. "Does Kass know where the loft is?" Alicia whispered. "She knows but she doesn't know which tower I'm in." "Does Nie know?" Taliyah popped her head up and gave Alicia a look. "Hell no! I'm mad you even asked me that!" She snapped. Alicia laughed and said, "just covering all areas!" Taliyah flipped her off and closed her eyes back.

"Nie", or Niesha when Taliyah was mad, was her ex-girlfriend who she couldn't shake feelings for no matter the time or situation. They were together for three years off and on. They talked of marriage, and a baby, that would never happen. Kassidy was what you can call a empty space filler. And she turned out to be just as emotionally unstable as Niesha when it came to relationships. The private home life was perfect. The public side of things always appeared as single. Taliyah refused to go through that again. She had made the decision that she was done dating and having full blown relationships until she was exactly where she wanted to be with her career. Taliyah opened a nail spa that quickly started booming in business. It was doing so well especially with the travelers that visited Las Vegas, she was slowly building a location in Atlanta. Taliyahs career path was beginning just as she planned.

Once Alicia was done with Taliyahs lashes, they went into the kitchen and made a drink and smoked a blunt. "What time is it?" Ciara asked, as she joined Alicia and Taliyah on the rooftop of the Cromwell Hotel. "9:29!" Taliyah responded as she panned her phone around them for her Snapchat video. "Should we go straight to Drais or walk the strip for a minute?" Alicia asked, blowing kisses in her video. They were too engulfed with being cute for the Snap they didn't even make a decision. Twenty minutes had flew by with them snapping, and deleting, just to redo pics and videos. Ciaras phone rung. "Rude!" She yelled answering the phone. "Where y'all at?" The caller yelled. "We parked on the roof at the Cromwell." Ciara answered. "Okay well we here in line. Y'all better come on cuz it's packed." "For real? Okay here we come!" Ciara hung up. The three of them checked their make-up and rushed to the elevator.

Just as Ciaras friend stated, the lobby was packed. The line to get into Drais was wrapping around and headed out the valet parking lot door. "Holy shit!" Alicia gasped. "Oh what the fuck?" Taliyah yelled. "Ummm okay wait! Ciara how many people meeting you up here?" Taliyah asked. "I think Stacy got 7 with her." Ciara counted to herself. Taliyah shook her head. "I should have stayed my ass at home." She blurted. "Girl hush and come on!" Alicia pulled her along as they searched for Stacy in the line. "Uh Uh y'all handle that and call me when u find them." Taliyah pulled away and sat at a slot machine. As she watched the crowd grow and the girls still looking for Stacy, she got an idea.

Taliyah pulled her phone out and called Kassidy. "What'd you forget?" Kassidy answered. "Shut up I didn't forget anything. I need a favor." Taliyah replied. Kassidy laughed and sarcastically said, "ooohhhh, now you need me?" "Ugh u get on my nerves." "I'm just asking cuz you know you never need me for shit." Kassidy teased. "Never mind Kass." Taliyah hung up. Before she could put her phone away Kassidy called back. "What?" Taliyah answered. "Okay I'm sorry that was rude of me." Kassidy apologized. "Whatchu need babe for real?" She asked. "Do you know if Chris is working tonight?" Taliyah asked. "Uh he should be, ain't they got a artist tonight?" Kassidy replied. "Yeah Ciara wants to go in cuz it's Trey Songz. It's just mad packed like there's no way they gonna get all these people inside." "How many people with y'all?" "We got ten exactly." "Aight let me call him I'll call you back." Kassidy hung up.

Taliyah met up with the girls. "What'd you do?" Alicia frowned. "Uh just thank me! Kass is calling Chris so he can pull us to the front as VIP cuz we have exactly ten people." "Yassss connections!" Alicia exclaimed snapping her fingers in the air. A few minutes later Taliyahs phone was vibrating. "Hello?" She answered. "Liyah where y'all at?" It was Chris. Taliyah looked around trying to gage where they were. "What you close to?" He asked. "The bar across from the bathrooms." She yelled into the phone. "Aight I'm coming to get y'all. It's gonna be 20 for the girls 40 for guys but I gotchu covered already." "Okay thank you!" Taliyah hung up and turned to face the group. "Ayyyeee!" She yelled to get their attention. "My boy bout to come escort us to the front! Girls pay 20 fellas y'all gotta pay 40!" She told them. Instantly everyone got hyped. "Damn I need to hang with y'all more often!" One of the guys hollered. Moments later Chris walked up. "Everybody here?" He yelled. Ciara turned and took a quick head count and yelled "yep!" "Aight lets go!" Chris grab Taliyahs hand and rushed her across the casino with them in tow like she was the guest celebrity. "These ten are my list." Chris told the cashier at the door. The cashier nodded and took Taliyahs ID, stamped her wrist and let her go through. Once everyone had their wristbands they followed Chris to the elevators. "You good? You need anything want anything special?" Chris asked Taliyah. "Naw I'm good bro but how come I didn't get a wristband?" She replied. "Oh my bad! You got my pass they just got guest list access and prices." He whispered to her. Taliyah laughed and said "oh ok so that mean I can get what I want!" "Aye don't run my shit up to damn high now!" Chris pointed at her. "And don't have too much fun or get in no trouble up there!" He gave her a hug and returned to his post.

Once they were all inside everyone split up except Taliyah, Alicia, and Ciara. "Aight now what? Y'all heffas dragged me here, I made sure we got in my job is done!" Taliyah smirked. "Oh hush you know yo ass did not want to be home with Kass." Alicia teased and started to walk through the club. Taliyah rolled her eyes and followed. They circled the entire club, had a bathroom Snapchat photo shoot, poolside shoot, then circled the club again.