
Chapter 16 Part 1

"Gaara. If you don't step out of this office, and enjoy the celebration like everyone else. I'll prank you so hard that your great grandson will feel it." Naruto said, his voice dead serious as he regarded his brother in arms grimly.

Gaara glared at his brother in all but blood, and he stubbornly crossed his arms. "I can't Naruto. I was absent from my position as Kazekage for two days. I must immediately begin my usual work ehtic if I hope to even minimize my work load." The red haired Kazekage said.

Naruto narrowed his eyes lightly "Gaara." He growled "Stop being so stubborn, and just go enjoy the festival with everyone else!" He shouted, banging his hand on Gaara's desk.

"And I told you, I'm busy." Gaara calmly chot back, slowly standing from his chair.

"You can't stay cooped up in here forever Gaara."

"Why not, I don't sleep in the first place."

"Even if you don't sleep, you still need to take a break. Stress is bad for your health Gaara." Naruto shot back, an almost smug grin on his features. However, that grin was turned into a frown when Gaara sat back down in his chair. "Gaara... If you don't get your ass out of that chair.. I'll drag you outside." The blonde stated.

Gaara rose an non-existent eyebrow, and he crossed both his hands, and legs. Sending the blonde before him a challenging stare. Naruto twitched, and he suddenly lunged at the redhead. "Get out of that chair dammit!" The blonde shouted, beginning a wrestle match with Gaara.

Across the room, both Yui, and Shiroi (Whom were sitting comfortably in the couch) gave deadpanned stares as they stared at the wrestling duo.

"They completely forgot we were here." Shiroi said, her eye twitching slightly.

"Yeah, I agree." Yui conceded, her eye twitching as well. "I know its selfish of me... But whenever I was with Gaara, he had his attention solely focused on me, and his work... but now... His attention is trained only on your fiance at the moment." The succubus said, her wings flexing slightly in irritation, and jealously.

"I concur. When Naruto-kun was with me he never took his eyes off me... Even when Jiraiya was teaching him some techniques, I noticed how his eyes would glance at me from time to time... And when he was on a mission he would sometimes send a messenger toad to hand me some letters of his... But now. His attention is just focused on your boyfriend." Shiroi said, her voice holding a twinge of jealously as her twitch became more frequent.

Both of them became even more angry when they noticed the two boys still wrestling, and they felt even more jealous. They were not used to having to share their respective men's attention. As a matter of fact, if they could, they would lock they're selves, and their man in a room. Where all of their man's attention would remain solely on them.

They were possessive like that... Though Yui conceded that shiroi was a tad bit more possessive than her. After all... She did steal a lot of Shiroi's things when they were kids. And that, as a result made Shiroi a lot more possessive than most people.

Their eyes twitched as both Naruto, and Gaara continued to wrestle, and eventually, they decided enough... Was enough.

"ENOUGH!" They both shouted.

Both Naruto, and Gaara froze in place. Gaara currently had his right leg lodged right into Naruto's face, while at the same time his right hand was grabbing the blonde by his robes, and his left hand grabbing a chuck of the blonde's hair. While Naruto had both of his hands grabbing Gaara's cheeks, and stretched them out, while his right leg was tightly wrapped around Gaara's right leg.

Both males looked at their respective girlfriend (And fiance) in confusion, and they wondered what they wanted.

"Both you stand up!" Yui shouted.

Gaara, and Naruto scrambled to do as she said, and they notably stood straighter, like soldiers who were being assigned a mission.

Yui marched over to Gaara, and she grabbed his ear tightly, making Gaara, give a small yelp. "You are going to enjoy the celebration with me! Is that clear!?" She asked/shouted. wordlessly Gaara nodded, as Shiroi marched over to Naruto, and she, like Yui, grabbed the blonde by the ear.

"And you are going to take me to the festival as well! Understood?" She lowly growled.

Fearfully, Naruto nodded. Hey, he may have been powerful enough to take on S-ranked Shinobi... But he was no fool. He knew women somehow gain godlike strength whenever they were pissed.

"Good." Both Yui, and Shiroi said in unison, before they began to drag the two to the door leading outside.

Both Naruto, and Gaara sighed quietly. "Shikamaru was right... Women are troublesome." Naruto muttered next to Gaara.

Wordlessly, Gaara nodded. "I concur." He responded.

Both Shiroi, and Yui suddenly stopped, and they gave the duo a sickeningly sweet smile, while aura's of death swirled around them. "Did you say something boys?" The two of them said in unison, their eyes flashing menacingly.

"No honey!" Both Gaara, and Naruto exclaimed in panic.

"That what we thought." Both girls said in unison once more, before they dragged their boyfriend (Or fiance in Naruto's case) out the door. Both boys could only give each other looks of sympathy, before they both gave each other a solemn nod... It was the nod, of someone... Who has accepted their fate.

When Gaara began to partake in the celebration, he quite honestly did not expect to enjoy himself in the festival. Considering how socially awkward he was. After all, ever since he was born he was looked upon with fear and a bit of hatred. People feared him. They never saw a lonely boy who was desperate for a friend. All they saw was the Bijuu known as Ichibi the Shukaku.

They feared the monster within him, and as such he became the monster they feared when his uncle tried to kill him. And for a long time, he killed without even a hint of remorse. In fact, he might say that he even enjoyed their deaths for a time...

... But than Gaara had met Naruto. At first the blonde had seemed like a person he would despise. A cheerful, happy person who had the perfect life. But that was not the case, and Gaara realized that he and the blonde were one and the same. So the blonde confused him immensely. Just how could someone who was just like him... Still smile so cheerfully?

It was during that fight, when Naruto said that he fought for those precious to him, did Gaara realize... That the reason why the blonde was able to smile so sincerely was because he had people to acknowledge him. And that is what the difference between them was.

Gaara wanted to have the same strength as Naruto did. But he didn't know how to achieve that outcome. He didn't know how to create bonds, it was always so confusing to him. But he began to develop a true bond with his older siblings. And he felt extremely happy that he was becoming closer, and closer to his siblings.

And soon, he wasn't as socially awkward with his siblings. However, with other people is a different story. He knew how to deal with politics like the back of his hand. But, with normal people? He honestly had no idea how to interact with them. So he would usually remain silent, unless spoken to. (That served to unnerve a good amount of Suna citizens)

However, when he met Yui, he began to interact with other Shinobi of Suna. (Because Yui forced him to, because in her words "Not interacting with anybody in not healthy baka!") And his future interactions with others began to get easier, and easier with each coming day.

So with Gaara's improvement with his social interactions, it shouldn't surprise you that he, and Naruto were having a rather... Interesting conversation while they were playing a couple games.

"I keep telling you Gaara, ramen is the way to go, it is the food of the gods!" Naruto said, idly throwing another blunted Kunai at his target. The duo were playing those kind of festival games where you'd throw a blunted Kunai, and if you hit the target, than that object is yours. This game was very popular omong children who wanted to become Shinobi. The blonde scored a perfect hit on a bat plushy.

The owner of the stand gave Naruto a small compliment, and he offered the plushy to the blonde. The blonde wordlessly took the plushy, and he looked back to Gaara, knowing the red haired Kazekage was not going to leave their conversation unfinished.

"And I say that Onigiri is the best delicacy there is. Naruto" Gaara said, giving his fellow Jinchuuriki a blank look.

Naruto shook his head, and he looked at Gaara like the redhead had committed a grave sin. "Obviously, you have not tasted the glorious dish that is ramen. We will need to rectify that. With haste!" The blonde shouted. Before his eyes began frantically looking for a shop that sold ramen.

After several minutes of fruitless searching, the blonde looked down with a depressed cloud over his head. "There's not a ramen shop anywhere." He muttered, crying anime tears at the thought of not having ramen.

Yui, who was quietly watching the interaction between Gaara, and Naruto, sweat-dropped when she saw the scene before her. "Is your fiance... Always like this?..." She asked, giving Shiroi a sidelong glance as the two of them enjoyed some ice cream.

Shiroi looked at the scene before her, and she released a small giggle. "Naruto has always been eccentric when it came to ramen." She responded, a fond, and loving look on her face.

"You really love him don't you?" Yui said, a smile on her face. "Maybe one day... Me and Gaara can have a double date with you and Naruto?" She asked, a bit hopefully. doubles dates was a perfect excuse to get other futures couples close. It would almost be like their own little family. She liked the thought of that... Plus it would let her gain some insight on her sister, since, well they haven't seen each other in a long time.

Shiroi smiled "Yes.. I would like that." She responded, giving a lick to her ice cream.

Yui smiled, before she suddenly realized things were to quiet. A feeling of dread overcame her as she realized what was wrong. "Shiroi... Where's Chachazero?"

Shiroi raised a single eyebrow "Chachazero is..." She stopped as she suddenly realized she didn't know where Chachazero was. "Where the fuck IS Chachazero?" She mused, a thoughtful frown on her face.

"You mean you don't know where she is!?" Yui shouted, a terrified expression on her face.

Shiroi, once again, rose a delicate eyebrow. "What's wrong with me not knowing where Chachazero is?"

Yui looked at her as if she said something stupid "Shiroi... Chachazero... Is an insane little doll, that loves sharp things... And blood... so tell me again, why having Chachazero alone somewhere in the village... Is NOT a bad thing?" Yui shouted, her wings frantically flapping as her eyes glowed a bright yellow.

Shiroi blinked "Yes I see your point." She conceded "But how am I suppose to know where Cha-chan is?"

Yui opened her mouth, but shut it a second later when a terrified scream broke into the clearing. Everyone in the area turned their heads to the direction of the scream. Only to see a Suna Chunin frantically running down the streets with a giggling doll chasing him.

"OH SWEET KAMI-SAMA PLEASE SAVE ME!" The Chunin yelled, tears streaming down his face. The Chunin glanced behind him, and he screamed when he saw Chachazero's arm shift into a perfect replica of Altair.

"Wait! I just want to see a tiny amount of blood!" Chachazero pleaded, an innocent expression on her gace, as she gave the Chunin a cute smile. Though the blood-lust in her eyes completely nullified the cuteness of the situation.

The Chunin screamed like a little girl when Chachazero suddenly had an increase in speed. "OH PLEASE! KAMI-SAMA! I PROMISE TO BE A GOOD BOY FROM NOW ON!" The Chunin screamed out in fear, before he took to the rooftops.

Chachazero giggled madly "Yay! A race on the rooftops! Whoever wins gets to cut off the other person limbs, okay~" The doll excitedly yelled, before she flew up to the rooftops above her.

The villagers looked upon the scene with shock and disbelief, while Yui merely had her mouth opened agape. Gaara had a blank look on his face, but his twitching eye said it all, the others needed to know.

Naruto merely looked upon the scene with a black expression along with Gaara, however inwardly he sighed in slight relief. 'Better him than me.' He thought.

Shiroi only spared a deadpanned expression on her face, before her lips twitched upwards.

"Shouldn't we do something about that...?" Yui said, her voice taking on a questioning tone.

Shiroi hummed for a few minutes "Hmm... Nah." She shrugged, idly licking her ice cream.


"Don't worry, Cha-chan is just having some fun. She won't go to far... I hope." Shiroi interrupted, however, she said that last part in a low whisper.

The group of two Jinchuuriki and their respective ladies enjoyed the festival for several more hours, playing various games, and food stands. The blonde Jinchuuriki of Konoha won his fiance various prizes, and gifts. Most of them bat related things, such as bat themed earrings, a bat themed ring, and bat themed gloves. Shiroi loved the gifts, and she promised to wear them from now on. She had given the blonde a nice wet kiss to his whiskered cheek, making the blonde's eyes light up with love for the girl.

Yui seemed amused at the duo, honestly, she noted that they very much barely argued, (Something that most relationships never had) and if they did argue it would mostly be for fun. she knew they had a large amount of love for each other, and she bore witness to that various times during the festival. Like when the blonde got her a gift, she would respond by giving the blonde a kiss to the cheek, or she would just straight out kiss the blonde full on the lips.

The black haired succubus was happy that her sister had gotten her dream man, much like how she had gotten hers. True Gaara was very detached most of the time, but Yui knew Gaara cared for her. And though had made tremendous improvement in social conversations, he was still a bit shy when it came to other people. But that didn't matter to Yui.

She loved Gaara with all her heart, Gaara was caring, and kind, and compassionate. Most people just couldn't see it behind his unemotional mask.

"Okay, Naruto-kun. I think its high time I buy something for you." Shiroi said, her eyes lighting up at the prospect of buying something for her love. Her white hair being tied into a high ponytail. She had decided to tie her hair into a ponytail for the remainder of the night.

"That so Shiroi-chan?" Naruto asked, a curious expression on his face. "What will you buy, if I may be so bold to ask." He added as an after thought.

"You said that during your fight with that Deidara guy, that you lost your hair ribbon. I'll buy you a new one, now come on." Shiroi said, dragging the blonde with her. Most of the villagers were surprised at that, its not often you see such a small girl drag around a guy almost half her size.

"Look at them Gaara, don't you think they look like an excellent couple?" Yui whispered.

Gaara looked upon the bright expression on Naruto's face, and he gave a small smile. "I concur, they are the most excellent couple I've ever seen. Of course, they are only second best compared to us." Gaara lightly teased.

Yui pouted "Mou!~ I'm the one suppose to be doing the teasing!~" She whined, with a sly grin. "Maybe I'm influencing you much more than you thought." She added slyly.

Gaara gave a small smirk "Keep dreaming." He said, before he walked down the street, Yui following in step beside him.

"Lets see, where can we find you a ribbon? Preferably one that won't be so easily lost into the wind like you explained." Shiroi mused, her pink slitted eyes scanning across various stores, and stands. She hummed as her eyes continued to scan across the streets, looking for the perfect ribbon. One that would suit her fiance, one that would just be perfect for him. She would have nothing, but the best for her fiance.

Mediocre things of lower quality are not even worthy of being in her fiance's presence. In her opinion, Naruto deserved only the best of the best. Insignificant things (Such as a certain village she... Disliked... With a rare few people being safe from her wrath) were absolutely not allowed to touch her love. She grit her teeth in irritation as she didn't find anything that would look great on the blonde.

Seriously, she knows that since the village was in the desert, they wouldn't have that much high quality clothing... But... Did they have to be so damn cheap!? The white haired girl was about ready to start glaring holes into whatever being was near her, when her eyes caught sight of the most amazing thing she ever saw.

A beautiful, redish orange ribbon, with a single silver streak running through the middle. It's silk seemed to made from the most finest of all, and it's texture seemed soft, smooth, and strong. She could tell, from just a glance, that the ribbon was a lot stronger than it looked. Even as it blew in the wind, no wrinkles formed on the texture.

Her eyes lit up. She found it. The perfect gift for her fiance.

"Naruto-kun. This way." She said, taking her fiance by the hand, and leading them towards the ribbon.

The blonde Jinchuuriki allowed his fiance to lead him towards the stand, and the blonde curiously looked upon the various items currently in stock.

"Excuse me sir." Shiroi politely said, waiting for the owner of the stand to take notice of them.

"Yes?" The elderly man asked, placing down his book to stare at the couple. "How may I help you?" He asked with a warm smile on his elder face.

"That ribbon, how much is it?" The white haired girl asked, eyeing the ribbon.

The elderly man hummed for several moments, before he looked at the white haired girl. "Well, normally it would just be a hundred ryo. But, seeing given its origins, it would be at about three, to four thousand." He answered.

"Why so much?" Shiroi asked, beside her Naruto gave a small frown.

"Well, the story about this ribbon is quite the interesting one. This ribbon was found in that strange tomb in the desert." The old man said, sparking Naruto's attention.

"You see, the tomb that's in the desert is a strange one indeed. Everyone who's ever gone to that tomb has never returned unscathed. I myself went to try and explore that tomb with a few Shinobi. For my own safety, the Shinobi asked me to remain at the camp. I listened, and shortly after they left for the tomb. Several hours later they returned, only they were extremely exhausted. When I asked what was wrong, they told me, that the second they stepped foot in that tomb. It felt like their Chakra was leaving their bodies. So clearly, they were suffering from severe Chakra exhaustion." The elder explained.

Naruto went into deep thought as he mused on what he had heard. 'A tomb out in the desert eh? Kyuubi, what are the chances that its the tomb of Uzumaki Arashi?' The blonde asked.

"The chances are very high Naruto. Although, you can use Altair to guide you to the tombs location." The Kyuubi said.

'How can Altair help?' Naruto asked, looking at the blade curiously.

"When Arashi created Altair, he made sure to place quite a bit of his own Chakra into the blade. In a sense, if Arashi's lingering presence is anywhere in this world, than you can bet your ass that Altair is gonna sense it." The giant fox explained.

Naruto inwardly nodded, before he payed more attention to what was happening before him.

"There must be some other reason as to why it costs so much." Shiroi stated.

The elderly man chuckled "You have a sharp mind don't you? Yes there is another reason. You see, anyone whom I ever sold this to, has returned it the very next day." He explained.

"What you mean?" Naruto asked.

"They say that they feel as if they were getting weaker, and weaker with each time they kept that ribbon on their person. Some people say its cursed." The elder stated with a small frown.

Shiroi hummed,, and she was about to drag Naruto to another stand, when the blonde spoke.

"I'll take it." The blonde Jinchuuriki said.

Shiroi gave Naruto a look, but the blonde merely winked at her, while the elder raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure lad?" The stand owner asked.

Wordlessly the blonde nodded.

"Hmm, well... Since we are celebrating Kazekage-sama's return, I guess I can lower the price... But for such a lovely couple, I'll the price a little more. Two thousand ryo please."

Wordlessly, Shiroi handed the man the money, and in return, the ribbon was placed in her hand. The white haired girl gave the blonde a dazzling smile, though concern was clear in her eyes. "Naruto, turn around so I can tie it around your hair." She asked lightly.

The blonde wordlessly turned around, and sat down on a nearby bench. Shiroi gave the ribbon a glare "If you do anything to harm him... I'll destroy you." She whispered.

With her threat said, the white haired girl tied the ribbon around the blonde's hair. Putting it in a low ponytail fashion. "Your hair is still so soft, and beautiful." Shiroi whispered. her hot breathe tickling the blonde's skin.

The blonde shivered in slight arousal, and he gave her a smile. "Thank you, your hair is also very soft, and beautiful." He said.

Shiroi gave a seducing smirk "You flirt. I'll make sure to deal with that arousal of yours tonight." She stated, her nose picking up her fiance's arousal. "But for now, do you feel any different?" She asked, her pink slitted eyes looking intently at the blonde.

The blonde Jinchuuriki hummed for several moments, to be quite honest... He didn't feel a thing. Almost like this supposed cursed ribbon wouldn't harm him at all.

"That ribbon... Why do I get the feeling it's way to familiar?... But why can't I remember what it was used for? Yet... I also feel so calm now." Kyuubi silently uttered. Altair pulsed slightly.

"It's not doing anything at the moment. In fact, I feel just fine." The blonde Jinchuuriki said, not hearing the Kyuubi's words.

"That's good." Shiroi stated "Now come on, we got a festival to enjoy!" She added, a grin on her face as she clung onto the blonde's arm. Naruto chuckled as he allowed himself to be dragged around by his fiance.

The two enjoyed the festival for several more hours, playing various games, trying out different kinds of food, and sometimes participating in some ninja games with the children at the festival.

The duo ran ino Kakashi, who had two girls clinging on his arms. They greeted the grey haired Jonin, to which the Jonin eagerly responded to their appearance, before the two girls clinging on his arms began to drag him away for some 'fun' as they put. The two were sure that Kakashi had a large grin on his face. Not that they could see thanks to his mask.

The two also ran into Sakura who was participating in a strength contest. The air around seemed to build with tension when both she, and Shiroi gazed upon each other. And Naruto merely have Sakura a neutral, and polite greeting, before he took Shiroi to explore the festival some more. (Though Naruto made a mental note to speak about Sakura with Tsunade as quickly as he could.)

They ran into Temari, who was partaking in a contest to see who had the strongest wind manipulation. Shiroi suggested that Naruto join in since his main element was wind. The blonde agreed, seeing as he wanted to test himself against a fellow wind user. The blonde ultimately won the entire contest, though he gain a lot more experience with his wind nature, seeing their were others (Such as Temari) who gave him useful tips on take his wind nature to the next level. Which, admittedly they were all struggling to master as well.

Given his shadow clones, and his natural talent, the blonde knew he would master this in almost no time at all.

Next, the duo ran into Kankuro, (Who was cured of the poison inside him) who was tinkering around various puppet shops in the village, the blonde had immediately spoke with the make up wearing Jonin, and the couple listened as Kankuro lectured them about the poor conditions some of the puppets (in the shops he visited) were in. Puppets were considered a puppets masters greatest weapon.

If their puppets were in poor condition, and not very well cared for, than that puppet user was no master at ALL.

The duo sweat-dropped when Kankuro began speaking animatedly with another puppeteer, and they slowly left the make wearing Jonin with his fellow puppeteer.

After several minutes of mindless wandering, the two found Chachazero once again. Only she was playing catch with the same Chunin she was chasing... they were playing catch with a rather sharp Kunai... And the chunin was covered in scratches, with drops of blood leaking through those scratches.. The Chunin also had a terrified look on his face, as his eyes darted everywhere, as if looking for some sort of opening to make his escape.

The two decided to let Cha-chan have her fun, though Naruto made sure to slightly scold Chachazero, and to tell her not to kill the man.

The little doll nodded happily, before she resumed her 'game' only with more restraint. It didn't stop the doll from giggling madly though.

Now however, the blonde was currently laying down on his bed, while Shiroi straddled his waist, a grin on her face as she licked her lips. "I hope your ready Naruto-kun, because right now.. Your all mine." Shiroi whispered, licking the blonde's neck, and proceeding her way up.

"Shiroi-chan, how come your always on top?" The blonde lightly complained, placing several kisses on the white haired girl's neck.

Shiroi moaned lowly in his ear "I love to dominate Naruto-kun, you should know this." She said, biting the blonde's earlobe.

The blonde gasped slightly, but groaned as she bit it in the most pleasurable way possible. "I know you love to dominate, its why I always let you be on top, most of the time." He whispered, his hands finding their way into her shirt.

Shiroi shuddered in pleasure as Naruto managed to undo her bra, and began to massage her breasts. "Damn your skill hands." She gasped out. A smirk on her face.

Her mouth covered the blonde's, and the duo exchanged in a heated, and passion filled kisses. Small slurping noises heard as the duo exchanged saliva. Shiroi felt her instincts begin to take control once more, and the kiss became more wild, and animalistic. Her eyes gaining a feral gleam in them, as they french kissed heatedly.

Several minutes later, the two separated, panting slightly, while a trail of saliva connected their lips. Shiroi licked the trail of saliva, making it snap, and the girl began to suck on the blonde's neck. Naruto gasped, before he began massage her breasts more passionately, and he slowly began to lift her shirt.

The white haired vampire moaned as Naruto's hands massaged her breasts, and she gave the blonde a predatory smirk. "I want you so much right now." She whispered lovingly, her hands moving to the brim of his pants.

"What about foreplay?" The blonde asked huskily, his own hands moving to her pants.

"Fuck foreplay!" She hissed "I want you now!" With that said, the girl proceeded to undress the blonde.

"So impatient." Naruto said in amusement. "But I agree, foreplay can go to hell right now." With those words, the blonde flipped them over, so that he was on top. "But I get to be on top." He whispered. With that said, he helped the girl throw off their clothing, and their world was filled with intense pleasure, as the two made love. 

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