
An Ugly Offender

While resting, Lady Death calls out to me, "Vaal Hazak, there is another that defies me."

I raise my head and listen intently, "An agent of mine, a grim reaper, has reported to me. There is a certain world of magic that has had some people defy death. My reaper always wins in the end, but they don't stop trying to defy me. They need a hard reminder. They need a deterrent. I want you to help with this by going to that world, and bring death to the most recent offender; in an impactful way."

I ask, "Who is this offender?"

Lady Death rolls her eyes and scowls, "He calls himself Lord Voldemort. A ridiculous name. What's even funnier is that he made people fear it. His actual name is Tom Riddle. Find him, kill him, make a statement. No destroying the world though."

I say, "Very well, but what would be my reward? Last time, it was fine as all the death I wrought was a reward in itself. This is much much less death though."

Lady Death smiles, "Good point. As your reward then, I'll give you a world to have under your authority. I'll make it a world with a lot of death too. The death energy from that world will go to you of course."

I do a messed up smile, "Then it shall be done."

By now, I've grown powerful enough to plane walk by myself. I already knew the location. So all I had to do was think about the world, and I was there. Wizarding world multiverse prime world is where I am now. Not to be confused with the source world, which is in its own part of the omniverse. Source worlds are always to remain, unmodified.

Now, the target is in the British wizarding community. From the current timeline, he should be assailing Hogwarts right now. He also should've also just killed Harry Potter.

I spread my wings of rot and take off to Britain. By the time I got to the British community, it was almost sunrise. I'll arrive in good timing. By the time I arrived in view of Hogwarts, Voldemort was already monologuing in the main courtyard. I let out a simple roar to announce my arrival, and then perch on a tower.

Voldemort yells out, "You dare interrupt my glory creature!"

I speak out in a deep dead tone, "You dare defy death human?"

Everyone is taken aback that I spoke and by my voice. I continue to speak, "Death herself is pissed off at you human. She has sent me to make an example out of you. No one cheats and doesn't suffer. I will kill you, and all that stand in the way of your judgement."

To make more of impact, I take my humanoid form for the first time. I stand a full 2 meters in height. My armor covered body intimidating everyone.

I then start stepping toward Voldemort. The sound of my steps brings focus back to Voldemort and he immediately attacks, "Avada Kedavra!"

The green light travels and hits me, but does nothing. I don't even stop or dawdle my steps. Voldemort starts to smell of fear, perfect.

He tries to apparat away, but his spell fails. I wasn't just strengthening myself solely. I was also understanding what I was feeding on, I was understanding the concept of death. One thing I understood, was that death is inescapable. I turned that reality into my own power. Using spells and similar means to escape me, is no longer possible. A person can still run though away though. It is a fickle thing.

In desperation, Voldemort casts Fiendfyre at me at his full strength. I put my hand in front of me the block it. The fire dies as it comes into contact with me. I get close enough to Voldemort to chest pump him and look down. I then grab his head and body. I open my bone mouth and eat away at his life, sucking it into myself. His flesh starts to be stripped away, down to the bone. The snake Nagini, flies over and suffers the same fate. No part of him will escape me.

I eat him and the snake. The flesh is done being stripped away, now the bones are turned into dust as they too are sucked into my mouth. Finally, the deed is done.

I take a look around, and all are scared. Some had shit themselves. I then declare, "I was also charged to make an example here. So that those who get the idea in their heads to defy death, will decide against it. Therefore, every dark wizard here will die."

I shifted back into my dragon form, and breathed out Effluvium towards the group of dark wizards. As apparition was impossible. they all tried to run as fast as possible and put up shields. The Effluvium still killed them all the same.

I then turn to the group of defending wizards, "I am The Vaal Hazak, Companion of Death. Remember this, and never forget. For if I must visit your world again, Death will be the truth and time will collapse."

I then look at Harry Potter, "You have cheated death Harry Potter. You are lucky that doing so aided me, however minutely. Therefore, when your time to die comes, don't resist. You won't be spared a second time. For there are fates after death, unknown and horrible."

After my final word, I plane walk back to the realm of Death. I walk up to Lady Death, "It is done Lady Death."

Lady death is sitting with crossed legs upon her throne, with her bone mask off. She smiles fully, "I know, you did well. You weren't too much, but you weren't too little. I'm pleased that you're so good at being tactful. Ready for your reward?"

I nod eagerly. A universe with plenty of death all to myself is a great long-lasting meal.

Lady Death tells me my reward, "Your universe will be..."


I'm thinking of making Vaal Hazak's "home" universe, if you could call it that, either WH40k, A DC/Marvel hybrid, HS DxD, Walking Dead, Resident Evil, Dune, World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls,

Vote here:


DC/Marvel hybrid


Walking Dead

Resident Evil


World of Warcraft

Elder Scrolls


Star Trek

Other Idea comment here(Worlds with a lot of Death lore wise only)

Thanks for reading.

GoldDragonMachinacreators' thoughts
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