
Rebirth and Earth

" Uhh, where am I?", Drake asked looking around and assessing his surroundings.

"You are dead, little one" said a voice in the void. As Drake turned around in his soul form he saw an old man with wrinkles standing 2 metres away from him, smiling at him.

"Who are you, and what do you mean by I am dead?"

"You were hit by the Truck God and here you are. As for the introduction, I am God."

"So now what?"

"I will give you a chance of transmigration to a universe of your choice with 4 wishes of your choice"

Drake had always been an otaku but was a major fan of Transformers.

" I want to go to the universe of Transformers, 2 years before the start of the main plot."

"It shall be done. Now for your wishes."

"I want a sub-dimension in my mind where I can store things. Then I want all the versions of Valvrave with no memory loss conditions and with an AI like JARVIS. I want to be born in the body of L-elf with all his war experience and muscle memory. And make me extra handsome.", said Drake.

"It can be done but the last one cannot be considered as a wish. You should choose for a proper wish."

"Well, then give me an eternal Mangekyo sharingan, and make it so I don't get blind but have all the abilities a Mangekyo sharingan has in Narutoverse."

"It shall be done, but you will not be reborn, you shall be sent to that universe with the body."

"So, basically I am just dumped there?"

"You can say so. Enjoy the ride, little one."

As soon as God said that Drake blacked out and was transferred to the universe of Transformers.

Even God who was previously smiling started to frown and shouted in a loud voice, "Where are you, you good for nothing Truck, wait till I catch you, I will make sure to transform you into a toy truck for a 2 year old child to play with!!!" With that even he disappeared from the void as if he never existed there.

Meanwhile in a different Earth,in a lush forest, a portal opened and a white haired guy fell from it. As he scrambled to his feet, he saw that he was in a forest. This person was no other than our MC Drake.

He the felt a splitting headache as the memories of L-elf were forced into his weak brain. He also felt as if his eyes were burning and there was a cooling sensation in his abdominal region. After what felt like an eternity, he felt better and went out to explore the forest.

As he reached a river he saw his own reflection on it's clear water. He was tall, around 5ft11 inch with white hair and purple eyes which transformed into a red Mangekyo sharingan like Madara's. He saw the memories and checked his aiming skills by throwing stones on birds and felt that he had really became a trained soldier. As he was going through his memories he realised how to use the sub-dimension and when he went into it he was shocked silly seeing the gigantic Valvraves in front of him.

After making sure that all of his wishes were fulfilled he started to find a town so that he may find where that God had dumped him. As he was walking he saw a military camp with many soldiers in the drill ground. As he was making his way towards them he was ambushed by a group of soldiers from behind and was pinned to the ground.

He still needs some time to fully integrate with the memories of L-elf so he was so easily ambushed and pinned down.

azure_dragon_godcreators' thoughts
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