
Vanishing Clash

Amila discovers herself in a world she is unaware of how she migrated to such in the first place. Now in this spiritual realm which exist as a form of life after death, even though Amila is not confirmed dead and is considered the weakest in the realm without any form of supernatural endowments, yet and gets to this realm by accident which causes a great imbalance in the universal setting, Amila finally understands, during a terrible Crisis, that she has given up the coma after seven years of existing in this realm and that her chances of returning to life in the physical have been exhausted, now existing as a female Soultender in the spiritual realm where she is in charge of young female souls on earth, Amila finds her duty hard to carry out and becomes friends with Silfini, a Marsian, who is now an elf. How does Amila cope with this new realm especially with the crisis of a universal war, abated in the physical realm? What does her love with Gredan, a vampire finally become of with the war threatening his existence and that of her friend's lover Astigaf, a demon? How does she finally understand her purpose and why is her best friend, in the physical, now a werewolf in the spiritual her worst enemy? Find out even more in this fantastic story. 200 episodes, 1000 chapters.

South_Coaste · Fantasy
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Episode One_Chpt 1

Amila wondered what exactly this place was and why it was so different, so mythical, so mystical. A number of beings too unatural to be called mortal. A strange aura with every hint of divinity in the atmosphere and she was even more uninformed without clue or detail of how she arrived, how she got here in the first place, in my hidden zone, too afraid to come out.

Amila looked around the strange environment she beheld a tint of supernaturality in the surrounding, judging from the passing glowing glory it possessed. The walls, huge, wide and long and the floor she was obviously floating on attached to a pillar by her grip, everything, literally made of an outlandish material, she found solid and more extraordinary than anything she'd ever seen or witnessed before just by a feel of it's texture and looks. It was polished what ever was used to build such a strange structure and shone with lustre. Dirts and dust could hardly be spotted on the decent vessel which seemed to be millenniums old.

Apparently, Amila was in a space much bigger than she was in height but extremely narrow, squeezed between tall pillars, whose top ends could hardly be seen from her distance covered in fuzzy clouds, pillars a few metres apart and she could perceive anything but what her olfactory senses were familiar with.

There were loud voices in weird accents extremely tiny voices, speaking a language approaching quickly, a strange tongue, she had never heard it, her whole life but somehow and even more, surprisingly, she found she could hear and understand exactly what the voices were conversating about, the tiniest voices she had ever heard. They approached from behind, each tiny ring of voice notes indicating how closer they were getting by the minute. She suddenly felt unsafe, scared trying her best to remain silent and unnoticed to avoid whatever threat the creatures might pose. Her breath rapidly increasing with anxiety as they advanced. She struggled to keep it down and temporarily tried to hold it. Soon, they were right beside her by the left, only a few inches away. Drifting in the air, tiny creatures, each the size of a human finger with bodies like humans too. They were fairies.

Glittery wings similar to a bird's for the beautiful fairies and a butterfly with decorative patterns on it for the ugly ones as wings. Their hairs were coloured uniquely obviously, no fairy's hair had the exact same hair color as another fairy's. Their small bodies gifted with alluring voluptuous curves and a very tiny waist with thick wide hips and full bossoms, lustful to look at.

They stopped and discussed

in a fleet of eight different fairies, all female, chuckling as they spoke. Shimmering droplets falling off from their dresses where ever they went and their dresses in question, so bizarre with a number of silver wands in their hands. The attire glowed as they floated with a shiny smooth skin. The pretty fairies a contrasting opposite of their ugly counterparts.

Amila could tell from their dressing and the way the ugly ones ran errands that they were servants to the pretty ones. Now, she just stared at the things she grew as a child to believe they were myths, actually exist before her own eyes. She looked frantically at them.

"Your royalty," an ugly fairy was addressing a pretty one.

"Breakfast is almost ready. We ensured to adhere to every detail you instructed, a simple cloud sauce accompanied with a sprinkle of dust just to your taste with the head garnished of a sea serpent " it continued with all forms of respect in it for the assumed fairy princess.

"Sour!" The princess addressed the fairy by it's name.

"I ordered you to save me your lengthy speech and speak less but straight" the princess pointed out in fury.

"My foolishness, your royalty, I apologize " 

the ugly one supposedly sour by name knelt before the proud pretty one in the air.

"Rise Sour! You may not be spared the very next time"

the pretty one screamed at Sour.

I swallowed hard, accidentally coughing too at the scene.

"Did you hear that? "

One of them said with alert. Amila suspected that they heard her noise and trembling almost letting go of her supportive grip on the pillar.

"Yes, I testify"

the rest chorused in agreement.

"The strange sound, it appears to have been from over there" the fairy repeated pointing at Amila in her direction. Amila almost froze in shock.

"It does?" 

The others questioned.

"But, apparently there is nothing there that is visible to us"

another pretty fairy added and the others agreed.

Amila understood slightly that they couldn't see her which even felt more odd to her.

"Glitter, you conclude too easily. I am very skeptical of that. In this multidom, where we exist, several supernatural beings and invisible creatures are present living amongst us, it would be unwise to conclude such without proper examination"

the other pretty one attacked the last fairy that spoke.

"Let me check with a spell. I summon you from thy place of refuge and bond you thou strange being, to show yourself whatever you are!"

Said the fairy waving a shining wand that shone as she spoke at Amila.

Amila felt exposed but still tried hard not to make a move.

Nothing happened evidently the spell yielded no results since Amila was invisible to them.

The spell was supposed to cause whatever creature the sound came from to be visible but there was nothing there.

"See Charm? You worry way too much! There nothing there. You make a storm in a teacup." 

Glitter, apparently her sister, yelled at the one with the spell admist frequent mockery giggles. The one with the spell, Charm turned red on the face with fury at Glitter.

Amila understood that they couldn't see her despite the spell which baffled her even more she lost her grip suddenly on the pillar and fell with fear expecting to hit violently and painfully on the floor with her back that she closed her eyes and braced herself as she fell and although she did fall until she was a few centimetres from the ground she only floated up again in weightless and released a huge sighed of relief that she didn't injure from the fall.

She understood that she needed to sort matters out in this strange place.