
Chapter 1 - Swallow Takes Flight (1)

"And in doing so, the Great Britania liberated the people of Australis and gave them freedom. Because of that, our great country, Terra Australis, was born from the ashes of the old Australis, which were barbaric and uncultured", I mumbled. I close the book before looking at the scenery outside. "Hohoho, are you done reading?" an old man that was sitting beside me asked with a gentle smile. "Yes, I am," I nodded in reply.

"Isn't it great?"

"What is it?"

"Our country. Children can play outside without worry, and we would not starve if we worked hard enough," said the old man with a slightly raised head. "You lived before Terra Australis, sir?" I inquired. "I did. Back then, every day was hell. I remember that just to eat a piece of bread, I had to work really hard to the point where my body would not listen to me," the old man replied. "But now, I am glad that the Great Britania took over. People could live happily and pursue their own happiness," the old man said with a gentle, genuine smile. "Don't you think so, too, young man?" the old man asked, staring at me intensely. "Uh, sure, I guess," I scratched my cheek. "Good," the old man smiled.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

"Attention to all passengers. We have arrived at Eora. Once again, we have arrived at Eora. Please deboard the train safely and make sure any of your belongings are with you when you deboard. Thank you."

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

Choo choo

"Oh, looks like we have arrived at Eora," the old man said. As the old man rose to his feet, I noticed he was slightly wobbly. "There you go, sir," I held his arm before flashing a smile. "Thank you," the old man nodded with a smile on his own. Seeing how fragile the old man was, I frowned, "Are you traveling alone, sir?" The old man nodded, "I did. I'm just going back from visiting a relative in Darug Village."

"Oh. Then, may I carry your luggage, sir? It looks heavy," I offered. The old man gently smiled at me. The old man shook his head, "No need. I may be old, but I'm not disabled." After saying that, the old man straightened up his posture as vigor returned to his body. He puffed up his chest before picking up his brown suitcase easily. I sighed, "Then, can I at least accompany you until you are safe at home?" The old man stared at me blankly before a wide, gentle smile appeared on his face, "You are quite kind, young man. Sure, accompany me to my house," the old man said. "Haha, you praise me too much," I scratched the back of my head. I picked up my own luggage from the container up top. "Let's see, my bag and my sword are still intact," I mumbled softly.

The old man squinted his eyes when he saw my sword. "Are you enrolling in Charles Military Academy, young man?" I awkwardly laughed, "You can tell, huh? That's right, I am." The old man's eyes brightened up, "Good, good. It's good to see a young man like you be patriotic." After that, I accompanied the old man while chatting along the way. "Ah, this is my house," the old man said as we stopped before a relatively large building. "Welcome home, master," the door to the building opened up, revealing a row of maids and butlers inside. "Do you want to come in, young man?" the old man asked. "Thank you for the offer, but unfortunately, I have to decline," I politely said. The old man looked a bit dejected, "No? That's too bad. Good luck on your endeavor, young man," the old man said.

"Thank you, sir," I bowed slightly. Then, I watched the door close as the old man went inside his house. "Haah, better go find the academy dorm," I muttered. Raising my head up, I found myself right in front of the city center. "Let's see," I opened the map of Eora City, "Presumably, right now, I am in the residential district right on the west side of the city. The academy dorms should be located northeast of the city. To get there, I can either go through the Governmental District or the Entertainment District. Hmm—" I pondered. "The Entertainment District seems the shorter route. Okay, through the Entertainment District, it is, then." Finally deciding where I would like to go, I proceeded toward the Entertainment District.

Along the way, I saw people bustling in the middle of the city, either rushing up to work or walking calmly. Newly released vehicles called cars were driven by the people on the big road in the city. In the center of the Entertainment District, I saw the signature statue of Eora City. A giant boat statue, supported by a sculpture of waves, stood majestically right at the heart of the city. "Whoa, that is massive. The brochure is not kidding," I exclaimed. Four large roads were coming out of the Entertainment District. Two small roads were also coming out towards the northwest and the city's southwest. "I'm guessing those two small roads lead to the Governmental District and the Market District," I said as I unfolded the map, "So, from here, I need to head up north, right?"

"It should be that road beside that large building, right? Urgh, reading maps made me a bit dizzy," I groaned. Proceeding to walk north, I passed by the large building that turned out to be a massive shopping mall. The road towards the academy was slightly slanted upwards, making walking a little bit of a chore. "I decided. When I settled down, I am so getting a bike or something," I grunted.


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