
Vampiric Blood

A newly minted vampire must struggle against all odds to control his new and fantastical abilities and to defend against all the supernatural threats that come with his new identity

TracelessClouds · Urban
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60 Chs


Jasons hand reached out and closed the book. Nothing in the book could beat what Siegfried had just given him. Even if it was a trap, it was one he had to go down willingly for the bait was too enticing. He wanted to be the best, and this Path would offer it to him. The Hell Frost King Path was excellent, so was the Lightning Empress Path, but both of those abilities were attainable with the blood path. By consuming the blood of Creatures with frost abilities and then boosting the effects with his blood power, he could even surpass the control of someone on the Hell Frost King Path. The power would also give him incredible vitality, and his blood would gain a myriad of abilities. It was the best option there was. But if he wanted to advance on this Path, he would need to consume blood. With the first feeding, Jason was uncomfortable and even remorseful after. Still, now with some time having passed, he set his eyes on a grand ambition to conquer. The first step was to get stronger and to do that he needed to hunt.

Jason stood up from his seat and entered his bedroom his eyes ablaze mind turning as he planned his next move. He needed to advance to get stronger and to improve all he needed was blood. But to get his hands on a large amount of blood was not easy. The commotion at the club involved the police, and they were still looking for the culprit. If Jason went around draining everybody he could find he was sure to get the cops involved and stir up a frenzy. This would, of course, also piss off any local bosses that don't want cops around. So Jason had to stop and think before looking for his source of blood. Jason decided to consult some experts in the realm of the hunt.

Jason closed his eyes and concentrated on red tendrils in his mind that snaked out and connected him to something which he assumed was the vampire twins. Having mentally connected to the tendrils, Jason broadcasted his will through them.

"You have an hour to meet me. I have some more things to ask you."

Hearing Jason's voice projected into their heads at such a distance startled the twins. Their heads turned to each other as both their eyes widened in shock and fear. After hearing Jason's command, they could feel a slight beckoning in their chest, informing them of his location and calling for them to meet him.

"I guess we have no choice but to see his highness," Michael said with a tone of mockery.

"Michael, you better be careful in case he can still hear you." Warned Ashley

Being reminded of the possibility of Jason eavesdropping frightened Michael a bit as with, but a thought Jason could kill them after they submitted to him.

"Uh, let's go quickly." Michael dashed off quickly in the distance, eager to arrive before the hour deadline to be sure that Jason wouldn't tear their heads off if he was in a bad mood. It wasn't unheard of for other vampires to kill each other. Especially when one vampire literally had control over the life and death of the other vampires.

With Michael and Ashley's vampiric speed, it didn't even take them 30 minutes to arrive at Jason's apartment. Entering the condo felt like entering the tiger's lair except what was in this lair was much more horrible than a tiger. But they were ordered to come, and they did not dare test his patience.

Sensing their presence by his door yet not daring to directly come in made Jason chuckle.

(At least they still have some fear best not to keep them waiting)

With a slight thought, Jason gave them permission to enter his place. Michael opened the door and came as soon as approval was given. Ashley followed closely behind as they both kneeled before Jason. Michael was shocked when he saw Jason. It had only been a night, but his raw power frightened him. While Jason had defeated them in the past and was their master, it did not mean that he was a real expert. The blood-red tendrils that he projected out were simply the most significant counter to vampires. He could suppress vampires several levels ahead of him, and with that advantage, how could the siblings defeat him. But now, with the power that was rippling off of him, Jason could probably pummel them into the dirt with just physical strength having no need for the tendrils. This massive improvement frightened Michael but also gave him more confidence in his lord.

"I called you here to ask you some more questions but more specific to vampires. How do you all hunt yet remain unnoticed?" Jason was curious about how, even with a large population of vampires, there was no commotion within the general public.

"Well, it is only on a rare occasion that we hunt nowadays. It is only when there is someone who truly interests us that we will feed on strangers or if we are somewhere genuinely rural. Times have changed, and so have we. In most cities, there are specially run vampire blood banks. From there, we can purchase any blood we need from humans that give it up freely with no hassle. Of course, you can buy more than just blood there as there are artifacts and material for other races as well. There are even stores that sell things to humans," explained Michael.

"Interesting, how do you find these stores?" Questioned Jason

Afterall he was quite curious about these stores and how modern monsters have become. Jason intended to purchase his blood now instead of hunting for it. Why would one hunt if he could buy a massive batch of it and barely do any work?

Hey, I am back and I am going to pick this up again. I said that if I dropped this I would say something or at least give a hasty wrap-up but I intend to work on this and finish this as I intended!

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