
Vampire's Ascension

Set in a fantasy Victorian styled world that has some elements of modern technology as well as the mythos of vampires and the like mixed in. A corrupt government that manipulates its citizens with twisted truths and outright lies, as well as the people of the country who are too stupid to realize it. Aurik, a young man in his twenties, sees the world for what it is but can do nothing but suffer through life as he tries to live to see tomorrow. He is certainly dissatisfied with the way things are, both for himself and his country, but he gave up on trying to change things a long time ago. A lone man with no money, no fame, no name and no power cannot change the world. But what if he had power? One night, through a twist of fate, Aurik's life changes for the better when he meets a stranger and accidentally becomes a vampire. With the power of a vampire, couldn't he find a way to make a change? No, even then it would be impossible. But what about an entire society filled with vampires? Yes, that should do it. And so, Aurik decided that his goal in this new life would be one thing and one thing alone. Become the king of vampires and use their power to conquer his country and change things so that he wouldn't feel disgusted every time a politician spoke or a citizen believed them.

MagusRex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Defending The Storage (3)

The large Therian named Darrel was desperately trying to halt the bleeding his missing hand created. His face was twisting with pain and anger as he directed his attention over to Aurik, who was smiling like a lunatic despite his wounds.

Aurik couldn't spare the time to think about it but the pain from his injuries had already diminished to the point where it didn't bother him anymore. The cut on his head had also stopped bleeding, something he was thankful for since he could see much easier now that he didn't have blood pouring into his eyes.

 "Looks like I stand a better chance than I thought?" The slight chuckle that followed after Aurik's words were enough to make Darrel throw caution to the wind. The anger inside him was bubbling up and he didn't care how much his arm was bleeding, he just had to kill this Vampire at all costs.

The Therian charged forward and swung his right arm out with all the might he could muster as his claws slashed at the air like razors. His eyes were filled with rage and a bestial scream escaped him as attacked with reckless abandon, completely ignoring defence in favour of attack.


Seeing his opponent act this way made Aurik feel strangely calm. He had more time to react than with the first attack since the distance was greater so he calmly turned his body to the side, with his sword arm being closest to the Therian.

The moment Darrel's claw was close enough and Aurik judged that the time was right he leaned backwards slightly, allowing the claw to pass harmlessly through the air just inches from his face as it tore through the metal refrigerator behind him.

At the same time he pushed off the ground with his left leg, propelling his body backwards and to the right as he slashed horizontally with his sword. He passed by Darrel and ended up behind him as his blade successfully slashed into the left side of the man's chest, causing an arced trail of blood to follow the tip of his sword.

On the other side of the warehouse, Reggie and the Therian named Selina were engaged in a battle of their own. Unlike with Aurik and Darrel, these two were fighting in a far less aggressive manner.

They were slowly circling around and launching an occasional attack while doing everything possible to stop themselves from creating openings. Both Reggie and Selina had minor cuts on various parts of their bodies and were breathing heavily despite the battle only lasting about three minutes in total.

Reggie thrusted forward with his sword and Selina sidestepped to avoid the tip, however the thrust was just a feint as a quick horizontal slash left a cut along the Therian's side, deepest cut either had received so far.

'It's good that the others are busy destroying the blood, if they had just focused on taking us out first then we wouldn't have lasted more than a few seconds. I've only been using my sword to fight until now but it's about time I land a solid hit with an attack she won't be expecting.' Reggie went completely on the defensive, not wanting to get greedy after landing a successful strike.

Selina watched the Vampire carefully, waiting for a moment where his defences wavered or she thought they were weak enough for her claws to break through. That moment came when Reggie stepped on a broken piece of metal that came from one of the destroyed refrigerators.

His balanced wavered as he stumbled to the side and Selina lunged forward instantly with her right arm outstretched. A smile appeared on Reggie's face as he regained his balance and changed directions, causing the claws to miss completely.

He lifted his sword and swung down with a perfectly vertical slash aimed at the Therian's head. Selina had no time to dodge and if she tried to block then she would likely lose an arm, if not her life.

With Reggie being slightly behind her and to the side the only action she believed could save her was to make an attack of her own. She crouched slightly and leaned backwards and her legs pushed her towards Reggie as she swung an arm in a backwards swipe.

Her goal was to attack Reggie's arm before he could complete his strike and hopefully injure his hand or arm enough to stop his attack before the sword could reach her. Her rash actions surprised Reggie slightly but he was half expecting Selina to do something crazy.

Reggie cancelled his attack just in time and Selina's claw struck nothing but the air. Selina believed she had succeeded, after all the attack was stopped as she hoped, however things weren't as simple as that.

Selina was completely defenceless, her posture was non existent and her arms were spread wide open after her 'successful' counter attack. Reggie couldn't attack with his sword again, there simply wasn't enough time to do so before she was able to react again, but that was never the plan.

Reggie's left hand opened and the palm pointed at the Therian as a sickly green energy gathered for a moment before blasting outwards like a volatile orb of power. The green energy travelled the short distance almost instantly and there was no hope of evading the attack, just as Reggie planned.

Selina's eyes widened with shock as the energy slammed into her chest and her body was launched through the air. She slammed into the metal sliding door at the entrance with immense force, denting the steel before she fell to the ground with a thud.

With her back leaning against the cold steel, Selina wheezed a few final breathes before her life ended, as there was a indent in her chest big enough to fit a human fist where the energy had struck.

Reggie silently celebrated his victory, glad that his plan was successful.

'I can't relax yet, there are still many more of them to deal with... not that I have the strength to kill another.' Reggie thought as his eyes met those of the elderly man who seemed to be the leader of these attackers.