In a world ravaged by demonic forces, Shinji, a young warrior marked by destiny, discovers his latent powers after a brutal defeat at the hands of Amon, the Tenth Demon Lord. Saved by the mystical Sanctum of Eclipse, a realm where time bends and ancient powers flourish, Shinji undergoes a transformation that grants him unprecedented abilities in light and shadow manipulation. Emerging with new allies—Jeff, the rugged Vag Slayer with the ability to absorb demonic powers; Princess Aria, a noble warrior with a strategic mind; and Luna, a mysterious and powerful fighter with deep connections across the cities—Shinji sets out to prevent the resurgence of demonic forces aiming to fill the power vacuum left by Amon's defeat. As the newly formed team strategizes to dismantle the demons’ networks, they are unknowingly monitored by Visceron, a cunning new adversary with dark intentions. Visceron's intrigue with Shinji's potential leads to the deployment of sinister traps and a deeper conspiracy that threatens to engulf the entire realm. When a village under threat pulls Shinji and his companions into a direct confrontation, they must navigate Visceron's deadly gambits while rallying the oppressed citizens to their cause. With every encounter, Shinji and his allies grow stronger, their bonds tightening into an unbreakable force. Yet, the shadows of their past and the looming threat of Visceron's master plan test their resolve, pushing them to their limits. "Vagrants" is a tale of resilience and camaraderie, exploring the depths of darkness and the power of light. As Shinji steps closer to his destiny, he and his companions must decide how much they are willing to sacrifice to protect their world from descending into perpetual chaos.