2 Chapter 1

I do certainly consider myself a genius or at the very least, very smart but of course, not many people would compare the intelligence or maturity of a pair of boys in their late teens to that of their kid sister. The difference between them would simply be too vast in terms of education, and raw experience.

As I handed my parents the piles of achievement I had garnered over the year they said they would never compare us, siblings. As a child, I had never felt it. Maybe it was just the naivety of a young child but the feeling of comparison was unknown to me until I misplaced my foot on a slippery hill of expectations. I had fallen from the top, from the spotlight into a worse kind of spotlight. One where you are silently ridiculed for every step you take, no matter in which direction.

I'd like to think that perhaps it was a moment of overconfidence but in reality, it was a moment of foolishness. It was due to that foolish that I was angry to an extent where I lost control sending it flying into the face of the student who sat beside me. The student while annoying had not particularly done anything to incur my anger, in fact, I don't remember who the student was or what they had said, only that I had sent a fist slamming into their face.

For a model student to be called into the principles office, it had shocked many, it had circulated at the speed of light and in perhaps a few minutes reached the ears of my older brothers in the secondary division of our school.

Of all the many friends I had considered to have at the time a grand total of two came to ask about what had happened upon my return from the office. I doubted them and their concern and as far as I cared to believe they were just sent by everyone else. They were just scouts here to hear the gossip and then leave on their merry way destroying the reputation I had built over long hours of studying and useless participation in community events.

Due to this when I was asked what had happened I simply left turning to the library for a novel to fill my time. And so I had isolated myself from the friends I once believed I had for two years, something that at times I regret.

Suddenly without friends, I found myself returning home at the end of the school day only to be met with an angry mother. "What have you done?" she asked.

"I punched a fellow student in the face" I answered frankly.

"So what the principal told me over the phone is true?" She probed.

"For what reason would he lie?" I asked while opening the door to my room.

"I raised you so well, just like your brothers, you are the only one that turned out like this. Why? Why!" She said as her voice cracked and face turned red. Slamming my door shut I ignored her, silently questioning why she believed she had raised me. The silence was nice, it was calming but as all nice things do it had ended quickly.
