2 The Awakening

They transferred some of Kai's blood into Rose. Something stranged happened after the blood was transferred to Rose. After the blood coursed through her she levitated in the air and grew wings and sharp fangs and got red eyes but only one was red. Only Vampires have wings and fangs and red eyes. A few days passed and she woke up she was in pain. They soon figured out she was not just a human she was also a vampire. A royal vampire.

They never heard of another royal vamp being born. "Get information about her now!" As Kai said that he was holding Rose hand she was resting she went through a lot of pain she couldn't move at all. He was questioning her.

Did she know she was half vamp or half human? Did she know she was a royal? Questions like that kept running through his mine.

A day or so past she work up still in pain but a lil less. They told her what happened. She was shocked and didn't wanna believe it. But she did, she had a crave for blood right then and there. Kai rushed over and gave her some blood. Her thirst was satisfied. Kai got a letter on all the infromation on her.

Her mom died. She has 2 brothers. She is the middle child. Her mom died fron murder. Rose mom died from vampire hunters. Her mother was a vampire and her father a human.

"Rose I need to talk to come find me in my room when youe ready to talk to me. Third door on the left." "Ok Prince Kai."

Two hours later she went to his room. "You needed to talk to me?" "Yeah, sit down Rose" she sits down by him. "I don't know how to tell you this you but your mother she was a royal vampire." "That's impossible I never saw her drink blood." "Then she found a way to hide it. Her royal name Queen Rosale but since she died her kingdom has been lost because of having no ruler no heir at the time. She was our rival meaning you as her only heir should be our rival to but I can't do that let you be my rival." "Wait.. I'm confused i have two brothers how do you know they aint like me?" "I had their blood tested." "Ok and why can't you let me be your rival?" "Easy because I think... I might like you and I can't hate someone I like." "Oh um... I g-gotta go I super exhausted bye."

She walks fast out of the room. She doesn't know what to do. First she finds out she is the princess of a kingdom that has been lost then she finds out that someone who is supposed to be her rival likes her. She start getting dizzy and faints.

Few hours have past and she wakes up but this time in Kai's room on his bed. She wakes up and sees no one in the room. She gets off the bed to head out of the room when she grabs the door handle it had burnt her. She grabbed a towel from Kai's bathroom and grabbed the door and walked down the hallways. No one wad there. It was dead silent. The only thing she heard was the wind coming from the open windows. Kai always wanted them close so she was quite confused.

She hears a scream! She runs as fast as she can towards the scream she finds humans. Humans attacking everyone in the castle. Not knowing her powers yet. She screams as loud as she can. Only humans were affected because she was thinking of hurting them. Everyone was quiet and the maids anf butlers. They bowed down knowing that Rose was in fact a royal vampire.

She didn't seem to find Kai so she acts one of the maids. "They took him I don't know where though but they did say something about killing him at the highest place in town so everyone could see." She knew right then and there the place. Her knowing she wont make it in time by walking she goes up to the roof of the castle and jumps hoping her wings will come out. They did. She flew to town and flew to the highest place in town the clock tower she saw Kai. She heads towards him.

When she reaches him. "Get your hands off of King Kai right now." "How about nah go away little girl." She laughs. "Little girl huh? Ok tell me if this is little girl." She screams so loudly it broke all the glass in town. All and any glass. She grabs Kai and flys off but while in doing so she gets shoot in the back. "Kai open your wings and go to the palace as fast as you can I'll be ok." "I'm not leaving you." "Go King Kai. I Rose Leeha have always seem off in my family and thanks to you I now know why. So let me take care of this as a thank you." He sighs. "As you wish Queen Rose." He sets off to go back to the palace. Little did he know he won't see her again. She takes the arrow out of her back. She stands in front of the humans. "I am a royal Vampire and if you grant me one wish I will allow you to kill me. "Whats the wish?" a human said "Leave King Kai alone and all other vampires forever and all eternity." "Alright." The leader of the town said. The day of ger death would be 2 days from now.
