


Nate was in a state of denial as he looked at Selene's hand extended toward him. After a long moment, Selene retracted her hand with a bashful look.

"He left that kind of impression again, didn't he?" She took a step away from Nate. "I apologize for my partner. He can be a little much sometimes. I try to keep him in line, but…"

"He's good at what he does, Nate." Coughlin cut in.

"And he knows it," Selene said. "He's got a bit of an ego, he's irritable, and sometimes more than a little insane. His heart is usually in the right place, though."

Nate seemed to finally catch his senses, looking between the two of them. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

Coughlin sighed. "Look, Nate…"

"No, Ralph," Nate interjected. "I promised Steph I would quit smoking. I can't work with him."

Selene nodded, leaning against the wall. "I understand your concerns, I have worked with him longer than most."

"How?" The words slipped out before he could catch them. "How can anyone work with that maniac?"

Selene shrugged. "He's absolutely brilliant."

Nate looked between the two of them again. "So, you want me to…what? Compare notes? Let him in on this case?"

Coughlin circled around to the other side of his desk and took his seat. "I think working with him on this could lead to some conclusions. Plus, it would be good for the department."

"Aha!" Nate stood, slamming his hands down on the desk. "I knew it! It's a publicity stunt!"

"A minor detail to draw up fundraising. Mostly, we want closure for this girl's family." Coughlin covered quickly.

Nate sneered. "If I didn't know you better, I'd say you didn't give a damn about the Peytons. But I know you a helluva a lot better than that."

"Then you should know by now that you can trust my judgment," Coughlin said. "And, for his admitted faults, I trust Elliot Carson."

Nate said nothing for a long moment, glaring at the captain. He was reliving the conversation in the interrogation room. He saw the cocky smirk on the investigator's face. The blatant defiance in his tone. The swagger with which he held himself while being interrogated. Slowly, Nate sank back into his chair. "I make no promises."

Coughlin smiled and hit the intercom. "Darcy? Could you have Elliot Carson brought from interrogation room two to my office, please?"

Nate scoffed. "Great, we're doing this now."

Selene chuckled, a light jingle of a sound. "Don't worry, I'll keep him in check." She winked. Somehow, Nate felt reassured.

It was a few minutes before SGT Darcy walked up to the captain's office, followed closely by Carson, who had a smug look on his face, looking directly at Nate. Nate sneered back and turned back to the captain. Darcy reached for the door but stopped as Carson took a step toward her. He said something which made her smile. Darcy left to return to her post. Carson entered the room, head held high.

"Selene, my dearest," Carson said to his partner, who looked less than thrilled.

"I knew it was a bad idea to let you go ahead," Selene said, crossing her arms and standing firm. "Honestly, can you keep your nose out of the dirt for longer than two minutes?"

"I wouldn't be a good investigator if I could." Carson turned away from her. "Ah, Detective Ryan, a pleasure to see you again."

"I wish I could say the same," Nate said.

"Well, thankfully this may well be the last meeting between us," Carson said, before turning to the Captain. "Ralphie! You need to cut back on the doughnuts."

Coughlin shook his head and gestured for Carson to have a seat in the spare chair in the room next to Nate. "Ah, how I've missed your criticism, Elliot."

"I was merely stating fact," Carson said, taking the seat and lounging. "You are not a beat cop any longer, Ralph. But I assume I was brought up here to discuss something other than my release."

Nate grunted. "Are you going to tell me where Peter Harris is?"

"You are still on that, are you?" Carson turned to him. "I told you, he is safe for the moment, away from prying eyes."

Selene cleared her throat. "We are keeping him in our custody, considering his less than favorable view by…well…you. No offense."

"He is a fugitive," Nate said, the edge from his voice gone.

"Who has innocent until proven guilty," Selene said. "He is in good hands until we work something out."

"I would like to question the boy," Nate said.

Carson snorted. "With your interrogation skills, even if he is guilty, he will be acquitted within the hour."

"Elliot!" Selene snapped at him.

Nate gripped the armrests of his chair, his teeth grinding. "Are we done here? This is a lost cause."

"Can it, Nate." Coughlin snapped. "Elliot, would you refrain from antagonizing the detective?"

Carson held up a hand. "I can be civil. For you, Ralphie."

"Please don't call me that."

"I can make no such promise."

Coughlin shook his head, looking as if he were regretting this decision. "I have brought you up here to discuss you working with Detective Ryan on the Peyton Case."

Carson drew in a deep, contemplative breath. "No."

Coughlin looked taken aback. "No?"

"As I understand it, Detective Ryan has a new case, one that I so rudely interjected myself into." Carson looked at Nate. "I do apologize for the intrusion, Detective."

Nate looked at him, his brow furrowed. Was this the same man from interrogation? He seemed calmer, more logical. Nate did not respond, trying to figure out the investigator's motive.

"I believe the case of Jessica Peyton is a cold case and not a priority for the department. However, the disappearance of three women should be priority one for the good Detective. After all, the first forty-eight hours are crucial."

Nate frowned. "How did you know there were three?"

Coughlin also looked confused. "Disappearance?"

Carson looked between the two officers with equal confusion. "Yes, disappearance. There were no bodies on the scene, making this a kidnapping, not a homicide until you can locate the bodies. There were photographs on the table at the entrance. The households three bedrooms. A cursory look at them had the same three women appearing in nearly everyone, amongst others. It can be inferred the trio lived in the house together, and these photographs were agreed upon to be displayed to their guests."

Nate shook his head, trying to process this information. "Alright, but the blood spatter. There was enough blood there for lethal amounts of blood loss for multiple victims."

"You are correct," Carson nodded. "That much blood loss would certainly be lethal. I'm sure the swine it came from is missing it dearly."

Nate frowned. "Swine?"

"Indeed," Carson said, showing no emotion on his face. "While I imagine there is at least some human blood in the mix, as there was certainly a sign of a struggle, fabricated or otherwise. I can surmise that much of the blood in the room was certainly not human. My guess would be that of a pig. Perhaps multiple."

Nate gave Carson a look of disbelief. "It's not possible for you to say that without definitive testing."

"Then test the blood, detective," Carson said. "I imagine your forensic team is already working on the tests. However, hematology is a specialty of mine."

Selene tried to hide a knowing smile, confirming for Nate that Carson was telling the truth. Nate was too dumbfounded to respond.

Carson looked off into the distance, looking more contemplative now. "Then there is a matter of the blood spatter…"

"I believe that is enough, Elliot," Coughlin said, holding up a hand to signal Carson to stop. Carson immediately snapped out of whatever state he had worked himself into back into reality.

Nate leaned back in his chair, looking at Carson. "I thought you said you only got a cursory glance?"

Carson looked at him expressionlessly. "I did." He turned back to the captain. "As I said, the detective will be needed on this case to find the missing women. As much as I wish I could aid on this case, I have my own I must attend to."

A disappointed smile crossed Coughlin's face. "I understand. If there is anything I can offer to help, please do not hesitate to ask."

"I will not," Carson said. "However, I have a counter-offer."

A glimmer of hope hit the captain. Nate's heart sank.

"I suppose I can spare Selene to aid in your case," Carson gestured to his partner, who smiled at the two other men. "She has spent enough time with me, she knows my methods. I believe she could be an asset to you. However, it is a matter for all parties to agree."

Coughlin nodded to Selene, "We would be happy to have you aboard, Selene." Coughlin shot Nate a look.

Nate sighed. "I suppose it couldn't hurt." He gave a slight smile in response to Selene's. He was grateful only for the fact that he did not have to work with her associate. Selene was at least levelheaded enough to see reason, and at least seemed to have a passing semblance of personability.

"I look forward to working with you, Detective," Selene said.

Carson cleared his throat and stood. "I suppose we are done here, then. I do have need of Selene for the moment, however, I will have her return to you when she is available."

"You're not employed by the department," Coughlin said. "Though I would appreciate if you could come back tomorrow morning, Selene."

Selene nodded. "I will be here at first light."

Carson nodded. "With that, gentlemen, I bid you farewell." Carson and Selene swept from the office and made their way out of the station, Nate and Coughlin alone once again.

Nate shot the captain a look. "Ralphie?"

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