

I have always wanted to live in New York, attend a college there and have friends. Finally my wish came true, today is my first day at the NYC SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS. I have never felt this happy. I was wondering what the time was and that's when my mom yelled at me. 'LISA WAKE UP! IT'S YOUR FIRST DAY AT COLLEGE ' I slowly opened my eyes and took a glance at the time.. That's when reality hit me. It was 8.45 and that moment I knew I'm gonna be late on the first day at college. I jumped from my bed and fell on the floor. It hurts but still I got up, grabbed my towel and ran to the bath room. 'LISA COME DOWN NOW!' my mom yelled. I ran downstairs like I was in a relay. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. 'I'll get it. Have your breakfast ' said my dad and went to open the door. 'oh it's your taxi. I ordered a taxi for you to go to school' said my dad. I just nodded at him because my mouth was filled with food. I gulped down my breakfast and ran to the taxi. 'byee mom byee dad' I yelled rolling down the window of the taxi. My parents waved and the taxi started going. After about 25 minutes, the taxi driver dropped me in front of the college. I paid and got out of it. I was kinda embarrassed because I was the only newbie and I had no idea of anyone in this college.. I brought myself together and started walking through the corridor. My first class was drama but I couldn't find the class.I thought of asking some people but I was too shy to do it. That's when a pretty girl came to me. 'hi.. I'm Kylie. U are?' that girl asked. 'oh hey I'm Lisa. I have drama now but I don't know how to get to the class.' I said. She smiled at me. 'come let's go. I'm also doing drama. Let's go together. So friends?' Kylie asked. I was so happy I made a friend I nodded and started to go with her for my drama class. ' This is the drama class.' Kylie said. Wow I thought to my self. It was large and so beautiful. Kylie and I went to sit in the third row. Many girls kept avoiding us and I didn't know why. I asked Kylie but she shook her head but again she said 'because of me '. I was surprised because I didn't see anything wrong in her. I mean she's friendly so nice to me. What could possibly go wrong. She's like a total ordinary human. When I thought that I never knew there was something else about her that I didn't know. No one knew. I didn't know she was not an ordinary girl that time.

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