
Vampire On Campus

Trish_Ann_Ricer · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Vampire On Campus

Patricia's POV:

I had just finished with work when my sister, Jillian, called me and asked if I could stop by our mothers house and pick her up on my way back to school.

It was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and we always drove up to Columbus to stay with our grandparents for Thanksgiving.

"Make sure you are packed and ready to go when I get there. I don't want to wait for you, " I tell her.

"I am already packed and ready," she assures me. "Okay, stay near the front door so I can just honk for you," I tell her.

I don't want to get out of the car and go into my mom's house because it doesn't take very long for her to say something to cause an argument and I am too tired to argue with her.

Once I pick up my sister, we head up to the college campus for the night. She wants to stay overnight with me in my dorm room and ride up to Columbus with me tomorrow morning. I am fine with that because I know what she really wants. She wants to walk around the campus and talk to the other students here.

She will be attending the same college once she graduates from high school in May. I am excited for her to get here so we can hang out with friends like we used to when I was still in high school.

I am not as social as she is, so I know she can help me make more friends. We are close in age. Only one year and three months separates us. We have always been close and best friends. It's been a little bit difficult for me without her this year. I have gone back into my shell, so to speak, with nobody else around to lure me back out of it.

I am a private person. I like to read and practice magic. I prefer to be a solitary practitioner. I have tried a few times to practice with a coven and it just didn't work out for me. They were always too political. Bashing other religions and trying to establish a hierarchy, which annoyed me. I didn't need a grand magus. I am a fifth generation witch. I know a lot more about magic and witchcraft than most of the other wiccans and mages I have met. It's rare that I meet anyone who can actually teach me something. I

I prefer to "stay in the broom closet" and not advertise what I am to others, because it's safer that way. Not everyone is accepting and sometimes people get offended or do something dumb like try to throw holy water on me or similar antics. It's better if they just don't know.

When we arrive at my dorm I see that someone is already parked in my assigned space and there is no parking sticker in their window. "This shit pisses me off to no fucking end!" I tell my sister. "There are assigned spaces for a reason. I am technically paying for that spot," I say, pissed off.

I pull out of the parking lot and head down to the guest parking spaces that are located behind the Student Union Hall. It's cold and drizzling rain outside right now and we are stuck walking up in the dark.

I am fuming with anger right now and half-heartedly listening to Jillian talking when I get a bad feeling rush over me that sends cold chills up my spine.

I stop for a second and grab her arm to stop her. "What's wrong?" she asks. "I'm not sure, I just have a bad feeling all of a sudden.," I tell her. I start looking around to try to figure out which way the bad feeling is coming from when I hear leaves cracking on the ground and footsteps coming from behind us.

I can just faintly see a tall male figure walking behind us. He is maybe 50 yards or so behind us but I don't like the dangerous vibe he is giving off so I start to walk faster. My sister, Jillian, increases her pace to keep up with me. "Someone is behind us and I am getting some dangerous vibes," I warn. " Yes, I feel it too," she says. "Let's get inside the Student Union Hall and hide for a few minutes," I say. We both take off running and get to the student union.

I open the door and rush her inside with me. I stand against the wall away from the doors so that I can see outside but not be seen from the outside. She stands next to me. We see a guy go walking by the building in a fast pace. He has shoulder length white hair and is wearing a dark red burgundy colored long trench coat. "Someone needs to tell that guy Halloween is over," she says and I laugh softly.

"No, actually, I don't think he is wearing a costume. I think that's just his normal attire," I say. "What, do you mean? Like he is a Goth or Emo or something?" she asks me. "Yes I do," I tell her. "There are a few clubs on campus for that kind of stuff," I say. "Creepy or maybe cool, I'm not sure, but definitely interesting," she says.

The campus cafeteria is already closed but we are hungry so we migrate over to the wall of vending machines and select our snacks and drinks. We are getting ready to leave and walk over to my dorm when we hear voices coming over walkie talkies. The campus security guards are out and talking to one another.

We hear the security guard who is sitting in the student unions walkie talkie go off and say that there is a disturbance at the Dana Hall, which is the name of my dorm. The other campus security guards are calling for back up.

" We better go see what is going on," my sister says. "I don't know, maybe we should stay here for a few minutes? It could be dangerous? I reason. "Maybe that Goth guy was involved? " I question. "Come on sis, I will protect you," she says sarcastically. I sigh and she starts pulling on me towards the door.