
Chapter 1 Alone

POV ???

It has been a long time since I heard the voice of another living being. The last time was when I was cast out by my sisters or evil hags, as I like to call them. I was born as a descendant of the Libyan queen named Lamia. Who was cursed by Hera for attracting Zeus's attention, or which was rumored by the humans? However, it's hard to know what's true or what was false in those days. But I guess it doesn't really matter in the end. Because the Lamia exists and I should not, for I was born a male Lamia when there were only ever females. Which caused me to be isolated from my tribe and become no more than a plaything, their prey, to be used and then devoured. The mere thought of those days caused my body to convulse in fear.

This leads to my current situation. After I escaped from those hags, I was badly injured and exhausted after putting as much distance as possible between us. This causes my instinct to overpower anything else and put me into an inactive state otherwise known as hibernation to recover. This means I found himself digging out from a pile of dirt. Not understanding where on earth I am, moreover when it is?

From what I remember, it was cold when I collapsed from exhaustion and now it is hot as fuck and my body is stiff as a board. To add to my list of problems, I'm starving and if I don't get something soon, I'll probably starve to death. Luckily for me, breakfast is coming to me and should be here in 10 seconds. It is moving much faster than the average human and if I wasn't so hungry, I might have thought more about it, but you live and you learn.

I coil my tail up and launch myself at the blonde hair man running straight toward me. I collide with him and sink my fangs into his neck. Only to immediately gag and push him away from me, vomiting up some black liquid. He looked terrified as he crouched into a defensive position. "What are you?" my voice croaked from the lack of moisture. "You first?" He said stiffly, trying not to panic. I put my hands up in the air to calm him. "I am a Lamia or snake hybrid. If that helps now, what are you?" He slowly sits up and says, "I-I'm a vampire." I sigh in annoyance I should have known from how red his eye are. "Are you new? By the way, where are we?" I ask "Yes, I have just changed a couple of weeks ago when we were hunting vampires. But t-they were too strong, and they left me for dead when they counter-attacked." He wipes his eye as if to get rid of tears. "And as for your second question, we are near the city of London and the year is 1663."

"London, huh? I have not heard of it. What's it like?" I ask "It was great bustling with life and p-people," said crack and grimaced in pain. I move closer to him, worried. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" "I'm alright just thirsty," he said, messaging his neck. "Perfect. How about you take me to the nears town and we will find some pretty lady for you to drink and some handsome man for me to eat," I say while wiping the drool that escapes my mouth. "No, I refuse to feed off people like some MONSTER. I would rather die!" almost yelling the last part before pulling up into a ball. "Well, it's a little late for that, considering you already are one." I laugh, trying to cheer up the sobbing man and get him to move.

"No, I'm sorry. I can't kill the people I swore to protect. I would rather wait here for death to come for me." I sigh. This dude is troublesome. I should just leave him, but I can't maybe because he reminds me of myself when I was alone and scared. "Hey before you die, tell me, do you have to kill them to drink some of their blood?" I ask "no but it's almost impossible to stop once you start and even if you don't kill them, it will force them into this undead existence." He mumbles out, showing me the still distinguished bite mark on his arm. I scratch my head in thought and then, as if struck by lightning, a brilliant idea comes to mind. "Hey get up you big crybaby, I just had a great idea. From what you have told me, all you need is blood to survive, right?" I say, trying to pull him to his feet. "Yes??" he answers, confused.

"Great, then why don't you just drink from the animals? It's all the same, isn't it?" I say with a smirk, almost crying with laughter at his bewildered face. With newfound confidence, he said, "that might actually work, thank you." I'll give him a smile in return.

Present Time

That was almost 67 years ago when Carlisle and I first meet. We have been together ever since, almost like brothers now. After that day, we learned Carlisle could drink animal blood to survive, and he has been going steady ever since. Even convinced me to stop eating humans, to my amazement. It wasn't that bad, to be honest. I even ate some human food even though it only consist of wine, but it was a start. Recently, I have been working at a tavern as a server (in full human form). It doesn't pay the best, but it lets me have some fun and gives me something to do while Carlisle is working at the hospital.

I'm happy for Carlisle finally being able to do his dream job, enabling him to help people and have a more normal life. After decades of practice ignoring humans, he can now walk among them freely with no fear of hurting anyone.

After work, I am usually tired from being in human form all day and just lazy around until Carlisle comes home so we can hunt. The only change to this routine is when I bring someone home from work to have fun with. When I hear the door open, I go greet Carlisle with a hug, but I know something is up by his stiff smile. "What's changed, my friend?" He motions for me to sit down on the couch, which I do, my tail falling off the other end. "I have been thinking about traveling to Volterra, Italy to talk to the coven there and learn more about my kind. The Volturi coven is known for being the vampire kings who rule over us. I am also thinking about since I'm there, I want to convince them to stop drinking human blood." He declares, "sounds good to me. However, I will not be coming with you on this trip." He stands up surprised "Why??" He says.

"Because they are powerful and I don't want to get their attention. Even my sister was wary of them. It would not be good for us if they knew we were connected." I answer, "I see," he says, sitting back down. "I promise you, brother, that I will not tell them about you and I will come back for you one day." I replied, "that will not do. They have a powerful mind reader in their coven. His name is Aro. He is one of the Volturi kings. From what I heard, he can see all the memory of any person he touches." Carlisle sighs and says "I understand my brother. I wouldn't do anything that could put us in danger," I sigh, already regretting what I'm about to say "well there might be a way you can still go and not reveal me."

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