
Chapter 34

"Alright, my big friend. Are you now ready to see the outside world again?"

"I...I think so."

"Oh, come on. At least be energetic! Be more powerful while saying yes! Do you want my twin Furby to beat you when it comes to enthusiasm?"


"Just look at them! They are more excited to see the outside world than you."

Goliah looks at the two kittens standing on Janus's both shoulders. The kitten on the left shoulder has black and white fur while the kitten on the right shoulder has orange and white fur. When the kittens heard their names, they both meowed before rubbing their small heads on Janus's neck. If Goliah did not know the truth, he will think those kittens are adorable and helpless inside this dungeon.

The more he knows a lot of things about Janus, the more Goliah doubt if he is still in a good mental state or the dungeon finally made him go crazy and the things he experienced for the past hours were just fragments of his hallucination. His newfound friend proved to him many times that he can do impossible things which are not normal for an ordinary human like him. Goliah knows there are still things that cannot be easily understood by ordinary humans like him. But in Janus's case, Goliah thinks he represents the word 'impossible' himself.

"So, are you ready?" Janus asked again.

Goliah took a deep breath and let out a loud exhale.


"I can't hear you, Goliah! Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Goliah yelled before slapping his cheeks to wake himself up.

Since Janus promised that he knows what he is doing, then Goliah will trust him. It is also obvious that he does not need to worry about him knowing how powerful he is. For now, he should focus more on his goal to get out of this dark dungeon and meet his family again.

Seeing that Goliah is now back to his usual self, Janus turned around to face the wall behind him. According to the three-dimensional blueprints that his system had shown to him earlier, behind this wall is a dark forest filled with hungry wolves. Those wolves are the second reason why he wants to bring his huge pet with him. His first reason is to let Furby stay beside him since he finally discovered the joy of being a pet owner.

He's still a nameless system made fun of him. It said Janus is thinking a bunch of stupid things. Although Janus also admits that the things inside his head are mostly embarrassing and useless, he still has a small pride to protect.

So Janus told the system that it was just being mean to him and did not even consider his feelings. His system can only go quiet after that. Maybe it does not want to deal with his stupidity or it is already done with his not so brilliant ideas. Or maybe both.

"Alright. Here I go."

Janus put the two kittens down on the ground first before he starts rolling his shoulders. He also does stretching for his arms and legs. Janus is actually planning to break that wall using his bare fists. He was inspired to remake those action movies he had watched before when the male protagonists of those movies will dramatically break those brick walls and their silhouette will become visible from a cloud of dust.

He thinks those cool scenes are quite amusing and has their own charm. It is like a scene where you will think the protagonist had transformed into their final fighting mode and they are now ready to beat the shit out of their enemies. That must be the reason why every action movie showing in the cinema houses has that kind of scenario or similar to that. It triggers the excitement of the viewers especially if the male protagonist almost surrenders his fight with the enemies.

Janus readies himself although he does not really need to do that. They know that he can easily destroy that wall without any problem. But Janus wants to make it more dramatic and he is determined to imitate the movies he had seen before. Cracking his knuckles, Janus was about to punch the wall when Goliah stopped him by holding his arm.

"Wait! Janus, is it dangerous to punch the wall just like that?" Goliah asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"The whole place will not crumble to pieces if you do it like that? Right? I mean, you are very strong and powerful!"

"Well, I think you have a point." Janus said while nodding his head. "I never asked my system about it since I am more focused on finding us an alternative exit."

"What system?" Goliahconfusedlyy asked.

"Oh, it's nothing." Janus dismissed it. "Anyways. I don't think this whole place will crumble into pieces if I punch it lightly like this—"

While speaking, Janus balled his fist and 'lightly' punched the wall to demonstrate what he was trying to say when they both heard a loud cracking sound. Looking at the wall, they saw several huge cracks on the wall's surface at the same spot where Janus's fist landed a while ago. The crack slowly became larger until the bricks slowly fell on the ground and a huge hole was created in it. As expected, there were clouds of dust around them but Janus failed to recreate his own version of punching the walls in a cool and impressive way.



"...I know. That is the lamest thing I've done since I opened my eyes earlier."


"Still, welcome back to the outside world, Goliah."

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