
Episode 3: Saved by a Monster


Paula Finkins's Grave was buried. They all will have a great future and they'll remember the name of the greatest female Vampire Hunter. Alex stayed there in half a hour and keep saying "I regret it.". Meaning that he regrets the time of him leaving Paula to die. Steve comes to comfort Alex.

"Let it go, Alex. It's not your fault that she died."

After that, Gwen and Olive came also to comfort Alex because he cares about Alex so much.

"Hey, Alex. How are you, brother?"

"Hey, Gwen. I'm fine. I'm sorry for lying. I should've told you the truth."

"You lied to me after getting the money? Alex, I told you. You should be careful with the consequence that you'll achieve. I'm disappointed."

"I don't care about the fucking consequences, Gwen!"

*Gasps* "Then why do you go to her grave even when you regret it? If you didn't care the consequence then you didn't care about her, also. I hate the fact that you are really stubborn and hypocritical. I tried to tell you in the first time and tried to ask have you done something bad. You lied and achieve this!"

Alex has nothing to say because Gwen is totally right. He goes back to his room and trying to sleep. He's in a place where it's all white and there's only one tree in front of him. Paula appears and Alex was so happy but she got disintegrated and Alex picks her dust. That was a probably a dream. He tries to get an job since he need more money. He had finds no job vacancy so he just go hunt some Vampire's instead. He never experienced how to be an Vampire Hunter but his gun is counting on him so he just go and take the challenge. His captain, Rodriguez, take him to a challenge where he only need one Vampire corpse. He takes the challenge and tells Rodriguez where to go. He said have to go in Landavia, an abandoned place full of Vampire but he's a little bit tired so he just sleep first. In the next day, he's ready to take the challenge. Steve comes in his room.

"Hey, Alex. I'm sorry about the Grave thing and... Wait where are you going with this Vampire Hunting tools?"

"Vampire Hunting. Now get out of the way."

"Dude, I can't let you do this man. It's too dangerous."

Steve tries to push Alex in his room but Alex needs the money quick so he just pushed Steve and goes away. Steve is too strong to hold an taser and tase Alex. Alex is down and Steve tries to lock him on going nowhere. Alex punches Steve to the ground and aiming an gun on his face.

"Don't make me do this, Steve!"

Steve kicks his gun and kicks Alex's feet which is really hurt for Alex. He threatened Steve to stay away or his skull will be crushed. Steve doesn't want to listen so he uses the taser to shoot him again. He's really strong to hold the taser so he bashed Steve's head and throw Steve in his room and locks the door.

"Alex! Open the door!"

Meanwhile, Alex toss a key to his window's room. Steve rushes him and tases Alex again. He punched Alex a lot of times. Alex kicks him and grabs a branch to smack him until he is done fighting.

"You'll regret this Alex! Go die in hell! I don't know you anymore, you prick! Go get eaten by a Vampire until the your body doesn't exist!"

Alex is now in Landavia to search Vampire but he haven't found one since half an hour ago. He grabs a sniper and he found a bat flying but it turns into a Vampire. He finally got his chance so he get to the Ferrari and chases the Vampire. The Vampire is on an abandoned orphanage that was made 20 years ago. He thinks that he remembers this place. He started looking on a room said "Vanessa". He checks but no one is there. He tries to check on "iiStar"s room but also no one is there and he finally checks on the final room that says "ruslan9987"s room he tries to check on the bed with an disturbing noise. It was a Vampire! He can't stand a chance. The Vampire stabs Alex's chest and Alex screams in pain. He almost get devoured from the Vampire but a strange looking monster slashes the Vampire to two pieces. That monster was looking on Alex but the monster flies away and leave a note that says "Listen to your family".

"What kind of creature are you?"

Before returning to his hotel, he draws the monster's shape that saved him. It was a humanoid monster with his / her body all black, His / her eyes are white, His / her mouth wad shaped like an carved pumpkin for Halloween. He leaves Landavia and keep the Vampire's corpse to himself.

To be continued...

By Kris Penn

Based on ZacAttackk's "Vampire Hunters"

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