
Chapter 2

I burst through the thicket of trees, just to see more trees! Not even sunshine can pierce the canopy of leaves above my head. Some people think, because I'm a vampire that we're super fast and can run away from anything, the truth is that we just jump very fast and very far. Although I do wish that particular myth was true at this moment!

Valleerryyy! Where are you, I'm coming for you. A hiss like voice wispers through the wind.

"Who are you, what do you want? " I scream with the utmost terror.

You can't run from me. Just imagine poor Dacian all locked up, being tortured. All those pointy needles sticking into his wings! I don't know if I'm imagining it, but the voice seems to be getting closer.

I start running away from the whisper but the darkness is getting more absolute and the whisper is everywhere! I stumble through the forrest for a few hundred yards but suddenly I slam into something, hard!

I recognize the fairy barrier, that's maintained by the dwarfs to keep out all the dark creatures. I channel some of my energy into it to get through. Luckily I've done this before, I don't know why this works, considering vamps are 'dark creatures', but it does. I fall through the barrier and just in time, a wraith slams into it behind me! It touches the barrier, then looks at me and then dissapears. I feel beyond relieved but now I feel eyes all over me and I start to panic again! Something rustles in the bush and out steps a dwarf!

"The valkyrie demon!" the dwarf dissapears for a moment then appears with more.

"I'm sorry, a what? I think you're mistaken. I'm a vampire." I must look like I've seen a ghost because some of the lady dwarfs run forward and start patting my arms and hair.

The leader, a burly looking dwarf with all kinds of beads around his neck, steps forward and motions for me to sit up so he can look me in the eye. Everyone always says the eyes are the key to your soul, well I think he just looked through mine!

"Come, come. We have a lot to discuss. Follow me," he walks away and motions impatiently for me to follow.

The lady dwarfs help me up and together we walk further into the trees. Suddenly the leader comes to a stop and starts climbing onto the tree. I look up and see a camouflaged civilization! I never would've seen it, if it wasn't for the dwarfs.

"Please follow me so we can talk in peace.Would you like something to drink, maybe something to eat, you look a bit pale." He starts walking toward a wood stump inside the tree.

"Yes please, I don't particularly feel well."

"I can't even begin to imagine how you feel well after being drugged with so much iron. I don't know what those imbeciles were thinking, they could've killed you!"

"I thought I was drugged with pixie dust and only handcuffed with iron?" I rub the spots on my wrists where the handcuffs left their marks.

"Not with all the dark energy I'm getting from you. Here, rub this on your wrists. It'll help heal the burns." He gives me a foul smelling, pink salve which immediately calms the painful burning.

He gives me some tea, made with actual leaves and some sort of sweet smelling bread with apple jam on. "Now, we have a lot to discuss because you obviously don't know what's going on."

I lean forward and nod. He stretches out his feet, getting comfortable. I guess this is going to take a while.

"Once upon a time, far above the heavens that we know today, two opposing kingdoms battled. There was a valkyrie queen named Denali and a dark vampire demon prince named Ares. They were next inine to become king and queen. They were kept from seeing each other by their parents, because of a prophecy. "

Somehow I can see everything play out in front of me as if I was there. I wonder if there might be something in the tea.

"The valkyries almost succeeded in winning, but queen Denali wanted to fight in front of the warriors. Ares's father didn't realize she was there and sent Ares to do the same. All it took was for their eyes to meet and they stopped fighting. All of the fighting was put on hold for the time being. They both begged their parents to let them be together but Ares's father refused. Denali asked her mother why he refused and she told Denali that he didn't want the prophecy fulfilled. Denali's great grandmother had told them it was of a queen with fiery red hair and a prince of complete darkness, both of which they were not. If they stayed together two souls would be born. "

" One a valkyrie of great talent and the purest of hearts.The other, a hybrid with darkness and light fighting for a place in her soul. She was destined to defeat the Supreme Court with her love by her side. It is said the two will combine their souls and nothing can defeat them then. But, to succeed in all of this, the hybrid child's brother would have to sacrifice his life and die by the hand of her lover, only then will everything fall into place. "

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