
Variant Series

A reincarnated warlock, a scaly monk, a strong mercenary, and an elvish mage walk into a pub that's run by a purple devil. This group of unlikely companions, who live during the Victorian era in an alternate world full of magic, end up going on an adventure they'll never forget! Read to find out what happens next! DISCLAIMER: This book contains triggering content such as self harm, suicide, abuse, drugs, and alcohol. This book also contains mature themes such as gore, sexual content, strong language, and violence. Reader discretion is advised! Credits: Book cover made by Tired Bones#8599 Mairey (pink haired woman) made by SOHBlue Balu#7172

Eggy_does_writing · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Moria Wischtara

That's a girl!? Thought Lemar as he stared at his new fencing partner. But... How?

The young girl, barely fourteen years old, put her helmet down before taking a swig from her water bottle. She peered over at the boy.

"What are you staring at?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

The boy quickly snapped out of it, "My bad. I didn't realize we had girls in the class."

The girl scowled at him, "What's that supposed to mean?"

The boy panicked and put his hands up in surrender before responding, "I didn't mean it as a bad thing, I swear! I meant that this since the school only allows boys, you must've been special or something. Like, you're very talented."

The girl's scowl faded into a slight smirk, "Alright then." She turned away to pack up her equipment.

The boy built up some confidence and smiled before reaching his hand out, "I'm Lemar, by the way. Lemar Norswer," he put his other hand on his chest as he proudly stated, "son of Lord Mihyore Norswer."

The girl turned back around to face him. She examined his hand for a second before shaking it with a firm grip, "Pleased to meet you, Lemar. I'm Moria. Moria Wischtara."

Her intensely firm grip drained all of Lemar's confidence. "I guess you're the heir to the barley throne," she chuckled as she let go of his hand.

Lemar gently rubbed his sore hand, "Well I'm the youngest of three boys, so no." He said in a melancholy tone.

Her smirk faded into a slight frown, "Oh that must be terrible."

Lemar sighed as he glided his sore hand through his short, cherry blonde hair, "Yeah I know. By the way, I haven't seen you around here before. Where are you from?"

"Ounfraz," said Saphrin as she slid her rapier back into its holster, "My father and I moved here a little while ago."

"Ounfraz?" Lemar asked as he began packing up his own equipment, "Isn't that where general DiMero is from?"

"Yes," said Saphrin as she swung her bag onto her back, "He's my uncle."

Uncle?! The boy was shocked, Of course! That explains everything. No girl would ever be accepted here unless she had ties to great heroes.