

"What!" A lady with pale yet flawless skin seen unbuttoning her white long-sleeve shirt shouted and jumped to her feet.

Her face was marred with shock and surprise. Her hands paused unbuttoning her shirt which revealed her pale yet healthy skin to the eye.

"Did you just say Mr. Marvin has signed the contract?"

Even though he had already broken the news earlier, she still couldn't believe her ears.

"Yes," the man on the other end asserted. "The documents will be delivered to your doorstep tomorrow morning..."

"Wait!" She interrupted him, not letting him finish his sentence.

A sweet smile lingered on her pale red lips.

Her natural deep red eyes moved towards the wall to her left where a big photo frame hung.

And she gazed at the face of the man on the photo frame hung on the grey walls just beneath where the table of her family's photo frames sat.

"I will come to get it right now," she declared, almost jumping up for joy.

Her red orbs twinkled with happiness as she spoke.

"But it's quite late..."

"I am afraid I won't get a wink of sleep tonight if I don't get the documents right now. So expect me at your office soon". She muttered and tucked her long silky hair behind her ear.

There was a silence from the other end after she spoke.

"If you insist then I will wait for you," the man gave in to what she wanted at last.

He disconnected the call in an instant.

She strolled away from the centre table and moved closer to where the picture frame of the man hung.

On the frame was an average-looking guy wearing reading glasses.

His sparkling grey eyeballs and the sweet smile that lingered on his lips were the two things she loved about the picture.

Yes, he was staring at her when the picture was taken!

He smiled the sweetest only whenever she was around.

At least this is what she believed.

"My Sweetheart will be thrilled when he learns that I had made his greatest wish come to pass."

She stared into his sparkling eyes which gave her the feeling that he was staring back at her.

"He will shower me with lots of kisses and compliments. I bet my name will be the only name on his lips tonight..." she lowered her gaze when her right hand mistakenly grazed the dazzling diamond ring on her finger.

She lifted her hand and caressed the ring on her finger. The ring was the biggest proof that he was hers alone in this lifetime.

So she thought.

"Get a grip, Giavanna," She hits her hand away. "Mr. Harrison is a family man. He will surely leave if you don't show up on time. You have got no time to waste hmm," she reprimanded.

Hastily, the 5ft 6.5in. tall lady buttoned her shirt, grabbed her black pouch from the centre table and left the house.

As she made her way to Mr Harrison's office, the previously exhausted lady forgot all about the tiring day she had.

The news of the contract approval washed away her weariness.

When she got to a tall building, she parked her white car just beside the parking space beam.

She came out of the car and was about to stroll into the building but the beam of light from a car parked not far away made her halt.

She tilted her head and peered at the car.

"Who the…"

"Miss Giavanna," she heard a man's voice call to her from where the black car was parked.

"It's me, Mr Harrison," The man introduced himself.

She smiled and made her way towards the car after she realised that he was an acquaintance.

The first place the lady's sharp eyes went to after she reached where he stood was the envelope in Mr Harrison's right hand.

When he noticed how she couldn't take her eyes off the envelope, the man took it as his cue to hand the documents over to the rightful owner.

"Here it is," He said and extended the envelope to her.

"Thank you for the hard work," She smiled and tried to collect the envelope but for some reason, the young man wouldn't release the envelope.

Her smile faded at that instant and she narrowed her eyebrows.

"He was very satisfied with your services and would love to see more of you in the future. This is his only wish," Mr Harrison smirked devilishly.

Giavanna glared at the grinning man. She had the urge to punch him in the face at that instance but she didn't when she thought about the consequences.

For his happiness, I can endure any humiliation!

She forced on a smile despite feeling humiliated.

"Tell him that I will try to make out time," she mumbled and snatched the envelope from the man.

She strolled out of there with her head held high.

As she drove out of there, her anger was at its peak. But her anger vanished the instant she thought about her husband's smiling face.

"As long as I can see that sweet smile on his face, every other thing doesn't matter," She muttered.

She dialled his number immediately. As she waited for a reply she stepped on the accelerator.

She couldn't wait to break the news to him.

Giavanna called his line thrice but there was no response.

"I guess he must be swamped with work," She whispered and decided not to call him again.

While she drove she stole glances at the white envelope beside her.

Seeing the envelope, she believed without any doubt that it was worth all the sleepless nights and sacrifices.

"I didn't know he would sign the contract earlier. I wanted to give it to him on our honeymoon but I guess this will serve as an earlier honeymoon gift," she beamed and focused her gaze back on the road.

After driving non-stop for twenty minutes, her car pulled over in front of a thirtieth-tall grey-storey building.

She picked up the white envelope and stepped out of the car.

As Giavanna made her way towards the automatic glass entrance, she handed her car keys to one of the security guards before she made her way upstairs.

When the elevator stopped at the seventh floor, her heart pounded hard causing her to rub her palms in anticipation of how he would react when he saw the papers.

Just after she got close to his office she started to tiptoe.

Giavanna could not hide her disappointment after she entered the vast room and didn't find him there.

With a fallen expression, she gazed at the grey executive chair positioned behind his glass desk.

"Did he leave..."


The shattering sound that came from her right-hand side made her jump up with her hands clutching her chest.

She shifted her gaze to the brown door and stared at it with a puzzled look on her face.

"Is he in there?" She muttered and lowered her hands to her side.

Giavanna turned and had a closer look at the vast room she stood in.

The brown couches at the centre of the room reminded her of the day she carefully selected them from the most prestigious brand.

Because she didn't want him to lose face in front of anyone, she had the couches imported regardless of the large sum she spent on them.

She diverted her attention from the centre table to his desk. The brown leather shoes beside his glass desk and the grey suit hung on the hanger confirmed to her that he hadn't left the office.

She had planned to tiptoe to the brown door but her excited legs betrayed her.

Before she knew it she found herself standing in front of the brown door.

As she prepared to open the door she decided to make a countdown.

"1...2..." she lifted her hand and held the door's knob. By that time her palms had already turned sweaty.

"And 3... Surprise..." with a broad smile she pushed the door opened and walked in.

The scene she met made her froze to a spot. Her eyes bulged out and her mouth dropped wide opened.

She wanted to scream but it felt as if someone had cast a spell on her.

Her mouth moved up and down but no sound came out. Because no matter how hard she yelled in her head her voice didn't come out.


Hello lovely readers, welcome to my new book. So this is my entry for Webnovel Spirirty Award (WSA 2023).

To win I will need all the help I can get from you so please support the book with power stones, comments and reviews.

Put on your seatbelt because a rollercoaster ride awaits you.

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