
Vaan Arundel

What would someone do if they are born in a prestigious swordsmanship family with little to no talent compared to their peers? Well, that's the life that Vaan has to live. Follow him in his journey to find his footing in the world as he navigates through his life, starting with highschool.

Sunamor_Idre · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 23 - Trouble at the Village (3)

"How many?" Elder Fa asked a young man before her with a serious and grim expression. "A horde of them, Elder. It's coming from the North Beach," the young man replied. "There again?" Elder Fa furrowed her eyebrows. "Let the villagers evacuate first. How about the defenses? Are they ready?" Elder Fa inquired. "They are, Elder. The men are ready to defend their hometown," the young man resolutely replied. "Good," Elder Fa nodded. "Sent somebody and notify—" Before Elder Fa managed to finish her sentence, we arrived at the center of the village. "Ah, perfect timing. I was about to send someone to fetch for you all," Elder Fa said with a smile. "Hmm? That red-headed woman isn't joining you?" Elder Fa asked. "What seemed to be the problem, Elder Fa?" Renata ignored Elder Fa's question and replied with a question of her own.

Elder Fa smiled and proceeded to inform Renata about the horde of monsters heading toward the village. "Armadillon, huh?" Renata rubbed her chin while tilting her head slightly to the left. "It matched with the reports," Renata mumbled. "It's coming from the North Beach, I presume?" Renata asked. "Yes, they are," Elder Fa nodded. "Hooh, interesting," Renata's lips slightly curled up. "Class 1-A! Listen!" Renata shouted. "Today, we will defend Darug Village with our lives. Do not let any single Armadillon inside! Block them with your body if needed," Renata barked.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Good," Renata nodded with a smile. Then, she turned to look at Elder Fa, "It's coming from the North Beach, you said?" Renata asked. "Yes," Elder Fa nodded. "Class 1-A. With me!" After that, Renata swiftly moved toward the northern entrance of the village. We tried following Renata as best as we could, but no matter what, we could not catch up. "So this is the Sword Maiden," Rie mumbled. Then she looked at me with a frown, "Your sister is amazing," Rie praised. My whole body shook, and I let out a sigh, "Yeah. Yeah, she's amazing," I softly said. I continued running with my classmate, but what I did not notice was a certain brunette was looking at me with eyes full of concern.


"What's the situation?" Renata arrived at the northern entrance and asked one of the village militia. "The Armadillon horde could come at any second now. The men here are ready to fight for their homes. Although some of the younger men seem reluctant to do so," the village militia, who was a middle-aged man, replied. "It's natural. They are afraid to die. They're still young, after all," Renata commented. "You look young yourself," the middle-aged village militia chuckled. "Don't worry about the morale. I'll do something about it," Renata said. "So, you're one of the students? From the military academy?" the middle-aged village militia asked. "Me? I'm not," Renata shook her head. "They'll be coming in a minute," Renata added. The middle-aged village militia looked dumbfoundedly at Renata, "Then who are you, young lady?" Renata grinned, "Just a concerned citizen willing to help."

After a while, I, along with my classmates, finally arrived at the northern entrance. I saw the villagers had set up barricades around their village with wooden stakes, and many of them wore leather armor and wielded a long, makeshift spear. I saw Renata standing with her arms crossed. Beside her stood a bald, middle-aged man holding a spear in his right hand. "You guys are late. Five points deduction," Renata said. "Huh?" I frowned. "Points? What points?" Wortel stood, confused. "Class 1-A, listen up!" Renata barked. "Your mission today is to assist in protecting Darug Village with these brave men who are willing to die to protect their home. Unlike these men, you guys are chosen, skilled in combat. I expect better performance from you guys. Look at them," Renata pointed at the village militia, "They are shaking in their boots. They are afraid of confrontation. As the elite of the elite, what do you think we should do? That's right. Show these village bumpkins how real warrior fight!" Renata risen her sword.
