
#11 New Blood

Vroom.... Vroom....

The sound of a car going on a quarry...

It's Erik Gunther and Lucille Klara. They are inspecting the quarry to see if there's Vampire in there.

Name: Walter Schmidt

Age: 77

Current Occupation: Farmer

"Inspecting my barn? I'ma tell something for brats like you... In my farm there are no creatures, okay?! I have the most secured barn in the entire earth!"

"Okay. Calm down, sir. We are not going to inspect your barn. We are just going to inspect the yard. In case of Vampires."

Walter agrees that they can check the whole yard except his own barn. They found a strange blood pile in the garden and they put it in a bottle. Lucille hears something in the hills and it look strange so she go for it. After she check up on the hills, there are nothing but bats so she goes back to Erik. Lucille tells him that it's just bat but Erik is smart so he can assume that's a transformed Vampire. He runs back to the hills that Lucille just walk by and see no more bat. He goes back to his car and when Lucille sees something behind Walter's house, she tells him to stop. Lucille tries to walk behind it and sees Walter's body found. She rushes into Walter's house and realised it was a fake guy. The fake Walter met Lucille outside and then she shoots fake Walter in the head. He transformed into his original form, a Vampire. The fake Walter is dead and they all put it in the car instead.

"That's impossible, Erik. Can Vampires change shape?"

Vampire Hunters: Red Dimension #11

New Blood

"Erik, the diagnosis is complicated for me to tell."

"Just tell us, doc."

Name: Doctor Terry Bonti

Age: 49

Current Occupation: Doctor

"The Vampire can transform because of it's type. This is an abnormal Vampire. It has different abilities between original basic Vampire. There are also a lot of them in the quarry. Walter Schmidt also dies before you guys appeared. That poor old man was attacked by many abnormal Vampires like this guy. We won't know how he change form but we'll know more information if you bring more."

"Do you hear that, Lucille? We need more goddamn abnormal Vampires. Doc, this thing looks hard to destroy. Even if Lucille shot his head and he died instantaneously, some of them can be hard to kill. Besides, you know my daughter needs me."

"Calm down, Detective Erik. I'm not forcing you to kill more abnormal Vampires."

"I know. Just kidding, by the way. Come on, Lucille. Let's go to our base."

Erik goes to his office and he accidentally drop a box full of Erik's old stuff. He found his own profile photo as a rookie in the RW.P.D. He tries to remember everything but he won't remember anything because that was old stuff.


Erik grabs a projector so he can find clue to his old big memory. He just tries to remember a guy that helped him a lot and he tries to remember his family's condition because due of the "Gladiator Match" between Levi, he won't remember much. The projector starts and Erik sees a photo of him eating donut with his best friend...

Name: John Pells

Age: 32 ( Before Dead )

Current Occupation: Police

Nickname: Dangerous Hex

In another shot, it was a man with an unknown name. Next shot, is Captain Huss aka Lucille's father. Now he remembers everything...


"Hello? Hello? Anybody in the department? It's me, Erik. Erik Gunther. God, where is everybody?"

Erik tries to search people in the department and when he tries to search in his office, he can't because something blocked his office door. He leaves his room be and trying to move on another room. He goes to Peter's room and when he opens it, there's a note on the floor. It says...

"Hello. If you find this note, help me! I was here for hours and when I suddenly realise that there's a ventilation in my room, I tried to open it and I can crawl on the ventilation. After that, I wrote this message just for help. I am curious what's outside right now but if I leave, I might die instantly. I'll be in the basement. Hope you find me and call the rescue forces to this department."

Erik would like to call the rescue forces but he left his phone in his office and he can't reach it because something is blocking the door. He instead crawls to the ventilation to safe the guy in the basement.

He successfully crawled at the ventilation and the basement is really dark so he grabs a flashlight and a gun instead to make sure there's something dangerous walking in this area. He enters a room full of nothing and there's a computer. He shuts the door quietly and there's a sticky note for the people to read.

"My name is Will Robertson. I'm the technician of the air supply in the basement. Me and my friend are having a break in the hallway when we hear something in the unfinished room. Our boss told us not to go there so we won't. Meanwhile the door opened and I tried to close it back and when I do that, my friend screamed all the way to our work location. He was murdered by something in here. If you are new here, I just experience how to survive any of those creatures lying on this basement. They are black and they had red eyes. Watch out if you are nearby. They can only see things hard than human is. So, when they see you, they attacked you quickly. They just have a low hearing so even when we drop glass, they just won't come in our location. He just keep crawling all over this place. All you have to do is make yourself cold because he can inspect people using heat pressure. Use shield that was made in ice so it'll block the monster from seeing you. That's all I ca djidjdjeiwj..."

"Oh, my god. Did something attacked this guy while typing at the end?"

He tries to open the door but this time he didn't close it quietly. He tries to grab a stick and he's searching for Peter. He walks at the dark corridor and he keeps walking until he'd pass six rooms. The monster crawls behind Erik and then he attacks Erik's back to make him wounded. Erik is bleeding really hard and when the monster runs on him again, Erik smacks the monster with the stick. Erik has a chance to smack it more while it was lying on the floor. He does and he just smack the creature twenty times until the creature died.

He goes back to find Peter and when he does, there are Vampires running toward Erik. He waits for the Vampire and when it gets near, Erik smacks it's head and then stomp him in the head six times until his brain is exposed. He found a gun on his pocket and now he can shoot any dangerous creatures without smacking them. He goes for the third corridor and run for the big door Infront of him. There's an elevator Infront so he uses it. He can't go up so instead he goes beneath this basement.

He found Peter lying on the ground with three Vampires dead. He goes for him anyway.

"Ugh. Finally. Oh, it's you."

"Sir, you need to come with me right now."

"I can't. I have to find my friend. He was still here a moment ago."

"No, sir. We have to go right now. I won't let you die. I won't let any of the polices die."

"He saved me twice! Can I pay him by leaving him in this unknown floor die rotten?"

"Sir, I won't let you die and I won't leave you."

"Look at my scars, my wounded feet. I experience this basement more than you do so you would have to go right now!"

Erik shows his wounded back and his half ripped scars on his chest...

"I experience more than you know. Something is in here. I need you to get out in this basement or else both of you and your friend die! I bet that friend that saved you aren't going to let you die!"

"Make sense. Gimme a little help here, kid."

Erik helps Peter walking to the elevator and when he reaches it. Levi Freien came and greet both of them with a polite introduction.

"Hello, my friends. I am Levi Freien. I found some of other people like you. They are not nice so I would manage to destroy them."

"You! You are the guy that tried to kill me and my friend! Kid, close the door."

Levi runs to them...


Erik close the elevator door and he goes upward the basement. He and Peter runs in the corridor and walk far away from the elevator. Levi goes up and then he runs toward Erik and Peter. While Levi is chasing them, the quickly crawl on the ventilation and Levi grabs Erik's feet. Erik kicks Levi's face with his other feet and then they successfully escaped from Levi.

They run away from the office and comes out of the police department. They get assisted immediately by FBI. Peter is fine but he gets to a hospital because he's not feeling too great.

"So, you are the guy who saved him from this monster with jacket?"

"He said his name is Levi. I don't know much but he really wants to kill us."

"Okay, Erik Gunther. We got you covered. We will blow up the current floor that you guys just run and escaped from this Levi."

"We got an alive one! He's still breathing!"

It's Roger Hope. He was the guy that saved Peter twice. Erik tries to go Infront of Roger to ask him how did he survive but he can't because Roger is fainted.

Present Day, Quarry

Erik and Lucille goes back for searching more abnormal Vampires. He bought a friend named Jean Burgundy. They all get out and they start making a plan. Erik will search at Schmidt's house, Lucille will search in the hills, Jean will search in the cove. They all start searching in the quarry and it's been hours and they found nothing. Lucille sits down and she just saw a bat while she was sitting down. She quickly grabs her pistol and shoots the bat immediately. The bat is wounded and when Lucille appears Infront of the bat, it dies right after Lucille appears. It was known to be a regular bat that was flying in the hills. Erik searches at the house and find nothing or no one in there. Jean is still looking in the cove so she stops searching. They all give up on searching and they get in the car.

"Maybe that's the last Vampire in the quarry."

"That's nonsense, Lucille. There should be more of them in here. I can probably feel it."

"What's the point, Erik? She's probably right. We've been looking for hours and yet we haven't find anything."

Erik sees a man with a fedora and jacket...

"Erik, what are you looking at?"

"Shit! That's Levi! Levi Freien!"

"Levi? You killed him three months ago. I didn't even see him"

"There! He's right Infront of the car!"

Lucille and Jean didn't see anybody outside. Erik goes outside and then he shoots it's body many times. It fades away. Erik just imagines seeing Levi.

"You gotta be kidding me."

Erik returns in the car and he drive immediately leaving the quarry. Lucille really wants to go at the restroom. They found a store with restroom behind it. Lucille starts running to the restroom and Jean is also going to wash her hand. Erik waits for the car and in a minute, he saw Levi Infront of the car. Erik is really mad of seeing him even if he's just thinking him. He drives quickly trying to crash at it but he takes the wrong way and his car got flipped because the wheel hit a rock. Lucille and Jean finally comes out of the door and sees Erik's car in a bad position..


To be continued...

Next Chapter: #12 Evil Resurrects

Written by Kris Penn

Based on ZacAttackk's Vampire Hunters Universe

Red Dimension recreated by Gillian Humphrey

Erik Gunther created by Phil

Lucille Klara created by Kris Penn

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